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The Movie Man

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Everything posted by The Movie Man

  1. ^^^That is about 1 Movie a Day over 1 Years???? Anyway, for me, I would say 7,000 over 30 years or 10,000 Days
  2. Me having worst taste???? So what have you disagreed with me on???? And I Bet right now this second, you couldn't even name 5 of my reviews???
  3. Well cause then they still could have had the, is Robin the Mother question going? And I disagree as if they showed her from the back and played up in commericials that she is coming to the showing the yellow umbrella...and then letting out the news that she was going to be in the show for the whole season.... Now, that would have been a ratings winner....
  4. Only, Should Probably??? PS. I am glad you MOD training is coming along well....
  5. Well did the general audience here hate Hangover 3 like he did???? For just one example....
  6. I just did above, copied below...and Tell Me why I am wrong Here????????????? >>> Anyway, I would bet that there are very few people that could match me on Liking and Seeing so many of the last 100 years of Movies...including every Movie Genre.
  7. Stop being Babies, I just answered the question that Alpha asked me...and noticed how I didn't even put that in my first response, even though I was thinking it. Anyway, I would bet that there are very few people that could match me on Liking and Seeing so many of the last 100 years of Movies...including every Movie Genre.
  8. ChD, on 25 May 2013 - 08:00 AM, said: I was trying to be Modest, but since you asked, the clear answer is ME! That said, there are others here with some good taste, including some that talk Classic Movies, but I can't think of their names right now....as the Haters on the Board, don't let me enjoy the good ones.
  9. Because it deals with Movies, and also in the Speakeasy, you will get the True Movie People to Discuss it, IMO....
  10. This it has to be someone who likes most movie genres....including say Oscar Movies Today and Classic Movies of the Past. PS. Shouldn't this be in the Speakeasy????
  11. God if it bothers you so much then close this one, as it is funny that MODS are concerned with these that have no traffic...and I was trying to ask questions to get people in here. Just like Baumer closed my DC Superman thread where there were like 5 threads in the whole forum - saying that there were 10 other threads in the BO forum...Well why were all those dups allowed to say open??????????????? And why can't we have threads outside of the Box Office Forum, that talk about the movies and not the Box Office???? What are your Pre Expectations for Man of Steel, Opening June 14, 2013...based on trailers, casting and any other stories you have heard?
  12. What are your Pre Expectations for Man of Steel, Opening June 14, 2013...based on trailers, casting and any other stories you have heard?
  13. Who had the BEST TV/Movie Star Trek Overall Crew & Officers???(on the TV Shows/Movies)???? * What movie or TV show had the Best Crew, as a Whole?????? * Rank the Best Officers from all of the TV & Movies, in any Star Trek World?????
  14. Who was the Best? Rank the TV/Movie Star Trek Crews as a Whole?
  15. Favorite TV/Movie World that Star Trek Visited?
  16. I also really enjoyed it...and I am wondering if you think any Star Trek fans are bothered by the re-imaging of the past Star trek universe.....Me myself, I am fine with it.... PS. I only read the last 2 pages, but Scotty & Checkov always add to the enjoyment of the movies with Kirk & Uhura & then Spock....
  17. Yeah the Giraffe scene went too far.....but they have played 90 % of that scene already in trailers and TV....NOT SURE WHY/STUPID PS. With the Last Scene, is there going to be a Hangover 4?????????? That said, I didn't hate it, as I enjoyed seeing John Goodman, Chow was crazy and made the movie?????
  18. In addition to Mr Smith ^^^^^^^^, remember he has also done Troy and other bit action movies/scenes......And it should be interesting what he signs up for after WORLD WAR Z????
  19. Could Brad Pitt Become a Matt Damon/Tom Cruise Type Action Star, if he wanted to? Not sure if he would want to as he seems to enjoy time with A Jolie and their 6 kids plus other internets. But I think he has the goods to carry the action type movie.....
  20. Did that on purpose and look how long it took for anyone to catch? Congrats for getting it...but it sure took you alongggggggggggg timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. * Yes I know that but I am saying that the show made a mistake twice saying that Robin wasn't the mother. * OK, I said Director...but ways the show made a mistake * Seems like a bad idea, but hopefully they know what they are doing. PS. Did the show make a mistake showing the Mother at the end of Season 8, instead of holding her out to the first episode of Season 9, as that could have been a big ratings grabber???
  22. Also did the show make a mistake showing her at the end of this episode. They should have just showed her from the back or something asking for the ticket. As that could have been a great cliffhanger for next season....which would have gotten nice/better ratings????
  23. ^^^^ Just wanted to offer Congrats to the first guy to come up with any answer after 35 views.Must have been a tougher question than I thought. Anyway I think Thor is going to make Top 3 with Star Trek.
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