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Everything posted by forg

  1. I do that too! HAHA! There's one mall here which has a monitor in the ticket booth where you can see the seats situation (how many are available and which seats are those, it's a reserved seating set up). I also check the movie posters to see what movies are coming here
  2. Our local movie industry here is obsessed in making it to the Oscars (just as we are obssesed with Miss Universe and boxing) but we never make it. Our commercial movies are well for the masses rom-com, love triangles/adultery, horror and slapstick comedies so they can never compete The indies here try but while story-wise they can compete but still production aspect is inferior so I understand why our films can't make it save for a few film festivals.
  3. The communal experience is part of what makes movie watching fun
  4. How about your local movies? Here, every now and then the local movies hit it big. I may not like them all but I like seeing long lines in theaters because it keeps the industry alive and well
  5. Agree! I'm really surprised with this, I never knew that was the case for some European countries.
  6. We still have a lot of theaters here but they are all in the malls I think that's a factor why moviegoing is still strong here despite us being a 3rd world country we Filipino love going to the malls and there's a mall in all major cities here .There are few standalone theaters left but they mostly show low-rent soft core porn stuff with scary things going when the lights go off lol
  7. I'm quite impressed with the way you think given how young you are, I mean you care about stuff like distributors going bankrupt when most people your age don't give a shit about those things. You really love movies Well once I give them the report number the agent gave me when I called then it's all good I still think the money they deduct from my bill is low compared to the days I had no Internet but well it wll be a long discussion and I have no time for that haha
  8. Agree! II work with a group of people that actually watch movies in theaters as form of hanging out/bonding although I rarely join them. Although they download a lot as well and they are surprised whenever they find out that I don't have a lot of movies in my computer given that I'm a movie buff. :DIf I can afford it, I would buy a lot of DVDs as well but well I'm not so I just wait for the price to go down steeply or whenever there's a sale lol
  9. So that's why you frequently watch movies! Lucky you. Discount promos on theaters here rarely happens and we don't even have matinee pricing. But our tickets are relatively cheap compared to the rest of the world (standard ticket cost is around $4-$5) Yup, you just need to keep track of your complaint numbers once you call them, it needs to be well documented lol
  10. One more thing about piracy, one reason I try my best not to DL movies is out of respect for our local distributors, for the past 2 years I was lucky enough to get invited to advanced/press screenings so as a way to support I do my best to encourage members of the local forum I moderate to watch movies in the theater and forbid them from talking and sharing torrent links.
  11. I already memorized what they want me to do whenever I call disable/enable local network connection blah blah haha but to be fair with Smart once their technicians go to my house to fix my antenna, it will be fine already until a storm comes in to mess it up again and they at least give refunds for days with no Internet. So with that I'm not changing ISPs because well Globe and Sun have shitty service from what I heard so why bother haha
  12. Me too I'm really happy it was shown here early (just the same week in US).
  13. I doubt Blu-Ray will ever be a mainstream thing here, DVD is still king heck VCDs are still widely available (and I also buy VCDs when they are on sale )
  14. So true haha. What's your Internet Service Provider? I've been with Smart Bro for almost 7 years already and we have a love-hate relationship lol
  15. It won't be available yet, it's set for Jan. 16 but there will be lots of advanced screenings next week though. They'll even have a red carpet/formal event premiere next week at Resorts World ManilaZero Dark Thirty opens next Friday right after the Oscar nods announcements. Silver Linings Playbook meanwhile on Feb. 27 two days after the Oscar awards. I bet the local distributor is hoping Lawrence wins the Oscar so they can use it to promote the movie
  16. Screeners are popping up almost everyday but I'm resisting downloading especially the one who have schedule release date here already.
  17. I download movies that was not shown here or will never be shown here like Beasts, Moonrise and those docus. For the rest, I wait patiently for the theater release. For blockbusters we don't have to wait that long anyway but for the serious/'Oscar" stuff we have to wait. I like watching movies in the big screen better, I can concentrate and absorb it more Watching it at home especially in my laptop is not convenient because the Internet is such a distraction lol Lincoln won't be showing here until mid February. Life of Pi and Les Mis in a few days
  18. Yes, Perks! I'm still not raising my expectations that high in case Oscars snubbed Perks! It happened to me with 500 Days of Summer but I'm really happy it got the WGA nod
  19. True. "Overrated" is one of the most overused word in the Internet age that it kinda lost its meaning
  20. Producers' Guild Awards nomineesBraveParaNormanFrankenweenieRise of the GuardiansWreck-It Ralph
  21. Winslet was like a career Oscar, I love that she finally won although I wished it was for the stronger film
  22. And the timing of Skyfall reaching $1B worldwide is perfect because it was the time of voting and maybe the British bloc could help as well? Exciting. Life of Pi seems to be in the middle so it's vulnerable but last year I thought War Horse was in the middle as well and will not make it. Interesting. Anyway, I like this new system of nominees because having a set 10 of nominees makes it predictable at least in this format there's more room to speculate
  23. I feel like The Master's reception is just like The Tree of Life, it's a passion film so it could sneak in. Anyway, with the PGA nominees Moonrise Kingdom and Beasts of the Southern Wild both got a boost. Can they both sneak in? I'm predicting just one and maybe Moonrise Kingdom.Skyfall is getting some heat as well so maybe that's the one who would get the "blockbuster" spot and it's fairly new compared to TDKR and TA.
  24. I love Anne Hathaway and while I think the hype for her performance is a factor, I don't think she's the main draw of the film. It's a popular material and well the marketing has been really good
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