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Posts posted by shayhiri

  1. 28 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

    with this endorsement, I'm opening Dune Over Endgame and Pika Pika Combined Club! :stirthepot:


    No, it will fail like BR2049. Which failed only because of the director's approach.


    Actually, Dune will fail worse. Because Blade Runner at least had the cult status of the original to lure people in. Dune has nothing. And will be given nothing by this director - only taken from.


    Dune CAN be made into a lucrative movie - but only by someone like JJ Abrams. If it looks and feels like Star Wars. Instead they chose the worst director possible for this job. I am 100% certain this will bomb. It would have flopped even with a good director - but putting it in The Frenchie's tiny little grabby hands is like burying the movie in the ground BEFORE putting a mercy shot through its head.


    Once again, ANY other director (barring fellow midget Ruin Johnson), and I'd at least be happily awaiting to see the movie FIVE times - even while knowing it will 90% bomb. But now I don't even want to see it that much. BR2049 was a slog and a waste, while still miles better than all other miserable movies of the Frenchie.

    • Like 2
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    • Disbelief 1
    • Knock It Off 1
  2. 36 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:

    I dont know...


    This forum is a bit funny as some people who say this is a money grab or looks bad are the same people who go to the cinema each weekend and spend 10-15 bucks on the same generic comedy or action movie...





    Man, I hate those basic bastards!! Born in a rut, they never get out of it.


    Each movie that is even a little bit different than the disgusting status quo, should be applauded and supported! And Aladdin is quite different, for the setting alone!


    Do I make the Shay Creed clear?

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, Emerald kikyou said:

    This is sad. At least they should get her clothes right if not her race. It takes me out of the story. But I am still looking forward to it.


    Who cares?? And even you (as an Arab?) should not. This is a fantasy movie. Vaguely Middle-eastern is the best we'll get. Be thankful for that, because even such movies are one a decade.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, cax16 said:

    I’m glad you’re excited for this but I mean if my kids, my wife and I aren’t interested in this why would I go see it, or make them go?


    I hope you and whoever else is excited for this has a great time seeing it in theatres. Maybe I’ll catch this when it comes out on demand here.


    I am VERY excited, yes. And I don't watch movies at home, only in cinemas. I just saw Alita SEVEN times.


    And I will tell you why I am so excited: because last year, the abysmal 2018, had only like FIVE good big movies. And the big stink is that only Solo was a normal movie, the rest of the Top5 were all... superheroes. 😕 This has to stop, now.


    And 2019 is giving us the perfect chance: dozens of great big movies, and only a small fraction of them are superheroes. We've already had the Alita masterpiece, the next big one is Aladdin, and there will be more.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

    Not really. Middle Eastern desert settings aren’t all that rare in movies. 


    Hahaha, name 10 such movies then, recent and big, like Prince of Persia. (here, I gave you one)


    Because I can name 50! recent and big Superhero movies, and fucking THOUSANDS of recent and big movies set in the most boring place and time in the history of Earth: present US of A.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Viktor Vilotijevic said:

    In all honesty, this looks really bad. Acting looks horrible, and the overall feeling is - it looks cheap. Idk, this will probably pull 250-300 million in the US, and definitely 500+ million overseas, but it still doesn't mean it's a good film.


    LOL, as if anything else is good amongst the big movies. Fucking superheroes drowning everything. Aladdin at least is original and bold in its setting. Show your respect for that!


    PS: I'd much rather have a well made Bollywood movie (and Aladdin is SO much more than that!) than the same superhero circlej*rk, again, and again, and again.

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, DAJK said:

    Reception to the trailer seems really good overall. Gonna go back up and say this will do more than MPR domestic. 


    LOL @ the troll. Auntie Poppins flopped, rightfully, being a dreadful bore.


    Aladdin gonna make her domestic total in his OW. :) And her OS number is so pathetic we won't even mention it.

    • Like 1
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  8. 5 hours ago, MrFanaticGuy34 said:

    So this could have the chance to be Guy Ritchie’s highest grossing film if good things do go right with this one, right?


    Since his current two highest grossers are two of the Sherlock Holmes-movies (especially the sequel).


    So this has to be the most incompetent post in this whole thread.


    Someone, like, legitimately asking if Aladdin HAS A CHANCE of making more than 500m WW... :)

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Valonqar said:

    anecdotal evidence always ends up supporting the POV of whoever relates anecdotal evidence. if they root for the movie than they anecdotally always run into people who are supper excited. if they don't they anecdotally only run into people who have no interest. in short, it really doesn't help.


    Lol, exactly!

    I just called out cax16 on that. He was like: my kids are not interested in seeing Aladdin. I was like: really? so just take them, they'll thank you later. And he was like: noo, I have to see all superhero movies a couple of times each first. :)

    So, yeah, he who gives the money decides what the kids will or will not want to see, lol. Tough luck for them.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Charlie Jatinder said:

    Better than that special look but I am still not impressed. Actors are biggest turn off for me.


    I didn't like the visuals even.


    Lol, don't tell me it looks worse than Bollywood movies.


    I think it looks just the same as Bollywood (so you should like it?) - but only 10 times better... :)

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, cax16 said:

    Looks good , I’m sure all the Disney fans will like it, but my family hasn’t been feeling any of the new live actions movies recently. We didn’t see mpr, kids and wife have no interest in this or dumbo.


    Who's the man in the house? Put them in the car and take them to Aladdin, they'll be thankful later. :) (Good thing you missed MPR, Dumbo is for small kids too.)

  12. 9 hours ago, Lordmandeep said:

    DS went from a nobody to a well liked character due to IW.


    The fuck?? Doctor Strange is Top 3 material - and surely the most original movie in the whole cookie cutter MCU.


    AND he was more fun in his own movie than in the Avengers hodge-podge, but the latter is no ones fault.


    Very glad they are keeping him alive though. With all the old heroes dying, and most of the new recruits sucking, Strange seems to be the only MCU name left that can excite me.

  13. Hahaha, so soon!! :) Praise to Allah, the haters are so f*cked!


    29 minutes ago, Cappoedameron said:

    I feel like it's too little too late. First impressions are so important and that trailer really put a sour note for this movie.


    Haha, lol, no, it's not how it works. All that you had till now is whiny haters (like you?) giving this movie much needed free publicity and exposure.

    • Like 1
  14. 11 hours ago, lorddemaxus said:

    One thing I completely forgot. The fight scene where they try to do what the GOTG movies did (with the music playing as they fight) was actually terrible. It certainly felt like some random second unit directors trying to copy Gunn but failing horribly. None of it is artfully done and the music doesn't work with the action at all. If there was one thing I thought that was absolutely terrible about the movie, it was that fight scene (the other fight scenes aren't much better but the choice of music in this one was jarring).


    Absolutely what it really was. :) And you know what the funny thing is? Many people at this point (me at least) are so desperate for more good Marvel, that we'll take even that surrogate, as the BO shows.


    What the BO of the next solo Marvel movie will show, is it is NOT a good idea to serve people less than they have come to expect.

  15. Thanks, Tree.


    And another, much more recent and transparent example... Does ANYone at that point consider that all the MONSTROUS negative buzz hurt Captain Marvel One Little Bit?? LOL, look at its OW numbers. If the free online publicity by the countless, voluntarily working haters changed them at all - it only increased them. :)

  16. 16 minutes ago, JGAR4LIFE said:

    1. People barely know that it’s coming out


    2. Will Smith Genie was a social media embarrassment 


    Sorry, but this is really stupid, and I'll show you why, like 1+1=2.


    See 2. in your statement? It directly contradicts 1. The amount of ridicule the trailer genie was supposedly getting on the net is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONATE to the extent of this movie's online awareness.


    There. Is. No. Bad. Exposure.

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