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Everything posted by dxmatrixdt

  1. @aabattery @CJohn 2 slices of bread/toast!!!
  2. legal prostitution but regulation?? I don't think that would work. People are allowed to drink until they get sick. People are allowed to fuck for an eternity as long as their is no financial price?? it sounds like our world leaders are doing a TERRIBLE job at accounting for everyone and their businesses
  3. what about.... if humanity makes all humans wealthy enough to make it harder to put a financial tag on sex-exchanges then you could be looking to shame the business-minded people who back such prostitution propositions to begin with... (and put looser terms to it such as "rent") it will make compensation different every baby/child is raised with an amount of risk/uncertainty. are our developing brains getting blocked from theoretical ambitions? what stops us from growing? as of now, it seems we are all free to overpopulate the planet and pollute it by spending culture could destroy us, doing the same thing over and over again... we need to invade the minds of kids in schools and tell them that their elders and their solutions are the enemy because they are not virgins, losers, in business, and lost rationality
  4. well, people should invest their brains in different like-minded and progressive things. people are strange for not following me
  5. well, the concept of GoT displeases me, so I hope for human retribution after that label is buried. if not the U.S., then Europe and its racist core needs to wake up from the childish state that it exists in with statutory rape and all.... we will never progress as a human species because we are settlers.
  6. the concept of GoT displeases me. my hope is once the material is buried, the United States will go under Communist house arrest. we need more production.
  7. is pre-sales data closely matching $20, though? they can always lie about it in the end, upwards or downwards. what about Mockingjay #s, were those shaved down?? were major cities lower in anticipation data than Catching Fire? BATB did like 16....
  8. good #s so far, hopefully they go up in a little bit later on today
  9. what is the Over/Under looking like for Thursday #? O/U $20, O/U $14??
  10. what is Article 13? what will it do? how are liberals supposed to interpret it?
  11. here is one for stereotypes in social class. https://www.yahoo.com/news/hollywood-madam-rich-men-dingy-081509280.html - Hollywood Madam: Want to stop human trafficking? Legalize consensual sex for money. almost all of the comments from this article philosophically support prostitution. can anyone think up some good deep think concept that will mentally scare culture away from legal prostitution? shaming is an uphill battle, so I'm on the loosing side of this argument, but with some convincing images and messages that I could use on social media, I could get a head start with the brainwashing. any good ideas for this will help to stick it to the man harder then what legalization offers in this circumstance...
  12. 49 people on ignore... hopefully that will help my mental health 😁 maybe I can get to 99 and I can be the only one that believes in my mental health, hehe! does A.I. make lies?
  13. would First Man have won for Cinematography and Score had it been nominated?
  14. @aabattery I just had two slices of bread and it worked SOOOOO good on my stomach
  15. if we are not made for each other, where are you supposed to go?
  16. it is not nice to have evil follow you around to be there for you to look at and aware of its existence empty blessings!!! (& acidic mental health) we are responsible to nurture the mental health of our children. empty blessings everyone and don't get shot!!!
  17. Dear Hollywood, this is my assessment of the 1989 movie review term. i'm still not literate with movie history from 80s to early 90s. it should take a few weeks to cover each year
  18. anyone comfortable in their beliefs usually has faith, love, and god on their side people won't change they wont abandon honor, god, country, values, guns or money/taxes they wont unite for a liberal scientist doctrine without Christianity they wont be wiser and they will continue to honor the dead or their families Americans are mentally disabled terrorists
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