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Posts posted by Orestes

  1. 1 hour ago, dudalb said:


    But, despite some flaws, John Boorman's "Excalibur" remains the best screen version of the Arthurian legend.

    Mostly because all the others are so bad. Excalibur is sort of like the latter seasons of GOT, except for almost opposite reasons. With GOT, once they ran out of material to adapt, it started feeling more and more rushed, with the current season feeling like an adapatation of a cliff notes version of a (nonexistant) final book. With Excalibur, they had so much material to work with, and tried to fit so much of it in, that it too ended up feeling like a rushed cliff notes adaptation.

  2. 5 hours ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

    Do people really think the Snyder Cut would have done significantly better than JL at the box office? 

    Maybe legs would've been better if the film was more coherent? Wouldn't have helped the OW unless the Snyder Cut also travelled back in time to make BvS not suck.

    3 hours ago, AndyK said:

    Hard to think how it could have done worse.

    Maybe if Wonder Woman had a bad to mediocre audience reception. Obviously JL didn't get a big boost, but I wouldn't be surprised if in a timeline with a bad WW, JL opened below 90m.

  3. 28 minutes ago, terrestrial said:

    Those are from the tv folks, not the film folks like with the Disney+ shows in case anyone gets their hopes up ;).

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  4. 4 minutes ago, John Marston said:

    I remember last year people saying Infinity War would get bad word of mouth just because it ended on a cliffhanger. Lol

    I thought it would after I saw it during previews, but not because it was a cliff hanger, though. I didn't think the GA would respond well to Thanos winning and the snapture.

  5. 23 minutes ago, nick64 said:

    Slightly off topic but with the Fox merger, are the only Marvel characters not owned by Disney-Marvel Hulk (Universal) and Spidey (Sony), or are there other deals still out there? I know a lot of rights were sold in the 90s.

    That's pretty much it unless you consider Rom and the Micronauts, they're owned by Toy companies I think.

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  6. I dunno if Wonder Woman's OW was depressed or not. I do know I waited to see it till Saturday instead of Thursday previews like I usually do with these movies, and that was entirely due to wanting real audience reaction after the dismal duo of MoS and BvS. Given that I'm a super nerd with little patience and less chill, that's gotta be like a normie waiting a couple weeks at least.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Arlborn said:

    Being "in development" and actually being made are two very different things. "Development hell" is a lingo that exists for a reason.

    Marvel has a pretty good track record for getting things "in development" onto the screen so far. The only "in development" film that I'm aware didn't make it was Inhumans, possibly because Feige had to agree to it for Perlmutter to agree to Black Panther and Captain Marvel. Once Perlmutter was out, so was Inhumans.

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