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Posts posted by lilmac

  1. I don't really see a whole lot of benefit in an extra year gap in itself, because the first movie that came out after that 2-year gap was considered Pixar's weakest up to that point. If they came out after a two year break with a film that didn't meet expectations I think the disappointment would be magnified.They've got so many people working there now and so many ideas floating around and I want as many as possible to see the light of day. Ultimately it usually comes down to some ideas clicking with the audience and some not. I don't think Cars 2 could've been improved much from another year of brainstorming because the central conceit was the main problem.

    Which brings up the problem of starting certain sequel project in the first place. I'm sure Stanton and crew can come up with a fantastic concept for Finding Nemo 2....but it doesn't mean they should do it. Some properties should be left alone.
  2. Thank you. People who were too young to remember just how huge Batman was in 1989 should really just shut up because they have no clue what they're talking about.

    Exactly. Just like I can't talk about SW hype in 1977 but I can speak to the Batman hype. It was insane and probably exceeded the hype over Last Crusade. Batman was everywhere that spring....vhs movie previews, pepsi products, posters, commercials, good morning america interviews, david letterman top 10, random stuff but everywhere.
  3. Yes, Batman (1989) had tremendous hype. Some of the publicity pitted Batman vs Indiana Jones (Last Crusade came out that year as well). It was great and both films didn't dissapoint. There is a reason why Batman broke the OW record at the time. There was a growing consensus before the movie's release that Keaton actually made for a decent Batman and Nicholson....oh man!

  4. While I agree that the film will indeed have good WOM, the midnight/early morning crowd presents self-selecting bias. People going to see this movie on opening day are more likely that the average audience to be the most ardent Batman/Nolan fans, so excellent WOM is to be expected. The WOM of the more casual crowd is what will propel this movie to greater (or not) heights in terms of BO performance.

    I expect better than what would have been holds during the 2nd and 3rd weekends as fear and media coverage subside.
  5. Given that the shooting pretty much destroyed walkup sales today, 80 is fine. We'll never know what could have happened today in an alternate world where this didn't happen, but it doesn't matter, it did.My theater sold out a bunch of shows tonight (they were playing it every 20-30 minutes) but not as much as Avengers. More like DH2.

    *sigh* You are right. As much as it pains me to admit it, what happened happened. There is nothing we can do about it. We'll never know what could have been. Boxoffice considerations of course pale in comparison to the losses. My prayers go out to all affected. May justice be done.
  6. With six critically acclaimed movies under his belt, is it too early to list (not rank) among the greatest directors? I don't think so. By 1989, when Spielberg was the same age as Nolan (42) is now, we knew that he would be a legend. Same for Kubrick, Scorcese, and Coppolla. Nolan has impeccable filmmaking skills and a fantastic range. What do you think? Does he need more movies under his belt? Does he need more timeless classics to qualify (2001, ET, Godfather)?

  7. I hope TDKR breaks the OW record. Not from a boxoffice enthusiast point of view but to show the world that these horrendous attacks will not take away our freedom. These acts of violence are carried out as much for the death and destruction as the psychological impact. We need to show the crazies out there that you will not win, we will still go out and see TDKR on OW, popcorn in hand. We should bring our lightsabers with us to really confuse them.

  8. Ok, this is what I feared would happen after Disney purchased Pixar - more sequels and greater frequency of movies. Finding Nemo 2 and Monsters University might be great movies but this trend still scares me.

    Disney is a corporation, owned by shareholders. Disney executives know that shareholders want profit every quarter. The execs get bonuses and shareholders get dividends. You can't tell me that Lassetter isn't feeling the pressure. There is nothing wrong with profit, bonuses, and dividends but a profit driven culture (DIS - The Walt Disney Company (NYSE)) and artistic excellent (Pixar) are uncomfortable bedfellows.

    Gone are the days when Pixar could go a year without releasing a movie.

    I said this on BOM when Pixar was purchased that we would see more sequels and we would start to see 2 maybe 3 Pixar movies per year. So far we haven't seen the latter but just watch. Newt and Brave were supposed to come the same year I think. Regarding Sequelitis, since Pixar was bought by a mega corporation/studio we've seen Cars 2, Monsters University, and now Finding Nemo 2.

    (Yes, Toy Story 2 preceded the sale but that was initially going to be direct to video)


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