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Dilusha Bandara

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Everything posted by Dilusha Bandara

  1. So what will be the final gross for DM2 and MU in HK??????????
  2. So what is your final OS total for DM2???????????????
  3. So what's you are gonna say for Titanic and Avatar??????
  4. So you are saying this won't have legs???????????
  5. explain furthermore!! i didn't get that!
  6. The popularity of the Franchise was so high! 'cause there were sooooooooo many Transformers fans awaiting for the first live action feature of their most favourite animated cartoon!! in 2007!
  7. Transformers was only about its existed franchise for decades! it was nothing about Bay! Why it grossed 319 in US was only due to that reason!And even in overseas it was pretty much the same reason!(but not as much as in US)
  8. But Lion King belongs to past century! And i forgot Inception!
  9. I mean at least 150 days, not the 196 days of first movie!! This movie doens't need 170+ days to make 600 overseas! All it need is just over 150 days!
  10. If the movie movie runs till November all around the world, then 600 is a possiblity
  11. In this century, Only Avatar and Finding Nemo were the original feature movies which grossed over 500 overseas!!
  12. then it need to pass 709M ww TF3- 319 dom.+390 overseas = 709M there is no way PR to pass 200 Domestic, so PR needs 500+ in overseas!!
  13. well Bateman is a good actor ! but the problem is, he is 5 years older than Bale !! He is 44 now, not more than one movie! If not he will end up looking Cavill's father!!
  14. If that happens 600 overseas will be in the reach!(probably won't)
  15. yes but the problem is who is the actor???????? Who could play a perfect or at least good Batman???
  16. He hardly had a conversation with someone in MOS!! Almost he had nothing to do in MOS.
  17. Whatever! now there is Cavill for the sake of there-should-be-an-actor-to-play-superman!(now i'm quite afraid of the actor WB gonna choose for Batman's role!!) Well.. see Cavill is a good actor..(he had many dialogues in Immortals than In MOS! ) But the Character of Superman which has been written by Goyer was playable by any one! There was no need of someone like Cavill to play Superman! A director must be able to take all the talent out of an actor! its hid duty! but soooooo unfortunately Snyder didn't just do it!!
  18. SUPERMAN!!!!!! We have Henry Cavill now!!, as the third actor who plays this magnificent Superhero! (but not so magnificent Cavill, just wasted in MOS!!) Anyway WB have finally signed in an actor !!(for how many movies?? three or four or five??)
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