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Posts posted by Orestes

  1. I really don't think First Class is even close to better, personally. It's so good when it's about Fassbender and McAvoy but it's brutally unwatchable when they aren't on screen  :lol:


    First class is almost a textbook example of an otherwise bad movie saved by its lead's performances.

  2. Spider-Gwen is a far better and more successful character. Too bad Emma Stone will not be able to play her now.


    If Marvel is going to have a female teen lead movie though, still think it should be Ms. Marvel first and foremost. That film has so much potential to be something truly special, someone has to be blind not to see that.


    Ms. Marvel would definitely be my first choice. Not sure if Marvel will go that route since the version of Peter Parker we're getting will essentially be filling the same niche as Kamala Khan, just with a different set of plumbing.

  3. Someone mentioned Happy-Go-Lucky as what Squirrel Girl should aim for, and I rather agree. With more of a budget, obviously, but the general tone, and especially the attitudes of the main characters, match up pretty well. Marvel hasn't really gone near a rom-com-esque film yet the way they've commingled their movies with other genres, and Squirrel Girl would be fairly well suited to that. Or She-Hulk.

  4. SHe is so wooden in that show... he is slightly better, but there is almost none chemistry between that supposed ex-mariage. Worst idea for series ever.


    Certainly doesn't strike me as the best idea ever. Too bad they weren't able to use Hawkeye instead of British notHawkeye for her ex, though. Still, I'm at least a little curious as to how they're gonna spin this one off of the main show. It might also benefit from having a narrower focus than SHIELD, assuming Mockingbird and notHawkeye are leads instead of part of ensemble.

  5. Almost done. 3 more to go.

    Pretty good consistently up to where I'm at right now.

    Charlie Cox is quite cute, huh? His Matt Murdock certainly got better as it progresses. Very solid lead performance.

    BTW, is the creative team behind Daredevil the one working on AKA Jessica Jones as well? I really really hope that one turn out well.


    I think it's different people. Or at least, different show runners. Steven DeKnight (previously did Spartacus) ran Daredevil after Goddard left. Jessica Jones is in the hands of Melissa Rosenberg.

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  6. is Karen's character in the comics? I mean I assume she is, but is she evil? that last lingering focus on her near the end felt like it was trying to convey something that definitely seemed like some kind of setup for the future of the series.



    Yes, she's in the comics. No, she's not evil. She doesn't have a particularly bright future, though, depending on how closely they hew to the comics. Which might not be all that close. Ben Urich didn't die in the comics.

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  7. No end credit scene at the end :(

    Overall good show. I hope there is a season 2. In the defenders who is usually the main villain? 


    Comic book Defenders is an entirely different thing. That team has Hulk, Dr. Strange, and Silver Surfer. Basically, characters that aren't really street level like the Netflix shows. I suspect the episode with Stick may have been setting up some Defenders stuff, though. Or maybe Season 2 DD stuff. Won't know till the other shows come out.

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