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Posts posted by Orestes

  1. 12 minutes ago, The Mad Panda said:

    Definitely disagree here.  There’s some outliers, and there’s not a solid view to ticket correlation, however the trend is there.


    Id be curious to revisit it for the 2017 releases like I did for 2016. Came out as a statistically significant relationship.  The main 2017 outlier was The Mummy.



    Didn't the Mummy have that one trailer with the fucked up sound that became a bit of a meme? I don't think people were watching that one because of actual interest in the film.

    • Like 1
  2. 51 minutes ago, CJohn said:

    This is the end of the DCEU.

    BvS was the end of the DCEU, it just took a bit for the body to stop twitching.


    Anyway, the question here is whether they'll still be the directors a few months from now.

    • Like 1
    • ...wtf 1
  3. On 7/25/2017 at 11:19 PM, New Year New Panda said:

    Dane DeHaan is awful in this, he drags down every scene he's in (and he's in a lot).  One of the worst lead performances I've seen this year, and worthy of a Razzie.  I don't know what he was trying to do, it was like a poor man's imitation of a bad Keanu Reeves performance.


    Whoever the girl was did fine for what she had to work with, you could tell she was kind of trying but DeHaan was just an uncharismatic brick wall.



    Completely agree. I went into this expecting weird eyebrow girl to be the weak link, but she was actually passable, and could've even been decent with someone better to bounce off of. Unfortunately for her and us, Dehaaaaaaaaan was absolutely terrible. Every line read, I felt like maybe he should've taken a nap before shooting started. No energy or charisma whatsoever


    On 12/14/2017 at 12:55 PM, Barnack said:

    Everytime the movie ask us to believe the young guy is an highly respected, highly ranked in the military person, it is asking a lot from us.

    Yes, this was probably the hardest thing to suspend my disbelief over.


    A better male lead and this movie could've been merely mediocre instead of just bad.

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    • Haha 1
  4. 50 minutes ago, Reyhawk said:

    I'm sure you'll like this one then, although Spielberg actually knows how to end the movie this time!

    Does it have just one ending? Still get a little disappointed that they tacked another ending onto Lincoln after the first ending where he walks down the staircase to go to the play.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Noctis said:

    What is this collective jerk off session with guys and Star Wars OT? I mean, really, ESB the BEST film of all time? Of course you can have that opinion, but my god, the hyperbole around the films is ridiculous. 

    I think most people have been saying that ESB is the best Star Wars movie, not best movie period.


    edit: Also, I would totally show VII-IX to my kids along with the OT. Fuck the PT, though.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Hatebox said:

    Although it shouldn't be overstated, there might be a bit of that going on here. TFA really isn't the beloved movie its phenomenal box office suggests. Wonder if the next four (!) Avatar movies should be concerned.

    That adage mostly applies to the OW. TLJs OW actually held pretty well compared to TFA. Most everything after that is due to reaction to TLJ.

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