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Posts posted by shayhiri

  1. 26 minutes ago, expensiveho said:

    So it looks that you're arguing for the sake of it, which seems common around this movie for some reason (but SH movies come with a lot of unnecessary arguing, don't they?)


    No, I LITERALLY only ask and care about the qualities of the movie. I do not care one bit about any made up "controversies", designed by Disney to sell more tickets. YOU are the one that keeps trying to talk about that - while avoiding the objective questions - and then trying to accuse ME of unnecessary arguing, lol.


    So how good was the movie objectively? How did you like it? Is it good, average - or weak for a Marvel movie - weaker than the others, like Hulk, Cap 1, IM2 and Thor 1 are. Or even weaker than them, as many RT reviews and posts here are implying? I'm not even talking about reviews @ UNcensored places, like IMDB.

  2. 6 hours ago, expensiveho said:

    Funny that after all the crying and whining there's nothing preachy or on the nose about feminism in the movie.


    The only thing that I could think it might turn some men off is when she unleashes her powers and there's a "little girl standing up montage" ("I can do this all day" vibes) and that's a HUGE reach. It's a sweet "little girls will feel so good about this" moment, I can't really imagine what kind of person would get honestly upset about that.


    And why would you start imagining things like that at all?


    What made you think that normal men would have ANYthing against women? My problem is - and always has been - that a Marvel movie of Phase FOUR (effectively) is as bad or even much weaker than all Phase ONE movies. Objectively!! Even most reviews are admitting it.


    So how did you feel about THAT??

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, BK007 said:

    Anyway, it's not original to bash critics and complain how Americanized reviews are online, but I'm going to go there. How does this have such a poor rating when Marvel (and superhero) generic crap continues to score highly? I have always held that there is a bias towards certain types of films and this just further proves it. Sci-fi & fantasy are hard to get right, but I think Alita really delivers. Yet, we are meant to believe that Black Panther is revolutionary?


    To answer you bluntly: they are paid. Everyone is corrupted, just like in Iron City.


    Stupid also, and narrow-minded most of all - but there is definitely an underlying bias that just gets easier and easier to see, especially with the latest Disney-Marvel fiasco. The corporate mugs will stop at nothing to keep their cake, and paying dirty money for disinformation, "influencing" and censorship is the LEAST they would do - and are already doing it, on all possible levels.

    • Like 1
  4. 14 hours ago, Hunch said:

    This is now third fiddle in May after Avengers and Pikachu. Families won't be willing to shell out $100 for a night out for the kids (between tickets, popcorn, soda, gas) three times in a row.


    It's about to get Solo'd.


    Why are you breeding like rabbits?? Aladdin is not a stupid kids flick (like Pikachu, and Avengers 5 is in April). Alladin is for grown up people with taste, so if you are such - buckle up and go see it. No better movie in the whole month.

  5. 37 minutes ago, shayhiri said:

    I was sold since the beginning on this, being a big fan of the first movie, and a fucking HUGE fan of the second.


    Then I got sold even MORE when I saw the first trailer.


    NOW I am so sold I'm seeing this FOUR times at least, maybe five. The monsters alone are worth it. Fuck the childish Pokemon-Godzilla (that bombed the first time), this here is the real thing!!


    And this looks like the best thing in the genre since Hanzel and Gretel six years ago. (And boy was that good. Saw it 6 times.) How they did those Hellboy 3 visuals on a supposedly minuscule budget is beyond me! Also there's an Asian guy, Ian McShane and even Milla Jovovich. Not a big fan of hers, but she hasn't aged one bit!


    PS: AND I will bring my girlfriend with me!! She's a petite goth metal angel, so she should like this!! (Hope there's metal in the soundtrack!!)


    AND there's BABA YAGA!! - if y'all Marvel Zombies really want to know what she looks like originally. Saw her for a second in the later part of the trailer, she's probably gonna be an intro side quest, like the Bond ones.

    • Like 1
  6. I was sold since the beginning on this, being a big fan of the first movie, and a fucking HUGE fan of the second.


    Then I got sold even MORE when I saw the first trailer.


    NOW I am so sold I'm seeing this FOUR times at least, maybe five. The monsters alone are worth it. Fuck the childish Pokemon-Godzilla (that bombed the first time), this here is the real thing!!


    And this looks like the best thing in the genre since Hanzel and Gretel six years ago. (And boy was that good. Saw it 6 times.) How they did those Hellboy 3 visuals on a supposedly minuscule budget is beyond me! Also there's an Asian guy, Ian McShane and even Milla Jovovich. Not a big fan of hers, but she hasn't aged one bit!


    PS: AND I will bring my girlfriend with me!! She's a petite goth metal angel, so she should like this!! (Hope there's metal in the soundtrack!!)

    • Like 1
  7. Hah, I just saw it.


    Minor miracle, because they would never release such movie in an Eastern European country.


    So there was a single showing - like, ONLY on February 27th at 19:00 at Odeon Cinema!! - and NO subtitles (luckily the Shay needs none). And this only happened because the movie won some Oscar. And there were like ten people inside - and the Shay one of them. Look at the lengths I go to see a movie!!


    Movie itself was quite the beast. Definitely the preachiest film I've ever seen - and I laughed many times imagining why this Spike Lee fellow foamed at the mouth when The Green Book won, lol. :) But fortunately the movie was fun enough, like the trailer suggested, so I can forgive the rest.


    Didn't learn anything new though - but I can imagine many people would. Too bad they wouldn't see such movie to begin with...

  8. It's good. Not a General Public material - but what Gilliam has ever been?


    I think no Gilliam fan can afford to miss it - it could be his last movie, and it feels like it, very Meta...


    I liked it much better than his latest: The Zero Theorem and The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, which felt even more unfocused than this one. What I mostly didn't like in The Man Who Killed Don Quixote is it lacks the usual level of unmistakable visual flair; it is an under-budgeted movie (we know why) and it looks like it. Barring this - it's better than his last two, more original.


    Can't place it higher, because I am a HUGE!! fan of his middle period (Tideland and especially The Brothers Grimm, which I saw like 5 times in cinemas). And his classic movies are untouchable: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Twelve Monkeys, The Fisher King, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen and Brazil. Saw most of them last year in cinemas again, at a Gilliam film fest - and they haven't lost much of their impact. (The Shay only watches movies in the cinema, no TV, no torrents - so I use every little chance I get for this.)

    • Like 2
  9. On 2/21/2019 at 10:57 PM, TombRaider said:

    lol that trailer. they think they're gonna have their BR...


    Oh, but they will...


    I knew nothing about Elton John, and thought I "hated" him. I was irritated when I heard of this movie existing...


    Fast forward to tonight, seeing the trailer - AAAND, this is now in my Top 10 for the year, alongside Yesterday. :) But for very different reasons. Yesterday has all the reasons to be objectively good - while this movie's only reason to exist for me is it reminded me of Bohemian Rhapsody so much. And I don't even like BR that much, I just loved the experience when we saw it with my Rock-crazed (and absolutely wonderful) girlfriend. :) So I can't wait to replicate the experience of the 1-2 combo punch of ASIB + BR.


    So, if this is the effect this has on the Shay, a 1 in a 1000 specimen of outstanding IQ and merciless self-awareness - you should be able to imagine how John and Jane Doe (the average folk) will be drawn like moths to the fire... :) Big WW hit incoming.

  10. 13 minutes ago, TMP said:

    I'm a Muslim who lived in the middle east for most of his life, so your weird spiel about me being some American xenophobe rings a little thin. Funny how you don't mention the insanely white-washed cast that both PoP & GoE had, or that Jasmine isn't even being played by an actress of middle eastern descent in this, so to imply that my distaste of hacky, cheap-looking corporate drivel that cashes in on Middle Eastern iconography (occasionally) makes me a xenophobe, then I think you're reaching.


    OK, then you specifically may be not the purest example of what I am talking about. But it is still 100% true - and there are hundreds of people like this even here. I never talked of you specifically (we've never talked before and I don't know you - though I knew you've lived in an Arab country), but of the general American public.


    However - and thanks for that :) - you seem to be a pure-bred example of the other clique these poor movies have to fight: the Middle Eastern cine-purists. :)


    My short stance on this is:


    1. Any filmmaker can do whatever he wants, that is good for his product - and no one can tell him what to do.

    2. The worst thing about Aladdin is they employed no name "ethnic actors".

    3. This is exactly the main reason for all the hate we have - and will have - against Aladdin. Americans just do not want to watch different people in their movies.


    • Like 1
    • Knock It Off 1
  11. 22 minutes ago, TMP said:

    You're defending a movie that used brown-face on extras, but sure - we're racist for not being down for an Aladdin remake ft. fat Avatar. 


    None of this matters. Are you American? Then yes - odds are you are racist and hate everything Arab. OR - which is just as bad - you do not care, and passively also hate any period or place of human culture that is different than the here and now of the disgusting current American metropolises.


    In your last post you lined up Prince of Persia, Gods of Egypt and Aladdin - meaning that all of them suck and will bomb. Nothing can be more telling of the general American disposition.


    And the only sin of all these innocent movies - is that they are Middle Eastern period pieces. How dare they!! Burn them down with flaming hate and spit on their remains!!


    And don't try to further argue this is not the case - because I will ask you to say a single title of a similar period piece that escaped this fate - and you will fail to provide one!


    PS: GoE is indeed a strange movie - but still very much a decent one, at least for originality. PoP is absolute adventure classic, better than anything besides PotC - but it still couldn't fight a continent of xenophobes on its own. Aladdin though will be just as good - and this time will have the backing of nostalgia, that is the only (insipid) force that can move a xenophobe. So it can not fail, despite all the odds against it that the Shay highlighted for all of you above.

    • Like 2
    • ...wtf 1
  12. 6 hours ago, jedijake said:

    I actually thought Solo was a good, solid movie, Nutcracker was definitely decent enough story and movie, and I actually enjoyed POTC5 quite a bit and would even say it was the best POTC film since the first one. Perhaps then I will probably enjoy Aladdin?


    You're right on all accounts. And of course you will enjoy Aladdin.


    But not because you are smarter and more rational and less racist than the hordes of naysayers, that have seen literally NOTHING of the movie, and yet are quick to hate it with outright lies.


    Yes, they are dumb and pathetic - but they will actually enjoy the movie too. Because it's just gonna be a damn good movie. :)


    And this forum will become a graveyard of disgusting racist anti-Aladdin clubs, that have failed miserably just like their shortsighted and perception-challenged creators...


    Just like Alita is crushing the blind haters now. :)

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  13. 46 minutes ago, Morieris said:

    Was I the only one totally confused in how the original Alita was killed.


    As far as I could tell she was in a scene.....and then she wasn't and now she's dead.


    The fuck??


    22 minutes ago, Reddroast said:

    No not really.


    The Shay hates Jai because of his ugly mug. Why the rest of you hate him - I do not know. He's not really a bad actor. Just ugly and dumb looking.



    • Like 1
  14. 5 hours ago, TMP said:

    Beauty & The Beast looked like garbage, but the kind of garbage that people go in droves to see (ie; Bohemian Rhapsody)

    Aladdin looks like garbage, but the kind of garbage that crashes and burns financially (Gods of Egypt, Prince of Persia), hell the only reason this is gonna do slightly better than those . is because of the Disney remake branding and nostalgia.


    Look at the movies you've quoted. This only means Americans - or you - are fucking racist, and unbelievably dumb/xenophobic. Your hatred for anything Arab is so strong and deeply rooted, we all saw how it was used to horrible effect 18 years ago.


    But Disney is stronger than you, and can overcome even that.

    • Like 1
  15. 4 hours ago, lorddemaxus said:

    First, you call them "gays" and then talk about them like they are some unknown species. Shay why don't you just say that you are homophobic? If these are the ideas you come up with, I also pity the poor souls who read your books.


    And it is pretty clear that you think Alita is a strong female character for one reason (not saying she is or she isn't because I haven't seen the movie but it is clear that you wouldn't be saying any of that if James Cameron's name wasn't attached to the movie).


    Now you're just getting repulsive. In which case I usually never answer, but... jeez, man the fuck up, dude!


    Everyone should see Alita, even you. So you, people, will know how a pure female character looks. It makes absolutely zero difference who wrote her.

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