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Everything posted by BoxOfficeFangrl

  1. Scarlett working dat viral lookalike grandma for the movie publicity boost:
  2. Marvel is undoubtedly a well-oiled machine, but it's not like studio heads or top network execs would say much else at the moment: it would be bad publicity and everyone would be looking for the signs of the strain in the final product. I mean, they weren't promoting Quantum of Solace at the time by telling audiences that Daniel Craig and Marc Forster were scrambling to cobble together a third act—all those stories from different directors and producers about how things needed rewriting and they had to either rush it through by a deadline or hope the actors stumbled onto workable, came later on.
  3. Hermione lands a dream job at FaceGoogle but crosses paths with Finn and grows suspicious of Tom Hanks channeling L Ron Hubbard channeling Steve Jobs.
  4. Maybe the reshoots helped? Haven't seen it yet, my main issue was the quality of the ads and traliers because the premise is interesting enough. The most recent ads are an improvement but may have come too late. The budget is only $18M, with better promo all along (not more, just less boring) the OW should have easily been that high if not more.
  5. IDK...if the movie is crafted with a cause in mind it doesn't have to be made on a shoestring but there's no need to be wasteful, either. There's actually another movie that was released last month very similar to this one (including a love triangle) except funded by Turkish interests, so, extremely different (and controversial) POV being presented to say the least. But, anyway, I doubt that movie cost $90-100M. Is it shortsighted to wonder just what the budget was spent on, a massive scale in general, or, hand sewn costumes for the extras, executive producers with vanity credits paid exorbitant fees, crew members charging furniture for their homes as "miscellaneous" items on the budget? Is the feeling about the budget more that it was crazy to spend that much, or HOW could it have possibly cost that much, as in, where did all that money go? Those are two different questions.
  6. With music I've heard that there's a limit to bulk purchases that will count towards the Soundscan charts, something like 10 albums at a time. Don't know how true that is but it comes up on music forums. Obviously films are more likely to have group sales so I don't know how you'd measure if there are "too many" group sales or what.
  7. Ooof at Unforgettable, I guess WB won't be copying the Screen Gems formula again and it'll be more commercials for Heigl:
  8. IDK, Life As We Know It is predictable but well done for what it is, but the way she took a leave of absence from Grey's to spend time with her baby, she said, only to go film a movie, well that's not America's Sweetheart behavior and I doubt it helped the box office. She renewed her TV contract then almost immediately asked for leaves to go make movies, so unprofessional that Shonda Rhimes just let her walk. Then, she wasn't really right for One for the Money, her reputation was pretty toxic by then and after that she wasn't really getting the big projects. Willis has a much younger wife and little kids, the family's gotta eat. Next weekend there's The Circle, I've heard meh to bad things about the quality of the movie itself but if they really cared, it could at least be advertised to seem like something topical and must-see. The ads all just have that whispery chick singing "they're watching us", as Emma sounds nothing like herself (not just her accent but the tone of her voice) and looks vaguely confused or pained? I'm not totally sure what Watson is going for there. Are she or Hanks promoting it at all?
  9. Of course Obsessed wasn't original but it made $68M in 2009, adjusts to $79M, either is more than other Screen Gems thrillers like No Good Deed, The Perfect Guy, and When the Bough Breaks. Heigl could always act, her career tanked because she was chasing the America's Sweetheart stardom, which suited her talents but not her personality. I really wonder if the trajectory of rom-coms at the box office this decade would have been different if she'd handled her time on top better, she was showing all the signs of slaying in that genre until audiences turned on her.
  10. Once it's out though they'll stop running the trailer ad nauseam! Unforgettable has the vibe of one of those Screen Gems thrillers though seems to be going for a slightly different audience. If Heigl flops even playing the psycho villain, she is probably done in movies like she is on network TV, I guess her next move would be some Hulu/Amazon deal that at least doesn't get cancelled after two episodes.
  11. Lol, one L after the other for Rupert since the affair blew up, people say he didn't face any consequences like KStew but nearly 5 years later, look at where she is professionally (much more respected than in her SWatH days) compared to him. Also his wife was very shortly his ex wife, and now current wife of Jimmy Iovine. Though on the bright side I guess Sanders isn't stuck paying alimony! To bring it back to movies, I'll always wonder how the Huntsman franchise might have turned out if they'd been able to follow their original plans for Part 2 with Snow White, it wasn't the next great Cinematic Universe but it probably wouldn't have flopped so badly.
  12. IDK, whenever I've seen the trailer at theaters it's gotten the most laughter and biggest response of all the trailers shown...surprised me but then I saw someone describe BB as El Presidente as an infant. Doubt it was conceived that way and not to get too political, but Alec Baldwin voicing a character like that probably gives it more appeal across generations than normal for this sort of movie.
  13. Brad's been back...every time there's a BOM outage I worry it'll be the end of the site as we know it.
  14. Jaws is already live action, the real equivalent would be if the remake was animated, graphic novel style or stop-motion or something. These Disney movies are animated, it's different enough for people (the people who like these movies, anyway) to see how they translate as not animated, and with actor(s) they like.
  15. It depends, it's pretty early in the year and the Globes have taken a turn away from all out populist blockbusters compared to, say, 2010. As for the Collins nomination, it was Warren Beatty's return to movies after god knows how long, plus on AwardsWatch they always joke Lily Collins' mother is a big Hollywood socialite and friendly with a lot of other executive wives there. No matter how much prestige they claim to have, the HFPA is always susceptible to a good schmooze. Just this year Tom Ford gave them cologne and watches and they were all over Nocturnal Animals. Fake news lolz! Biased polls! But really, take away a third of the OW and it's still huge, over $110M, well above Cinderella and Maleficent, but it's clear that even so, BatB has...something more. Hmmm, what could it be? If the live-action Little Mermaid happens, the comparison to 2017 BatB will be very interesting, it's also a classic from that period, iconic songs, Ariel spiked in popularity as a name because of the movie, but it's much trickier to pull off on many fronts.
  16. Seriously doubt Ariel will still be 16 in the new version, the plot is #problematic enough without her being underage too. Agree though that Kristen Bell is way too old for Ariel, Disney will cast someone mid-20s at most. Hidden Figures, 11th week in the Top 10 and its first drop over 40%, what, 13 weeks in?
  17. Didn't this happen last year...it was set in the Middle East, [Something] with the King? I remember seeing ads for it the first time about a week before it came out and thinking, WTF is this? The Circle really isn't being advertised much for something that comes out next month and stars Tom Hanks as a Sinister Steve Jobs type, plus Tech Genius Hermione. I haven't heard much good out of the screenings, though. Considering Disney thought BatB's exclusively gay moment was worth promoting as progressive, I'm not holding my breath for them to step out of the box in casting these live action remakes. Saying that audiences will see new stories that are about people who aren't white, doesn't necessarily help the case for recasting anoldcharacter people are used to seeing a very specific way. I agree Ariel's race is not a specific element of her experience but is Disney willing to take that risk? They will probably choose to be more diverse in ways that won't cause so much drama for them.
  18. Yeah, the posters on the last pages featuring bloodied-up office workers/equipment and those taglines brought to mind (for me anyway) mass shootings and terror attacks, the aftermath... Definitely not a good time at the movies, IDK if a different ad strategy was in order, but maybe they were trying to be the anti-BatB? A couple years ago I might have seen at some point it for Fitz, er, Tony Goldwyn, but Scandal has really dropped off from its peak.
  19. Portman had her baby on Feb. 22, so the speculation she would have attended the Oscars if she'd been the frontrunner is false! Hopefully false, anyway, although Heidi Klum got all dolled up for an awards show six days after giving birth once: Her show was nominated, maybe she thought it would never happen again but really!
  20. The Help is on basic cable all the time, a few months ago it was in the CMT rotation constantly, it's a a TNT staple as well. So shady...
  21. There are reports of them being undercover reunited and I wouldn't be surprised, Garfield sounds like he's still in love, the way he talks about her.
  22. Obviously that's a big factor...Catherine Zeta-Jones and Annette Bening were close to giving birth and attended the ceremony, but neither had won before (and Annette went home empty handed). Of course if Natalie hadn't won already, the whole Actress race would be different now and maybe she'd be there tonight. She was pregnant when she won before but not AS pregnant, if she's at the swollen feet/have to pee constantly/easily tired stage, and she's not going to win anyway...I can't blame her for not going. They always pick the obnoxious ones because they get more clicks.
  23. Good move: she looks to be very far along, it can be a very uncomfortable time for a woman let alone in formalwear, she's probably not going to win and on the off chance that she does, she's already had that moment of being handed an Oscar and making a speech. Put your feet up and relax, Natalie!
  24. Lots of last minute, left field messiness on the eve of Oscar, from the rescinded 13th Hour nomination (why him and not Weinstein in all his years of dubious tactics) to the Hidden Figures producer drama to the sheer WTFery of Karl Lagerfeld dragging Meryl Streep of all people into a feud over a Chanel dress!
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