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Posts posted by AndyLL

  1. C'mon, that's not fair to compare it to a movie that came out 20 years ago. Lion King (in its original run) probably adjusts to over 500m.


    Different world.  No way to compare.  You got inflation and 3d these days.  You have lack of choices other then going to the theater back then.


    Heck.. I was going to see it this morning in the theater but decided to watch it on a crappy quality blog stream instead.


    Best we can do is compare actual grosses and like statistics make them say what we want them to.


    Since I'm one of the few people that doesn't really like TLK I'm more then happy that Frozen kicked its ass.

  2. LOL Don't mind me. I had it wrong. It was Meryl. But none of these people are my heroes. I just find it interesting that you feel this way about an event where it's common knowledge that the alcohol flows freely.


    Believe it or not I had no clue the Globes was a big party until I came here... I would guess much of the GA is just as unknowing.


    No matter... the public laps up stuff like that.


    I'm more surprised about some of the people here.  Some act as if you insulted their kids if you even hint at something negative about their favorite actor or director.   Not just their performances... but the people themselves.


    Good thing I keep my joke about Streep, Walts frozen head, and an empty chair to myself.   Shawn would have had to implement a dislike button just for me.

  3. LOL it's not like Emma Thompson is worried about her future.  What is this really about? Are you holding a grudge because of her rant on Walt Disney.


    So you believe her act was just impromptu good fun and wasn't carefully planned to be one of the talked about events of the Globes?   :lol: 


    And I wasn't aware Thompson ranted on Disney... I would assume she would be one of the last people  to carelessly throw around the anti-Semitic label.


    Hey... sorry if I'm crapping on peoples heros.


    I tend to try to focus more on the artists' performances then who they are in real life.  But when I see their performances spilling over into their public life I call it out.

  4. That's ridiculous.


    The Globes are one big party for all of these millionaires and billionaires.  This is the time for them to cut loose and have fun.  Emma Thompson being drunk or acting it was funny and it was loose and it was fun.  I think you guys need to lighten up.  Life's serious enough when you are working and dealing with your family and such.  An awards night where you get to dress up and eat, drink and be merry is not the time to be conservative.  





    Guess it's my fault for watching them... I only did it because it was fun watching the reactions on this thread while they were going one.


    1) Actors trying to be funny or profound at these awards are rarely either.  All it does is show why there are directors, writers and editors.


    2) You are naive if you think little little 'skits' like Thompson's is just 'cutting loose and having fun'.  It's carefully crafted to be one of the 'events' of the show and to be talked about on twitter and on entertainment websites.  It's like athletics showboating and taunting to try to make an ESPN highlight.  I guess I don't like 'acting' when they are representing themselves.


    3) I was mentored at an early stage in my career to always act professional at work events when alcohol is present... even fun events like holiday parties.  You may be the life of the party that night but it's very easy to  remembered for the wrong reasons by people important to your future.


    4) I personally preform those performers that are classy, prepared, controlled and act like they've been there before.


    Maybe I'll drink during the Oscars and that'll let me enjoy people showing what their true personalities are.

  5. Lasseter loves cars... it's is baby.


    Cars 1 was good.


    Cars 2 was.... liked by many (including my kid and wife)


    Cars has sold a billions and billions in merchandise


    Disneyland's DCA has been consider a failure since it opened in 2001 and since Carsland opened it all of a sudden has done what it was meant to do originally... be a full day park to take pressure off of Disneyland.


    It is a matter of when... not if.


    (It's good to be the king)

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