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Posts posted by Orestes

  1. 3 minutes ago, Nova said:

    According to this article, they're changing a whole movie that tested well because the trailer that they believe was received well by audiences had nothing to do with the tone of the actual movie. So what they're telling me is they took a movie that was apparently good and changed it because of a trailer? Sure Jan 


    What do they think this movie is, Suicide Squad?

    • Haha 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Chewy said:


    It's hard to really describe how bad it is. Terrible actors droning on and on about the most indecipherable nonsense

    I think my favorite thing was how they describe Fel like a dozen times. Once would've sufficed, and every time after that was a bad decision on at least writing and editing levels. Why did they write that many descriptions of it, and why did they leave all those descriptions in the film?

  3. 33 minutes ago, Jake Gittes said:

    IIRC it was a heavy-handed shot of Hanks on the train looking out and seeing some kids climbing over a wall or whatever. Kinda hacky and I'd prefer it if it had ended right after the exchange of prisoners but it's not nearly as damaging as Lincoln's ending for example. 

    I turn off Lincoln after the shot of him walking down the stairs. That ending was perfect, but then there was apparently more for some reason. Not as bad as AI, I think by the time that film got to its final ending I had already completely checked out.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, ZeeSoh said:

    Ignore function is your friend mate. I used it for the first time ever (after having decided never to use it) and it has saved me the incessant annoyance of having to see his post. I’m thinking of extending the ignore to include all fanboys of this most narcissistic, self obsessed and annoying fan base ever. 

    Fortunately there aren't many of them. Just due to sheer numbers, I'd say Nolanites were probably worse in their heydey.

    • Like 4
  5. 1 hour ago, MikeQ said:

    5th largest opening weekend of all time. Incredible for Black Panther.


    Top Opening Weekends of All-Time & Share from Previews


    Rank / Title / Opening Weekend Gross / Share of Opening Weekend from Previews/Midnights


    1. Star Wars: The Force Awakens — 248.0 million (23.0%)
    2. Star Wars: The Last Jedi — 220.0 million (20.5%)
    3. Jurassic World — 208.8 million (8.9%)
    4. Marvel’s The Avengers — 207.4 million (9.0%)
    5. Black Panther — 192.0 million (13.1%)
    6. Avengers: Age of Ultron — 191.3 million (14.4%)
    7. Captain America: Civil War — 179.1 million (14.0%)
    8. Beauty and the Beast — 174.8 million (9.3%)
    9. Iron Man 3 — 174.1 million (9.0%)
    10. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 — 169.2 million (25.7%)




    Kinda crazy that Harry Potter is gonna be outta the top 10 come May. Woulda thought it'd have a bit longer, but Black Panther had other ideas.

    • Like 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, Chewy said:

    One of my favorite little Marvel anecdotes is how they would always talk about their "creative committee" of comic book writers who would "consult" on every script. People who really got the characters!


    And then after Ike was gone Feige outright said it was absolute hell

    Wasn't there only like one or two actual creatives on that commitee though? Then some toy people.


    But yeah, its not a surprise that things seem to be going better having 6 fewer people to answer to.

  7. Just now, Chewy said:


    Sure but it's like saying "hey should we make a Black Panther movie?" "No, Hawkguy"

    Yeah true. I'm not sure how I feel about any of the X-Films coming out of Fox right now, anyway. I'm pretty sure even less of them are gonna happen than of all those DC films that are up in the air. Plus Kinberg is part of the Singer era and he really needs to go, too.

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