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Posts posted by shayhiri

  1. Wow. You know who is responsible for this kind of monstrosity??


    You, guys. You, and any basic "90s kid" (those fucks are actually worse than the millennials, if you ask Uncle Shay), that mindlessly clings to any piece of shit they saw on TV as a dumb kid, or even worse - played as a game on their Satan-spawned consoles.


    How many God-damned movie adaptations are made each fucking year - with a single selling point in the producer's plan:


    1. There are idiots who will pay for this, because they saw it as a kid.


    Don't be those idiots, pls.

    • Like 2
    • ...wtf 1
  2. YES!!


    That's the spirit, people.


    I saw the Aladdin trailer first time on big screen (before the embarrassingly disappointing Shazam, whose only good scenes were all already shown in its trailers) - and I can tell you that the Aladdin trailer is all kinds of awesome and glorious, and I'm gonna see the Aladdin movie at least EIGHT times!


    And if I ever go to Shazam a second time, it will be just to get another look at the Aladdin trailer. :)

    • Like 1
  3. Guys, please, it is just your own lack of judgement.


    Dumbo looked like a COLOSSAL train-wreck from day one. I have been saying it constantly, this movie shouldn't have been made, and every cent it gets is one too much. NO ONE wanted this movie. Even the trailers looked very bad - and the actual movie is much worse (the concept - not the execution). I'm only sorry for my man Colin Farrell. Dude never got his luck with projects, even being Irish and all.


    Aladdin and Lion King though are a TOTALLY DIFFERENT beast. They literally have NOTHING in common with the Dumbo miscarriage.

    • Like 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

    I honestly don't get what Hellboy is selling.




    Then maybe, please, think a little bit! It has literally DOZENS of selling points, that either are missing in most other movies, and/or are exactly what you people here wish to be seeing in movies and always harp on liking.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Jonwo said:

    One thing that's in Joker's favour is that it's a $55m movie so it doesn't have to do huge numbers to be successful. 


    Just got penalized and threadbanned in the Joker thread for saying I really don't like what DC are doing with their budgets post-Aquaman.


    For some reason it was considered trolling. (Maybe because of your moronic Marvel/DC wars here that I've only heard of and never been a part of.) It is NOT trolling. I am genuinely disappointed and alarmed.


    Pocket-change budgets for superhero movies is NOT a good thing - and if anyone here thinks the opposite, (and is NOT a movie producer, who are the only ones that benefit from that), he is shooting himself in the foot.


    That is my opinion that I had voiced in the Birds of Prey thread. Now it seems things are worse than I thought, so I made the comment about the Joker. Won't be voicing my opinion again - unless another "big" superhero movie gets budgeted at 50 million.


    PS: No need to thread-ban me, I don't hate the movies at all - just their budget.

    • Like 3
  6. Dumbo - the movie that should never have been made. Everyone tried to do their best - with the shittiest story concept ever - and, expectedly, failed. Newsflash: elephants can't fly, no matter how much they want to. Next time do a 200m. movie about ice-skating crocodiles, same sh!t.


    Someone at Disney really need to have their heads checked. Hope this bombs really bad - which is not that hard with a 170m budget.

    • Like 2
    • ...wtf 1
  7. Did Jarmusch really need to stoop this low... 😕

    The Shay despises zombie movies* as much as Twilight vampire romances, so I am almost glad they will NEVER show such movie where I live. And I only watch movies in cinema.

    PS: I've had the chance to see in cinemas Dead Man, Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai, Broken Flowers and Only Lovers Left Alive - and for some reason I adored them all.

    * Only ones I've ever liked are Army of Darkness, 28 Days Later and World War Z. All other types of zombie movies are pure trash for me, maybe even Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland.

    • Like 1
  8. 42 minutes ago, cookie said:

    I'm pretty sure Jafar's whole deal is that he's supposed to be scheming and slimy. Jason Momoa would've been a terrible choice.


    Sorry. MY school of making stories (with many published bestsellers and money in the bank already) always had one rule:


    1. "Villain" should be better in all ways than the main character. People can't help but admire such villain, and feel torn. Villain should have a single flaw, if any - that brings his downfall. Other than that he should be the best character in the whole story. Not that the other heroes are weak - they are great themselves. But the antagonist should always be better.


    That is why most MARVEL stories (and countless others) SUCK - weak villains. And that is why Thanos looks like the big deal for the noobs in the audience - because every Marvel villain before him was a total joke. He is the first that could pass (barely) for a Shay villain.


    Free advise from the very well paid professional: if you make stories, always start with your villain. It should be HIS story first and foremost.


    So yeah, I could do wonders with a Jason Momoa looking Jafar. ;)

    • Like 1
  9. Jafar indeed looks nothing like the original. AND he looks pathetic and repulsive, LOL at the b!tches that salivated about #SexyJafar early on, wonder how they feel now. :) BUT, just maybe, that look is intentional? Maybe they want to show him visually like the miserable cowardly scheming slimy snake that he is? AND maybe it works in the movie?


    You can't have Jason Momoa play everyone. ;) Though, as you can imagine now that I gave you the idea - he would be a SMASHING Jafar.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, jedijake said:

    Here's to hoping that the BOP tracking goes up in the next few weeks. They seem to be focused on the previous teaser and their "pro's" are much lengthier than the "con's" for the film.


    Why on Earth would you care about the predictions?? On the contrary, it's better if they are as minimal AND wrong - as they were with Alita. :) So we can have a good laugh @ them afterwards.


    The TV spot is brilliant, hope we soon are drowned in footage from the movie. Aladdin looks glorious!

  11. On 3/30/2019 at 5:50 AM, shayhiri said:


    Oh, right? There's a BIG point you've missed though. Here's a handy, nifty Shay-chart, to show you da way:





    For small kids---YES--------NO---------NO--------YES


    My point was that the so called "competition" to Aladdin is either quite different from it, or quite dull - or both. This professional chart clearly shows that Aladdin is the movie that stands out from the crowd. Then why should it get the short end of the stick? :) Prepare for the inevitable Middle-Eastern BO dominance!!


    And to think some poor haterz here were claiming Dumbo was gonna make much more than Aladdin...

  12. 1 hour ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

    I think it has more to do with competition, as Pika/Ali/Pets2/TS4 are during an 8 week interval, all aiming at $300M DOM


    Oh, right? There's a BIG point you've missed though. Here's a handy, nifty Shay-chart, to show you da way:





    For small kids---YES--------NO---------NO--------YES

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