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Posts posted by Orestes

  1. 1 minute ago, AJG said:


    If people liked the characters you’d think they’d go to see their next adventure, regardless of whether the last film was that good (like what happened with Thor, even Fast and Furious benefit from that).


    What are your reasons as to why people refused to leave their house to see JL?

    I don't think Dark World was anywhere near as disliked among GA as BvS was. Also, Ragnarok was very obviously going in a new direction, whereas Justice League looked like they doubled down on BvS.

  2. 16 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

    From BOM's weekend writeup:

    and with a reported $300 million price tag before prints and advertising this weekend's performance is extremely disappointing.


    Holy fucking shit, so was Solo really confirmed to have a 300m budget then? If that's the case we're no longer looking at a money loser here, we're looking at a truly massive box office bomb. 400-450 WW on a 300 budget? Some heads are absolutely going to roll for this. Of course Kennedy will probably get out unscathed for now, even though she is the direct cause of a lot of Solo's production troubles and budget inflating. 

    I suspect the Kasdans will take a disproportionate amount of blame (not that they aren't blameless.)

  3. 1 hour ago, Chewy said:


    Pretty much exactly a DC situation, audiences are rejecting some of what they put out and they need to course correct

    The big difference between the two situations is that DC needed to make that course correction after MoS. Instead, they doubled then tripled down on it. Hopefully LF doesn't drag their feet the same way.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Chewy said:

    It's pretty good. Like it's a perfectly adequate version of what it is, passes the time. Has a couple really fun bits. Alden never quite clicked for me and Glover is kinda forcing it and also wasted. Honestly don't really think there's all that much to say about it, it's not bad at least!

    Thats pretty much my reaction, though I mightve liked Glover a bit more. I'd give it a solid B.

  5. 30 minutes ago, sfran43 said:

    Is Mother's Day likely to cut into IW Sunday's gross...like it did for CW?

    Not quite as much. There doesn't seem to be any movie out that weekend designed to take advantage of it like there was for CW, where a movie literally called Mother's Day was in theaters. That was the movies 2nd weekend and it increased by 33%.

  6. Just now, Agafin said:


    I strongly disagree with the bolded part. Change in season might have an impact in a movie's gross, but I'd assume it'd be minimal unless there are some unique circumstances( like, say a christian movie being released around Easter or a Christmas one in December). We have example of franchises (like Harry Potter or Twilight) which didn't really seem to be affected that much by their release date. 

    HP and Twilight didn't really expanded the pre-film fandom, did they? Especially as they went on. I know I tapped out of HP after the 2nd or 3rd film. Never bothered with Twilight. If Marvel had done the same, they'd pretty much all be making Green Lantern or FantFourStic money.

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