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Posts posted by Lumos

  1. But why take CF out of the equation?

    I'm just saying that the first instalment of HP performed very similar to the first instalment of THG. The penultimate instalment of THG is going to perform very similar to the penultimate entry of Potter and likely the finale of both series will perform similarly as well. The only film in THG franchise that deviates from Potter was Catching Fire. Is that enough of a reason to declare THG a stronger domestic series? Does one 424m film trump 5 films that all consistently made 330m+ adjusted for inflation?
  2. You know....I really do like the hunger game franchise. But mj part 1 under performing kinda brings a smile to my face. My love for Potter trumps my feelings for the hunger games series. And it's nice to see the box office reflect that....

    Taking catching fire out of the equation it's hard to argue that thg is a larger franchise than Potter domestically. I mean SS did actually sell more tickets than the fist hunger games. Mockingjay pt 1 is only going to do marginally better than DH 1....and potter arguably had far more franchise fatigue by the time the penultimate instalment came out. And furthermore I believe there is a strong possibly that dh2 could end up beating MJpt2.

    Not that I want to start a potter vs hunger games debate. It's just that people have always been saying thg was so much bigger than potter domestically. And I think those views were a little premature and not quite accurate.

    • Like 1
  3. I wasn't following BO back then. 125M was 23M over the previous series record. How much were people expecting it to do?!

    i think about 140m.

    It had been 5 years since a potter film was released on a friday. When gof opened in 2005 (the last time a HP film had a fri release date) it was the fourth highest ow of all time. And HBP had a five day gross of 160m.....also twilight managed a 140m ow a year earlier. So the 125m ow for dh1 was very dissappointing

    • Like 5
  4. I'm not surprised it did this well actually. Even though the domestic total of the potter films fluctuated a bit from instalment 1-8 one thing was pretty consistent....they all had larger midnights/opening days and opening weekends than their predeccors (with the exception of cos due to obvious reasons). I fully believe this can do 160m on the weekend. I mean, why not? The film has a huge core base and they are all gonna show up in the first few days no matter what. The sub 150m talk always seemed a little silly to me. This will definitely have worse legs than catching fire though. Im still amazed CF had better legs than the HG. That almost never happens for sequels. So expect a 2.5x...or less. But a strong ow as usual

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  5. Its consistency was amazing but they were all undoubtably huge films. Sorcerer's Stone was they highest grossin move of all time back in 2001 behind only Titanic. And the last film also became the highest grossing non-James Cameron film ever. It broke the OW record twice and its 43.5mil midnight haul may be a record that never gets beaten. And that was just the films. The books were even crazier. If you look at the top 10 best selling books of the 2000-2009 decade all potter titles make the list....I think the da Vinci code was the only novel that managed to top some of the potter titles. But that was just one book. Potter had insane sales with every new release.

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  6. But it's still not "best picture". Between two engaging films, I'll go with the one that has a better story. Even if it may not be as flashy or innovative, it's still a better movie.

    But that seems like youre judging the films strictly off of the screenplay....which is what the best adapted/original screenplay category is for. Best film is how those words translate to screen....which is where gravity is far superior.
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  7. I'm kind of pissed that Gravity didn't win. IMO they should create a Best Message category....which honors films that have something important to say about society. 12 years a slave would be the perfect candidate for a category like that. But 12 year a slave wasn't the best picture of the year. Film is not like a book. Having the best story or the best message doesn't make it the best film. Film consists of many different things, and I think the fact that gravity won 7 academy awards including best director is a pretty good indicator that it was indeed superior to 12 years a a slave. Gravity pushed the boundaries of film; one of the most visually stunning and intense films of all time. Although 12 years of slave was good, it wasn't particularly cinematic or groundbreaking. Very disappointed with their choice. Although not surprised....

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  8. I remember watching this film on TV in 2003 or 2004 when I was just eleven years old. Even though I was pretty young I was still completely floored by how powerful this film was...and more than a little disturbed. The scene where the SS soldier throws the old man off the balcony scared the shit out of me. I think this was the first film that made me realize that a film can be more than just mindless entertainment and instead represent something of actual significance.A+And really, this should have won best picture in 2002. This or The Two Towers.

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  9. This was the second best film of 2013, behind only Gravity. Leo gave the best performance of his career and the rest of the cast was stellar too. It's hard to describe Wolf of Wall Street...it's definitely like nothing I've ever seen before. I thought this was going to be a 3 hour bore fest with lots of drug use and titties....but somehow I managed to become completely engulfed within this crazy eccentric world. Was never bored for a second. And this is definitely a superior film to American hustle. It baffles me that the media is declaring american hustle as the better film.WoWS: 9.5/10AH: 6.5/10

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  10. Saw this last night. The last 45 min are on a completely different level from the rest of the movie. If they trimmed up the middle a bit this could have been a really great film. Smaug was stupendous, but he doesn't really redeem the film which was kind of a chore to get through. And I love the characters and the whole middle earth universe so I'm sure it was even more tedious for the uninitiated First 100 min: 2.5/5Last hour: 4/5Overall: 3/5

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  11. They did. A lot. HP1 would have done roughly around $1.1b in 2003's prices instead of the $975m it did in 2001.

    Potter has been the highest grossing "non-James Cameron" film twice...first with SS and then again with DH2. Out of all the amazing feats the franchise has accomplished I think this has to be the most impressive.Well and maybe its insane 43.5m midnight haul....which may never be topped. Lol
  12. Okay, I think this really puts things in perspective for me. As much as I love Potter, Hunger Games is on a completely different level Domestic Box Office Wise. Thanks Noctis.

    Eh. Sort of. Why do people always compare The Hunger Games to the last few Potter films? The potter franchise also had a first instalment and a second instalment. Doesn't it make more sense to compare these films to those entries? And those films adjust to 450m (SS) and 360m (CoS) respectively. So while THG is certainy a bigger DOM hit....is it really on a completley different level?
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