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Posts posted by AndyLL

  1. It is a feature not a bug. When these sports generate billions in revenues and the players make less than couple of grands per month then the system is set up to be abused. 



    Yeah, pretty much. They should just start paying players already.


    1) The average yearly cost of a 4 year collage is $22,000.  I would guess for Division 1 schools its closer to 25-30,000/year.  In contrast the median household income in the USA is only $29,000 ( 2010 )


    So the idea that student athletes on scholarship are being 'taken advantage of' is ridiculous.


    2) While collage athletics bring big time revenue in football and basketball they also have big time expenses.  In most collages football or basketball are funding all of the other sports which do bring in much revenue.  


    3) While the big time programs bring in a lot of money most schools do not.  Colorado universities are not making much money from athletics.


    4) Collages are not (usually) corporations with shareholders taking all the profit.  While there are some big time paid ADs and coaches... most of the profits go towards funding other school programs and scholarships.  

    • Like 1
  2. The only "sadistic" thing you could really argue for is the cold-blooded murder of dozens of unarmed soldiers/officers and their spouses.



    The term 'sadistic' means deriving pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others


    I think one of the main points of the movie is that these 'hardened' criminals did not take pleasure in carrying out their mission.


    The whole mission was to kill all the officers... armed or not.  Their method ended up also killing their companions in a fairly unpleasant manner because Maggott went crazy and they lost their element of surprise. 

  3. Finally saw it.  Took a while because because my wife wanted to see it also and it took a few days to find a time both of us could spare the 2 1/2 hours this movie runs.


    We both enjoyed the movie. I skimmed some reviews and was a little worried about how violent it would be ( my 11 year old was in the room) but in reality there was little gratuitous violence.  


    I grew up reading war & spy stories and the theme of  misfits, screwballs or in this case criminals, redeeming themselves through valorous acts is fairly common.  I found it interesting that while 12 men in the team redeemed themselves ( I include the major ) 1 reverted to what he was... a woman hating psychopath.  Perhaps trying to make the point that not everyone is redeemable when given a 2nd chance?


    Like Spottswoode I agree that the individual characters were not developed well.  I disagree that it was because of the number of them.  Stripes did a better job at it. It was 2 1/2 hours long and the 1st act was way too long for what was achieved.  It dragged and I was bored at times. They should have cut the selection time in half and devoted it to the training.


    Act II, the training wasn't too bad.  A little choppy but got across the point that the individuals became a team.  Way too much time was spent with Breed.  It really didn't make much sense.  If you really had a team training for a behind the lines mission the General would have ensured that their training would proceed without issues like they had with Breed.


    The 3rd act was the mission and in my opinion to best part of the film.  I can't say I really grasped the original plan... not sure it mattered since Maggott flipped.  Many of the reviews (more on them later ) talked about the brutality of the mission.  Misplaced in my opinion.  The whole mission was to kill in cold blood the 100s of German officers... hard to come up with a force of 13 men that's not fairly cold blooded.  


    Spottswoode mentioned the killing of the surrendered soldiers... That brutal act was tempered by the fact that they allowed the non-German servants to leave unharmed.  


    As the dirty dozen were killed off 1 by 1 it was hard to feel much emotion for them... they just were not developed enough as individuals.  Contrast that to the Magnificent Seven from the same era.


    I was actually more interested by a couple of the reviews of the movie written in the 60s.


    Ebert - http://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/the-dirty-dozen-1967


    The New York TImes - http://www.nytimes.com/movie/review?res=EE05E7DF173DE267BC4E52DFB066838C679EDE&partner=Rotten%2520Tomatoes



    Ebert's opening paragraph:


    Remember a couple of years ago when some kids out East thought up a great game? They'd go down to the nearest Skid Row, find some wino sleeping off his drunk, pour gasoline on him and set him afire. The police finally caught the kids and ended the fun. But they were only 11 or 12 years old anyway -- small-time operators. Now you can see "The Dirty Dozen" and thrill to hundreds of men and women burned to death at once.



    and Crowther:


    A raw and preposterous glorification of a group of criminal soldiers who are trained to kill and who then go about this brutal business with hot, sadistic zeal is advanced in The Dirty Dozen, an astonishingly wanton war film,  ...



    Finally, to put them to blasting and butchering a château filled with Nazi staff officers and their women, upon whom they parachute a few nights before D-Day, shooting and stabbing and setting fire to a lot of them locked in an air-raid shelter, and then carrying it on to interminable length, is a studied indulgence of sadism that is morbid and disgusting beyond words.



    Both these reviews, and several other I read,  so missed the point of the movie I was amazed.


    There was nothing 'sadistic' about the killing of the Germans.  Most of the dirty dozen were uncomfortable about the killings but that was their mission and they carried it out with skill and as a team.


    Ebert & Crowther seem to forgot their history. WWII was brutal to civilians.  Over 50 million were killed.  And it was just the Axis powers that did so.  The Allies bombed the Axis cities into submission... not to mention the 2 atomic bombs that were used.


    The attacking of civilian populations as a war tactic in WWII is one of the reasons the Geneva  Conventions were created.


    Behind the line missions always walk a very thin line in the morality of their objectives.  Their targets tend to include civilians and they rely on secrecy and stealth for their success.  What actions do you take if discovered and threatened from innocent bystanders.  I haven't seen the movie but I believe Lone Survivor deals with this topic.


    And finally... the idea that the military would use convicts and other undesirables for this type of mission.   Certainly not 12 at once for a mission like this but there is a real dark and dirty side of war that takes a certain type of personality and I have no doubt back in the day they looked everywhere for people that would do the ugly work.  ( I know that because I read the Ludlum books  :) )


    These days missions such as these are carried out by highly trained special forces who are screened for personality disorders.  

    • Like 3


    The Dark Knight Rises v Pirates Of The Caribbean 2The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring v Skyfall

    Titanic v The Avengers

    Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King  v Inception

    Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2  v The Hunger Games: Catching Fire


    Jurassic Park v Toy Story 3

    Shrek 2 v Finding Nemo

    Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince v The Dark Knight

    Despicable Me 2 v Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers

    Frozen v The Lion King


  5. Avatar v Inception
    Titanic v Twilight breaking dawn part 2
    The Avengers v Transformers 2
    Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2 v Star Wars: revenge of the sith
    Iron man 3 v Catching Fire
    Transformers 3 V Lord of the rings: fellowship of the ring
    Lord of the rings: return of the king v Ice Age 4
    Skyfall v Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets
    The dark knight rises v Ice Age 3
    Pirates of the Caribbean 2 v Spider-Man 3

    Toy story 3 v harry potter and the goblet of fire
    Pirates of the Caribbean 4 v shrek 2
    Jurassic park v the hobbit 2
    Star Wars: the phantom menace v lord of the rings: the two towers
    Alice in wonderland v harry potter and the half blood prince
    The hobbit v finding nemo
    The dark knight v harry potter and the order of the Phoenix
    Frozen v harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1
    The lion king v pirates if the Caribbean 3
    Harry potter and the sorcerers stone v despicable me 2

  6. And the sister a bit of a slut, let's be honest.



    I did notice that both girls were EXTREMELY thin.



    and the eyes are bigger than the wrists



    "physical differences between the sexes are exaggerated to uphold the narrative that men and women are opposite"...Disney films magnify gender differences between male and female characters, particularly if they are portrayed on screen as eligible for romantic attention....In the latest Disney movie Frozen, the heroine Anna's eyes are bigger than her wrists."


    Is this better?

    Posted Image

    • Like 2
  7. 109 Movie chains:



    Today: 5042





    Today:  3482


    Not only TOHO, every chian increase 100% from yesterday.


    I assume this is Frozen showings?


    That's amazing that they can expand that fast.

  8. It's Ladies Day today (Wed), so I knew it's gonna be big, and I saw tons of sellouts, but doubled Tuesday's number? That's amazing. :D


    I think that we're gonna have to quit calling what Frozen does 'Amazing' just start calling it 'Normal'


    Amazing would have been if Frozen did typical WDAS numbers in Japan.

  9. If the rest of the world without Japan can get it in the ballpark of 1.03B, I think passing Skyfall is where I set the bar for WW with Japan. Below that would be disappointing considering what it's done elsewhere, even though passing TS3 would still be a huge accomplishment. Above that? Gravy.


    After TS3 not much to get excited about.  I don't think IM3 is in reach.  Getting into the top 10 would be nice.  Passing Dark Night Rises would be fun just because of the Nolan fanboys.

    • Like 1
  10. After finding out the other day that Friday was a huge discount day, I was a tad disappointed at the likelihood of deflated numbers. In hindsight, this can only be good for Frozen. Not only is it apparently still selling out its Saturday showings, but hopefully the many more people that saw it Friday than might have otherwise will similarly spread the great word-of-mouth we know Frozen can do. It's all so exciting!


    Hopefully Frozen has a successful leggy Japan run.  


    I miss the excitement of waiting for winter daily numbers as Frozen exceeded everyones expectations during its domestic run.


    Now we'll have some excitement as Frozen attempts to pass TS3

    • Like 2
  11. I'm ready to make a wager. If Frozen will make 200m in japan, i will braid my hair in Elsa's style and post it for everybody to laugh at. I'm a guy with a long hair.


    Tell us the truth....


    You've already braided your hair and are just looking for an excuse to post it.  :ph34r:

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