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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. I don't remember how young I was when I saw JP1, but I do remember being 6 when I saw Alien for the first time (my parents has never seen it and didn't think it was going to be that scary). Needless to say, my older sister at the time 7 was scared shitless and so my mom and her left the room and me and my dad watched it (my mom didn't want me to stay and watch it but I begged and dad kind of saved me). I had nightmares from it, but didn't change the fact that I loved it. I've always loved horror films.
  2. I wonder how this will affect Good Dinosaur. Dino's are in now, but will this result in a fatigue for them come November?
  3. That's over-rated calling them an "expert". It's stupid because again its just their opinion. What makes them an expert? Because they watched more films than me? Because they went to school? Anyone with eyeballs and some sense of a brain can do what they do. Sometimes critics can be so full of themselves and really nit pick a movie.
  4. But who says their opinions are right? Generally I agree with RT, but there are movies I like and they don't and vice versa.
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