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Posts posted by AndyLL

  1. Tele and Andy had an informative exchange going there about copyrights. Great numbers thread today.


    Actually I felt the the thread withering up and dying as I started coming across as a Disney apologist. 


    So after Tele gracefully and calmly clarified his position and I stuttered through mine I resorted to a humorist post in an attempt to reclaim all the mental 'dislikes' my previous posts garnered.  


    I also seemed to have failed in my attempt to not like a Tele post until he sees Frozen.


    However... tomorrow is another day and once Frozen reclaims the #1 spot I'll be happy again.

    • Like 1
  2. And then a fanbase war erupts before the mods come in and shut down threads



    just kidding.


    Actually... the numbers thread is a tale of schizophrenia.


    The night crew... while we wait for numbers to come in... tends to blow the thread up with:


    1. sports

    2. fanboy wars

    3. off topic rants

    4. sexual innuendo ( different from 3... sex by definition is always on topic )

    5. discussing if Tele has seen Frozen yet.


    42.  some BO numbers talk.


    The morning crew talks about:


    1. numbers

    2. bitches at the night crew for cluttering up the thread

    • Like 7
  3. I'm arguing that modern copyright laws (in large part -- though certainly not exclusively -- because of the Walt Disney Company's lobbying efforts) have been extended far beyond the original intention and now operate almost the reverse from the original concept (which was to essentially sponsor artistic creation and made it possible to make a living as an artist). Certainly an original work needs to be protected for a good length of time, say 40-50 years or so after creation, but at that point they should enter the public domain so that the ongoing creative process can continue as it always has ("always", in least in terms of the beginning of copyright laws)



    Fair enough.  


    As someone who produces copyright able material I personally feel I should own my own creations though out my life and then to whomever I assign them if that is my wish upon my death. ( so I'd like them to be longer )  I see no public benefit in allowing people to copy my work.


    We have strayed off topic which was already off topic.


    No doubt Disney produced some anti-Semitic cartoons and was a member for some time in an anti-Semitic organization for a time. ( although he did not create it as Streep claims)


    However people who have studied his life claim he was pretty anti-political and fairly non-religious and dis-associated himself for those people and organizations.  


    Streep's main source for her views came from Ward Kimball who had a bitter labor dispute with Disney.


    Was Disney a racist?  I don't know.  I doubt Streep really knows either.


    Did he hate women in animation?  Well... in 1940 he hired Mary Blair who worked mainly for Disney until his death and was conferred the 'Disney Legend' honor for her contributions to Disney throughout her life.


    My biggest complaints with Streep is her just repeating the typical rumors about Disney where it's obvious she has never spoken to those that knew Disney best and the timing and place where she made the comments.


    However... everyone is entitled to have their own opinion on both Streep and Disney and this thread has probably moved well off topic.



    • Like 1

    Go try to make a movie about Cinderella. Or Snow White (not a "re-imagining" like SWATH).


    But more to the point, the concept of copyright is to allow creators to make a profit and a worthy living off their creations. So the original length of copyright was a few decades, and then got extended to about 50 years after publication date (I forget the exact number of years). The point was that this fueled creativity and allowed many new and worthy works to be created that were based on much older stories, while still giving creators the ability to make money off their creations.




    I still not sure I understand your point.  Are you sure you do?


    Yes... anyone is free to do what Walt Disney did.  Take old public fables and create movies/stories about them.


    But yes... you ( and everyone else ) are not allowed to copy any work uniquely produced by Disney that was not part of the public domain.


    Yes the length of copyright was extended but we are talking about Walt Disney and that happened well after he died.




    Are you arguing that there should be no copyrights?  Anyone can copy anything?




    The extension of the copyright should not have been extended ( life of the creator + 50 years )




    That no one should profit from public domain works?

  5. Streep's speech is a way of celebrating PL James and Emma Thomson's portrayal. In an era in which women are being seen like less gifted creatures all symbolized by Disney's letter, she stands her ground while Disney wants to muddle her creation and her imagination to fit his own because he doesn't really trust women in general and doesn't advocate gender equality. In James, Disney met his equal. 



    Disney did not meet his equal in James.


    She sold out... took her millions... then bitched about it all her life.


    Disney made the movie he wanted.


     All in all, I think Streep just set the story straight 



    Basically all Streep did is show how dangerous it is to get your information from the Family Guy

    • Like 2
  6. Oh the humanity, he was a typical male in the 1960's underestimating the potential of women!!! 


    Oh what a horrid being he is.... 


    It was 1938... before WWII when women were generally not accepted in many jobs.


    And of course in 1940... Mary Blair joined Disney as an animator and worked on many of Disney's classic films and on various Disneyland.attractions including 'its a small world'


    I guess Disney reversed his views on woman animators in those 2 years.

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