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Heat Vision

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Everything posted by Heat Vision

  1. We'll have to wait and see. I'm sure the idea has been pitched. I also wouldn't mind if there was another native species on the other side of Pandora.
  2. How the hell did they spend 135 million on Transcendence?
  3. So humans will be the big baddies in the next three films? Would like to see another alien threat at least for the final film.
  4. I actually liked the last Predators. Thought it was an interesting concept.
  5. I don't recall the yellow ranger wearing a skirt in the original and she was female.
  6. Or worst. He'll retire. I'm pretty sure he's close to being worth a billion now too. According to Sam Worthington this starts to film in October.
  7. Batman doesn't have superpowers. If Batman is believable, why not Iron Man?
  8. I agree. The movie is visually stunning and launched a new era of film making though.
  9. The most beta cringy name they can come up with.
  10. I screamed and everyone in the theater looked at me like I'm a weirdo.....
  11. Maybe to some they were Z list but Marvel characters always had movie potential. When I first heard Iron Man was getting a movie, I jumped around all over my house.
  12. When I was younger and lived in a rougher neighborhood, I use to get DVDs bootleg at the same quality as the originals. Sometimes they have HD during their theater runs. Looking back I wish I wouldn't have bought a single movie.
  13. To think this will surpass Superman but the MCU is an unstoppable machine at this point.
  14. Green Ranger was a legit badass. He called a Godzilla looking much with a flute.
  15. What's good in September? I'm checking out Maze Runner and Equalizer but not sure about anything else.
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