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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. Wait, so like wide screen?....
  2. I was 100% sincere you two silly boys.
  3. Still great drops for JW considering how long it's been out. Still slaying.
  4. Yeah, that would be a bit too close. I'd say 210ish is a good distance, perhaps even 200 minimum.
  5. Win win link fixed, in the family and ghosts added, Snoopy Hot wet summer is in the archives, but it's wet hot so it was under W
  6. Insert *man of steel NO gif* Words can't describe how much I hate that word. (the P one).
  7. Oh how is The Gift? Someone needs to tell me cause I've heard good things about it!
  8. Aaaaaaw. I really fudged that pooper up . I tried getting fancy with my spoiler tags.
  9. Why does it feel like every thread I walk into, someone is always talking about Batman?
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