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Posts posted by boomboom234

  1. http://www.vulture.com/2015/06/kit-harington-couldnt-wait-for-you-to-find-out.html Either this is the biggest con in TV history, or he's really dead.

    You read the books you know he is not dead and how the hell would john bradley know one way or another there is a reason for the varamyr prologue in dance Jon will live they just hope to build hype for when they bring him back it's a long game that they can't win because they will be set pictures. Furthermore why go the explicit effort of bringing mel to the wall

  2. They have jon whisper olly, They have Dorne, thye Melisdre go with stannis for the singuler purpose of burining shireen and then rush her back to the wall, they glorfiy ramsay bolton, they ruin theon's storyline


    The show makes no sense every single storyline is so riddled with plotholes and stupidity its close to transformers level it's just bad now coasting off previous good seasons and the infinitely superior novels

  3. I think this episodem ore than any other proved ding and dong don't know what they are doing or conisder a storyline. Look at dorne they had myrcella killed on a lannister boar with trystane on board what a stupid pointless storyline that wasted everybody's time it was purely awful writing avting. Stannis again though I don't think he is dead but the whole execution is so purely done that it is a pointless scene. Even FTW is ruined because there is no context why did alliser let them past the wall the prevoius episode. Why did they decide to act now why not before he left, the lack of any smoking gun renders the sene illogical. The only good portions are cersei and arya because those are for the most part direct adaptations. D&D don't know what they are doing but what can I expect from the writer of troy and XOW

  4. Obviously R+L=J is set up in the books, but it just feels too obvious. Like somebody is fantasy booking it. I just doubt things that seem obvious. Then again, maybe not. I hope he's alive.

    It isn't really only on the internet for most readers it really isn't plus seeing how george promised that jon's parentage will be reveled that reveal doens't matter if he is dead. Kit is just building tension for next season

  5. So what the hell is Varys doing in Meereen and why are Pycelle and Kevan still alive?


    So I guess Doran having an epic revenge scheme is entirely junked. Plus it is really stupid for Elliara and the Sand Snakes to use a poison that takes about 15 minutes to activate. The boat is literally 2 miles offshore, it can turn around, dock, and Doran will learn the whole thing and execute the 4 of them, since show Doran is apparently not planning for revenge at all.


    For the Watch could have been handled better (it just rolled into place rather than there being a final straw) but it did what it needed to do. Guess the leaked pic of Jon Snow with Warg eyes was a photoshop dropped in with the others to troll.


    Sam is finally on track with the books. Arya meanwhile is all over the place with regards to book chronology.


    Dany pretty much is where the books leave her, though her introspective fever dream of hallucinations was missed.


    At this point I have no idea what they're doing with Winterfell. It's ahead of schedule, behind schedule, and off the rails in sideways land all at once.

    DOrne is beyond a mess just abandon it its trash. Arya is fine. I'm pretty sure they will have littlefinger or even cersei herself take varys' role there's no other reason to bring back kevan. Jon isn't dead interview be damned. But FTW was poorly done. Stannis is probably alive and him and brienne will do something hell they might even bring the norhten lords/ rickon in next season

  6. I just am bummed they cut the single best scene from the fifth book out:

    Theon's breakdown in the godswood.


    But, they watered down that entire storyline so they could smush other stuff into Winterfell as well and the result was not much.

     That scene was awesome but without bran it isn't much. On JON kit harrington still hasn't cut his hair the hair he says he hates plus there are pictures of him in belfast he is not going anywhere

  7. Oh yeah, I think I can say now that the show version of the Dorne plot was just plain terrible, with the crap cherry on top being that Elliara and the Sand Snakes use a poison that goes into effect while the boat is 2 miles offshore, very easy to turn around, Doran to get the news, and dumb revenge idiot heads to roll.


    The book version had its problems, but it had a simple and effective core throughline and it built towards something, whereas the show version spun its wheels before sputtering to a braindead conclusion.

    PLus trystane is now dead no matter what. Cersei and Arya were well done the JON scene was rushed and not well done at all and KIt is a bloody liar he is coming back. I don't think Stannis is dead they would have showed. ANd why on earth would meereen which hates dany listen to a eunuch and a dwarf

  8. Playboy: You make quintessential guy movies. Do you have an secret nonguy hobbies?


    Tarantino: It's more a matter of guy things that I don't do. I don't hang around pool halls. I don't play poker. And I don't go to sporting events. To me, torture would be watching sports on television. If I go to Dodger Stadium, that's ok, because the game is secondary to the beer and the environment. One thing I don't understand is that average American movie-goers cannot watch a movie for three hours, yet they'll watch a stupid, boring, horrific football game for four hours. Now, that is boredom at its most colossal. I have a lot of little theories, and one of them is that nobody really likes sports. But men feel they should like sports, so they act as if they do. I also feel that way about the Who. I don't think anybody really likes that band. Everyone thinks they're supposed to like the Who, so they just pretend. They're afraid to say that the emperor has no clothes.

    Personal taste and Tarantino is being an elitist prick there

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  9. When my mother is clinging on to her life you dumbass, I couldn't care less if TA is beaten or not.. You folks so want me to have a meltdown over this and it's not happening and why?? Cause I don't take box office as seriously as you do..

    I couldn't give two shits about the box office or nay movie enough to get upset about its gross. iI is a sometimes interesting hobby to look at when I'm not doing anything else and before this summer I pretty much stopped coming here you obviously care your past posts prove that I would post them here but I don't want to go to the effort. Sorry about your mother but that isn't the point here and you bringing her up isn't winning you any arguement

  10. How many times have people written off Marvel?

    Iron Man blows up then they put out a few weaker films.

    People write them off. It must be end for superheroes.

    Avengers blows up then they put out a couple weaker films.

    People write them off. "Marvel was a fluke."

    Then GotG and Winter Soldier blows up...

    You see a trend?

    Who worte them off after avengers really who but there flagship sunk a little it is fair to cast doubt on them especially since they made a bad movie

  11. Yeah dude.. I'm above it and don't give a shit anymore.. Once more, records fall. TA had it's day and something came along and beat it.. Big deal.. Great for Universal, but stop coming off as a pretentious douche..

    You obviously care I remember AOU opening weekend the rants you were throwing around cursing RTH saying that's he's bullshit. Cursing out the fight you were really upset more than any person has a right to be over a gorss of a movie that they are not in any way involved in. Coming in now and saying you don't care is disingenuous 

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