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Posts posted by boomboom234

  1. 26 minutes ago, ACSlater said:


    ESPN Operating margins are ridiculous and we are on their backs to reduce it...frankly they need to fire close to ~40-70% of their talent and they wouldn't skip a beat...


    I am not happy about Rex Ryan hire unless they can give me double benefits...

    ESPN is a poison pill in the disney stock

  2. 1 minute ago, Eevin said:

    There is absolutely no precedent for a movie like Beauty and the Beast making this much in previews. None. The only other PG-rated movie to come close is Half-Blood Prince with $22m, which really shouldn't count given the massive fan rush factor. 

    Jurassic World / Avengers-type legs get this to around $181m for the weekend, which would be insane. Could it go higher? $200m+? Absolutely.

    That's the magic of box Office.

    I mean this has the same fan rush factor. It's a remake of a highly popular film

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, FlashMaster659 said:

    Despite the huge night, sources believe that Beauty and the Beast isn’t frontloaded, but will play and play throughout the weekend.

    Says one non Disney studio executive about Beauty‘s Thursday, “It’s playing like Star Wars among female audiences.”

    Doesn't that mean it will be frontloaded

  4. Just now, MrFanaticGuy34 said:

    Oh, is it because YOU hated it?


    Look, i do respect your opinion about the movie and that's fine with me. But to say that it isn't gonna get at least to over $350-400M DOM is just ridiculous hater-nonsense...and wishful thinking to underperform is just not going to work.


    It's like someone obnoxiously saying last year, "Oh, The Jungle Book will not do $300M, because i hated it" or "Oh, Captain America 3 will not get to $350M because it was a poor movie" or "Oh, Finding Dory will not get $400M because it sucked" or even "Oh, Rogue One will not hit $450M because it was a piece of shit". Those hater-arguments just never work.

    Those are OW extrapolations unless you are saying this will do 400OW

  5. Just now, seduh said:

    This number is huge. Remember it's a family film. It will be more frontloaded than usual but i expect a +$45 Friday so a +$63 OD is happening and a $150 OW. This could explode, the presales for Friday are really huge so I wouldn¡t be surprised by a $70 OD. (Remember JW that had $18,5 preview and a $81,8 OD)

    It is not really a family movie more YA and teen centric

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Nova said:

    This number doesnt mean anything imo until we know exactly how this film plays out. If it is going to play out like a kiddie/family movie then HOLY SHIT the number is huge. BUT it could also play out like a YA or comic book film and be front loaded in which this number is great but not HOLY SHIT types of level. 


    We shall see. 


    I think it will play like a Maleficent on steriods or a Hunger games movie, it is definitely not a kid movie or an animation so I'm confused why it people play think it will play like one. There is a committed fanbase for the film that will rush out and did so.

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, Rey said:



    Your racism is showing, sis.


    You all cannot let Black people win something without diminishing it a case of feeling sorry, out of pity, etc.


    Truly ugly.



    This kind of knee jerk reaction is a problem having a problem with one film winning is not racist just because the film is a black film. I loved 12 years a slave and was happy it won and I hated crash and rather brokeback mountain won but in this context Moonlight seems to be a forced winner to fit a narrative

  8. 1 minute ago, The Panda said:


    Have you actually seen Moonlight?  It's most definitely not Oscar bait, and is one of the most inspired wins in Oscar history (and again, I preferred La La Land to Moonlight).


    As much as I loved La La Land, that movie was Oscar Bait the movie, only the Academy didn't take it.

    I tried then I stopped I got bored, I didn't love La La land either btw I don't really like musical but this  is just something that doesn't happen. A movie that no one saw in the GA, it' is the second lowest grosser ever, wins best picture over the other movie that won every other award following a year where the Oscar were attacked for lacking diversity and  all the other political stuff occurred. It is a political statement regardless of its merit and that to me is a bridge to far

    • Like 2
  9. 1 minute ago, The Panda said:

    Moonlight is a fantastic movie, and it won't be forgotten (with critics and film nerds at least).  No reason to hate on the movie because of the screw up, it's not the fault of anyone who made Moonlight.  


    And while I could understand people saying, "It's only a reaction to Trump and Oscars so white!"  They could have went with Fences or Hidden Figures (hell even Loving if they had nominated it) for the same effect.  In all reality, Hidden Figures might be the more Anti-Trump film.


    Moonlight didn't just win because "black and gay", it won because it's a great movie that a lot of people really loved.  This is coming from someone who prefers La La Land to Moonlight.

    It won precisely because it was black and gay, it was literally oscar bait the movie 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Water Bottle said:


    Once again, the Academy voters gets free screeners of every movie including Moonlight. Chances are they saw it.

    I know they do but nobody else did, whatever I'm pretty liberal myself but this just feels like a reaction to last year and the election than anything else moonlight won't be remembered in more than a year its destined to be in the spotlight, artist of movie awarded then forgotten. 

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Jason said:


    This is completely untrue. Publishers can neither prevent libraries from purchasing multiple copies (they don't have to buy directly from the publisher), nor can they restrict lending of however many copies the library chooses to purchase.


    In any case, there were multiple copies of all the textbooks in the library for all my undergrad textbooks that I actually checked (most of them, I usually would take a look there before buying since they were shrink-wrapped at the bookstore). Admittedly not enough so that it wouldn't be a huge hassle to rely on the library, but that's on the university library system, not the publishers.


    This discussion has somehow switched from movies to books, but it's the same crap all over again, jumping through hoops to justify piracy.

    I pay 65000 for college a year im not going to pay another 1000 a year for textbooks I will barely use and never use once the semester is over. Fuck that

    • Like 2
  12. 29 minutes ago, DMan7 said:


    Sorry to hear that man, this is indeed the ugly side of piracy. See what you pirates have done, you could potentially cost alot of people their jobs and livelihood due to it where families are destroyed and crime runs rampant due to unemployed individuals looking for money and food to survive. 

    You are never going to shame people into stopping as 99% of people don't view it as a moral issue the only way to stop it is to make movies more accessible like music

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