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Posts posted by lilmac

  1. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say:1. Empire Strikes Back2. Episode VIII3. A New Hope4. Episode IX5. Episode VII6. Revenge of the Sith7. Return of the Jedi8. The Phantom Menace9. Attack of the Clones

    You beat me to it! I'm hoping all 3 are near the top!
  2. My eyes are bleeding reading you.

    All arguments are null and void I am sorry to anounce.

    And if you think you are adding any new idea, you don't, everything has been said a thousand times.

    TDKR will forever remain a big "what if" and we ll never know what exactly happened ...

    Yea we do. It would have made $462,108,032.63. Everybody knows that.
    • Like 3
  3. Born in mid/late 80‘s, Ghostbusters, Batman and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (although the movie was in 1990) were huge parts of my childhood (dressed up as the characters many times ha). Other movies I watched a ton (in the early/mid 90‘s but from the 80's and in no particular order) Fast Times, The Breakfast Club (holds up so well), Back to the Future, Empire and Jedi, Indy, E.T., BH cop, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Stand By Me, Terminator, Aliens, Commando, Predator, Risky Business, Beatlejuice, Ferris Bueler, Cadyshack, Untouchables (does not hold up but all the music is insanely good; I can listen to Rooftops any day), Die Hard, Field of a dreams, Big....I am missing a ton but the 80s were very good to us! Although in the 90‘s, I was shown both Goodfellas and T2 at a very young age (for whatever reason, prob naivety) and those films made me love movies very much.

    I love your list!
    • Like 3
  4. At this point I would be happy with over $400m domestic. To much shit has happened and trolls can go fuck themselves.

    Exactly. Too many people are spazzing over whether it will reach $500m. $400+m is nothing to sneeze at. I predicted $450m before all this happened because TDKR wouldn't have the Ledger/Joker bump. As long as 4 or 5 is the first number in the final gross, I'm personally fine with it.
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