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Posts posted by boomboom234

  1. 39 minutes ago, Cochofles said:

    Do I detect a sorta kinda TFA mini-backlash? Why?

    The fact that it had nothing original and outside of Finn all the characters were just pastiches of previous characters. It had little plot and even in that the plot holes were massive. I won't talk about the Mary Sue arguement but that ending was bullshit. It was way to focused on Nostalgia 

  2. 2 hours ago, Grand Moff Tele said:

    Eh, I think Seinfeld is longer-lasting and also holds up better, but it may come down to personal taste. I don't have much interest in watching a random Friends ep on reruns, but I'll still occasionally watch a Seinfeld here and there. 

    I think it's the young vs old divide anyone younger and the 90s or born in the 90s would prefer friends Seinfeld seems to be more popular with older people. In my college at least no one watches Seinfeld but everyone has seen friends 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Xavier said:


    I think that is very true about the whole world except the US. I don't think Seinfeld gained any traction in Europe, for example. But people just love, love Friends.

    Would you say Seinfeld is more popular than Friends in the US?

    Are you kidding no one under thirty watches Seinfeld friends is pretty much required viewing 

  4. Just now, grey ghost said:


    2016 is a peak year for WB with all their biggest franchises.


    Which can't compare to Universal's peak (2015).

    Jurassic world and furious are not going to repeat anything close and so is the despicable franchise 2015 was universal best year ever by far warner is clearly the #2 studio right now

  5. 5 minutes ago, Sam said:

    Dr. Strange's trailers all look boring. Visually good but dull otherwise. Domestically, Ant-Man's numbers at best IMO. And I see it'll do better OS thanks to the effects and China (which I heard Cumberbatch is pretty popular in) 



    Very good numbers across the boards. Some crazy jumps too. These bigger and bigger Tuesday jumps keep making Wednesday drops look worse than they normally would be.

    It won't play in China for the same reason gb and ss didn't it has magic

  6. 7 hours ago, PatrickvD said:


    We're all one race anyway. If you're going to get technical, Turks are also a mixed race, made up of Mongolians, Arabs and Caucasians. Whereas Persians originally descend from Aryans (hence the name Iran) they don't even resemble modern Europeans or most of the people living in the Caucasus. And they're mixed with Russians in the north on top of that. 


    The sooner we accept we're all one race the better. We're 99.99% identical. 

    Sure but the reality is it's less about race and more about cultural values and biases I know from experience call a Turk an Arab and you're asking for a fight. Indians hate being called black because that's not who they are confuse Chinese and Japanesse will insult both people are different 

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  7. 17 minutes ago, comicbookguy said:


    Arab isn't a skin color. There are Arabs with skin as black as coal, there are Arabs with blue eyes.

    Its just a reference not an exact parallel its a similar idea arab and Turk are diffrent races and both feel insulted i you confuse them so do persians as well

  8. 3 minutes ago, dashrendar44 said:


    Yeah and it is rotten. Because that fuckery has ruined carribean islands politics up to this day where indian hate "black" (read carribean of mixed/african descent) and vice versa. My dad is dark skinned indian and my mum "black" and lighter than him, and it's appalling and repelling how indians get upset to be considered "black" like it's a blatant insult to them and won't identify black people as equal.

    Indians aren't black its a simple as that, in my experience its like calling a Turk and arab its just wrong and people get upset

  9. Just now, Water Bottle said:


    Why are you discounting Hunger Games? $400 million, clear female lead. Sequel did $424 million. The third did more than Batman vs. Superman. How are they not female huge super blockbusters? Although I guess one could maybe argue the Twilight series was first.

    I'm not discounting hunger games just mentioning Star Wars isn't the best for the argument. But they still are relatively rare compared to make ones 

  10. Just now, Water Bottle said:


    The GIF was in response to "first female huge super blockbuster".

    Star Wars was but it wasn't really marketed as such who went for Rey no one even knew she was the main character until the movie boyega was more front and center. Ww will be clearly a female led movie

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