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Everything posted by BoxOfficeFangrl

  1. Ugh, didn't miss him AT ALL after his first hiatus but I guess it's a thankless job few people want and the Sandra Oh co-host experiment didn't go that well last year. For years, the Globes went without a host and it was absolutely fine. I miss the days of the cheesy musical remix intros: There was one for "Don't Cha" that isn't online but get a taste of some of the lyrics: http://gawker.com/149141/behind-the-golden-globes-music-the-ggs-dont-cha
  2. I heard what Boseman said last Friday afternoon, but I listen to Kermode and Mayo regularly. His comments are just getting clickbaited today? Lol, getting slow, Twitter. IIRC, they only aired part of his answer about the MCU, they play the entire interview this week. I mean, I don't think white people can't get Black Panther or anything, but during this whole Marty vs Marvel drama, many have pointed out that life experience can affect a person's enjoyment of art.
  3. I saw a movie today for under $7.50 with tax, there are a couple more first-run theaters in the area with screenings $2 to $3 cheaper than that, though the latter is an early bird price. It just depends on where you live. Parasite isn't playing at those theaters, but the matinee price is still under $10 thankfully. The upside of not getting movies in your area right away is that the market can be much cheaper than NY/LA, a tradeoff really. Record attendance for AMC:
  4. Only half the concession lines were open, and the lobby had no kiosks either. None of the openers are huge but there are four of them, plus holdovers, so it was more of a crowd than I expected.
  5. Waltz, DiCaprio and SLJ all had more interesting roles when Django was the title character, I get Will's logic in passing on it, especially considering his general approach to movies at the time. Anyone else been to a Regal recently and had to buy tickets at the concession counter? If the theater is dead it's not a big deal, but when there is an even decent crowd, it's a mess. "Luckily" there were 24 minutes of trailers, so we didn't miss any of the movie. If this is some backdoor way to drive people to Unlimited, yeah no.
  6. It's a sappy Christmas movie crossed with a 90s-style rom-com, fresh on RT would have been nice but neither style is really in line with critical tastes these days.
  7. Yup, everyone would cancel Netflix/Hulu, people would throw out their high-def 50" TVs, network procedurals and three-camera sitcoms would dominate primetime television once more, and star power would reign supreme at the box office again, if the MCU suddenly went away. The reasons people don't flock to movie theaters for adult dramas like they used to are complex, and not as simple as pointing the finger at that pesky Marvel. And I say this as someone who more or less gave up on the MCU 5-6 years because I just wasn't that invested, but they release 3-4 movies a year. People are carrying on like everything that's not based on IP gets relegated to 400 screens or something. Maybe that's where things are headed but we are hardly there yet.
  8. All AMPAS needs to do is call the category Best Film Not in the English Language and get rid of the selections being on a per country basis. Let any movie compete, regardless of where it was made/funded. If an American movie gets in or if two French movies get nominated, great.
  9. Domestically, American Sniper won 2014 over a YA sequel (talk about a genre that was dominant but quickly died off) and movie from the dreaded MCU. Many prestige Netflix movies are shopped to other studios that would give them a traditional theatrical release window, before choosing the $$$ and going with the streamer. And Kramer vs Kramer captured something in the zeitgeist at the time about divorce and the changing roles of women that resonated in the broader culture. If it had been a fictionalized account of a less-than-mainstream auteur's split from his actress wife, who knows it would have clicked with the public in the same way? The "Kramer vs Kramer of today" would probably be about an entirely different thing, like college loan debt or bots or something. If the MCU suddenly went away, streaming services and HD televisions and peak TV would still be around, so how much would really change about moviegoing habits? It's simply a different day than the 1970s or 1990s, which themselves were different from the 1930s (there's a Depression on, people want escapism but what about this production code) and 1950s (oh no, everyone's watching TV, let's change the screen ratio and make a bunch of lavish musicals and epics, but also Westerns). The "problem" of the MCU for other filmmakers is that every studio is chasing franchise money and barely wants to be bothered with anything that's not an established IP/entity. Well, unless it's cheap horror and I don't see Marty going Blumhouse on us any time soon.
  10. The Deadline article literally says Ridley plans to make this movie shortly after he wraps The Last Duel. But then, Scott has been attached to many projects that ended up not happening with him at the helm, so, stay tuned, I guess. In terms of subject matter, this Gucci story doesn't seem all that far removed from All the Money in the World, which I liked except for Wahlberg. His filmography is kind of all over the place in a good way. Thought for sure the next Gaga album would be out well before there was solid news about her next movie role. Anyway, sounds like a part that could be a big contender for a Best Actress win.
  11. I didn't even know what this was...cheap kids animation with Jeremy Renner and James Franco in the voice cast? LMAO, god bless, no wonder this is getting dumped!
  12. Hmmm, Jojo Rabbit is playing in 3 different theaters here (Virginia Beach area) but the closest Parasite screening is still over 80 miles away. Usually, when a movie expands to 400-500 theaters, it will hit our market, even if it's only at the independent theater in what passes for the hipster section of this region. But I checked the movie's website, and nothing, and I am not making a 3-hour round trip, so it'll have to wait. Anyway, I wonder how much of the Parasite expansion this week was to more theaters in areas where it already is, vs. new markets.
  13. Sonce the trailer, I've thought Countdown looked like more of a January release. I think TBBM also released on a Friday the 13th, that usually helps a horror movie out.
  14. The former Foreign Language Film category at the Oscars is tied to the country that a movie is from, which is why American movies don't compete in it. At the Globes, it's just about what percentage of the dialogue is not in English, even if the movie is American in origin. At the Globes, a Foreign Film can't compete in Drama, Animated can't also be in Comedy, etc., there's no "double dipping" like at the Oscars, where a movie can be eligible for Best Animated/Documentary/Foreign Film and Best Picture, too. It looks like the team pushing The Farewell feels the Best Foreign Film category is its likeliest chance for a film nomination at the Globes (it will probably lose to Parasite, but is much closer to a win there than in Drama or Comedy).
  15. 28% on Rotten Tomatoes with 18 reviews. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/countdown_2019 The Countdown app icon looks suspiciously like the Dodge Ram logo... I don’t think I've ever seen a Screen Junkies/Fandom Entertainment review less than four minutes long. Dan was not here for it! LOL, at least a minute of this is an ad and Jeremy encouraging people to talk about Joker some more. Countdown seems like you could have some fun with it in the right mood, but it's not as dumb as something like The Bye Bye Man.
  16. Obviously the blue check accounts are nicer about it, but the lack of praise from them about EW is pretty glaring, it's more or less the same feeling. It's one thing if a younger actor is overshadowed by Dern or Streep, but these reactions are rave after rave about Pugh/Ronan/Chalamet, and as for Watson, they're like, "...she's in the movie, I guess?" LOL
  17. Quite the feat for Amy to come off the best in Little Women. There's a whole Twitter Moment of reactions, here are some:
  18. He would always mention that BOM was one of his sources, obviously a main one. Even for those with IMDbPro access, BOM is a diminished resource.
  19. Lots of movies get campaigned for awards, sometimes it's contractual and to assuage egos but nobody really thinks the movie has a realistic chance at Best Picture: Sometimes the movie might have a legit shot for the technical categories, but the studio figures, "Hey, we might as well throw in Best Picture/Director in ads while we're at it!" But there will also be ads specific to the category (VFX, Production Design, Sound Editing, etc). With Endgame, I doubt Disney has huge expectations of a Best Picture nomination, but it got record breaking box office, it was a conclusion to a lenghty series in a way, Black Panther made it in last year, so why not try? It's not like they don't have the money.
  20. Entertainment Weekly did an all-time Best Actress Bracket voted on by readers, Vivien Leigh won: Not everyone can deal with a selifish protagonist who's not a nice person, especially when it's a woman (look at Hustlers, a heist movie, and you had studio execs and some critics who needed the marks to "deserve" it in some way, when countless nameless extras and bit players have been terrorized/killed in every other bank robbery movie ever). Throw in the run time, the questionable racial politics (which were protested even in the 1930s) and the soap opera main plot, and GWTW makes a lot of "overrated classics" lists. But it is technical marvel, many different types of toxic relationships are ultimately shown to be as such, and a woman who thumbs her nose at societal conventions will have fans across generations. I saw a take that GWTW is really a love story between Scarlett and Melanie, and the elements are there between all the melodrama. Too bad about Leslie Howard as Ashley, he was 15-20 years too old for the role and going through the motions, besides. Joker is doing really well here but is leggier overseas, I wonder why that is...
  21. I think I've seen some ads for it on TV during sports, maybe? But more online. Here's the trailer, for anyone who missed it: Countdown seems more like a January horror play to me, but STX won't lose money on it...
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