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Posts posted by lilmac

  1. I liked TASM. It wasn't perfect and is no TA or TDK but it isn't the worst SM film.The crowd loved it...and clapped several times during the movie, including at the end. I might see it again tonight.I hope it does well enough to justify a trilogy. Pros:- More emotional weight than the first 3 combined. Herein lies Marc Webb's strength, making the audience feel for the characters. Case in point - Peter comes home after the final battle (after the death of the Captain, after nearly dying himself and finally realizing what the famous line in the original SM meant) and cried on his Aunt's shoulder - I almost lost it. This is the first Marvel picture that had me nearly tearing up a couple of times. Andrew Garfield nailed it. - Related to the first...I really liked the chemistry between Gwen and Peter. It works. I want to see one more movie with Gwen before Mary Jane comes onto the scene- Stan Lee cameo - the best of any marvel movie- the movie succeeded in conveying "with great power, comes great responsibility" even while dodging around actually saying the lines. I don't think Peter has the maturity to fully realize the committment he's made but he's getting there...you can see him evolving throughout the film. Cons- Spider-Man was too overmatched in the battle scenes with the Lizard. Relied too much on his webs...kinda wish he was stronger vis a vis Lizard.- I would have liked Peter to have been more saddened and distraught by the consequences of his actions (Uncle Ben's death, Captain Stacy's death, creation of the Lizard). Many people died or had their lives forever altered DIRECTLY because of his actions or self-centeredness. He let it all go at the end on his Aunt's shoulder but I wanted to see more of that. I know that's grim and Batmanish but that's ok IMO.Hilarious (not in a good way)- the acting of the extras in the subway scene where Peter first discovers his power. You mean you don't take notice of the fact that a man just jumped onto the ceiling!? The acting in that scene was horrendous. It happened early enough on that I began to get a sinking feeling. Fortunately the film recovered.- the end credits. waste of time, doesn't reveal enough to even tease. maybe it's something i should know but because I don't read comics I don't. A-

    • Like 1
  2. What are some of your favorite box office runs and which films did you track most obsessively? Also, what are some of the films you thought you could care less about but ended up following?

    I cared less about My Big Fat Greek Wedding when it released. It wasn't on my radar until a BOM poster mentioned it several weeks in its run and said something to the effect of "ummm...guys? MBFGW is now in the top 10 despite this being its 15th week. It's weekend grosses have only been increasing. This could be big." That's when I started paying attention. At that point MBFGW had about $35million in the bank and went on to gross over $200mil more.

    I bet that's when studios began looking at the gradual rollout strategy in earnest.

    • Like 1
  3. Are they like guilty pleasures to you? Have you seen any of them on stage?

    I'm glad to see Madea rebound after a poor showing last time. I'm off to see it in a few minutes.....will try to catch one of the other openers as well.....just depends on when they play and if I can sneak into them or not.

    Jack,I'm curious, why would Baumer enjoying Madea movies be a guilty pleasure? I have seen all of them. Not a guilty pleasure, just a pleasure.
  4. For reference, Cars 2's average weekend drop rate for the first nine weeks (ie: up to the tenth weekend) was -45.79%. I didn't go further because then it had the Labour Day expansion and it went up over 400%.

    Thanks Lab!

  5. My revised estimate for Brave is $240mil. I think it will recover and yet won't recover from the steep drop this weekend, if that makes any sense.

    Tracking pretty closely with Wall-E for now but I think it will fare better over the next few month. Why did Wall-E drop so heavily in its first 4 weeks? It was an excellent movie. Up and Wall-E's grosses should have been reversed IMO.

    I notice BoMojo still has "Bear and the Bow" in the URL for the Brave pages. LOL

  6. amazing numbers good hold from Brave, not amazing but a good hold, a 48% drop is in store. Ted will make $51.2 and MM $46.4 (Ted will finish with $190 and MM with $140)

    Was hoping for a better hold for Brave. Too many selfish moms and older sisters. ;) I think it'll make up for it in the weekdays. We'll see 38-42% holds from next weekend on out IMO (even with Ice Age).
  7. Excerpt from her 2010 book.


    What I Won’t Miss

    Dry skin

    Bad dinners like the one we went to last night


    Technology in general

    My closet

    Washing my hair



    Illness everywhere

    Polls that show that 32 percent of the American people believe in creationism



    The collapse of the dollar

    Joe Lieberman

    Clarence Thomas

    Bar mitzvahs


    Dead flowers

    The sound of the vacuum cleaner


    E-mail. I know I already said it, but I want to emphasize it.

    Small print

    Panels on Women in Film

    Taking off makeup every night

    What I Will Miss

    My kids





    The concept of waffles


    A walk in the park

    The idea of a walk in the park

    The park

    Shakespeare in the Park

    The bed

    Reading in bed



    The view out the window

    Twinkle lights


    Dinner at home just the two of us

    Dinner with friends

    Dinner with friends in cities where none of us lives


    Next year in Istanbul

    Pride and Prejudice

    The Christmas tree

    Thanksgiving dinner

    One for the table

    The dogwood

    Taking a bath

    Coming over the bridge to Manhattan


    • Like 3
  8. Congrats to Pixar and the Brave team. Very good movie.The Sunday drop is just fine. Wall-E did a little better but didn't have another animated film grossing $20m+ that same weekend. I'd be surprised if didn't reach Wall-E's $223m and $250m is definitely possible. Stop spazzing.

    • Like 1
  9. I give Madagascar a B+. The kids in the audience loved it and that made it more enjoyable for me. Mad3 is funnier than Brave although Brave is still a better film (though not by much and that's a testament to how good Mad3 is). I loved the humor and the story even though it doesn't have the weight of Brave. It's just mindless entertainment. There were a couple of scenes which didn't deliver which is why it's not an A but overall the voice work, humor, fun, and adventure make this a must-see for families.

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