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Posts posted by boomboom234

  1. A movie called Suicide Squad, as in suicide, as in killing yourself. People on the internet may think that's a good title, but the GA will think that's a sick and disturbing title and I'll agree with them. It does Watchmen numbers at best.

    thats why it was trending on facebook and youtube...incredibly nerdy sites right. Andthe GA doesn't care about titles thats BS

  2. Typical overreaction of the internet the same way as a movie called SUICIDE SQUAD will be a one off for the DCU.. With a title like SUICIDE SQUAD, what kind of an audience do you expect to buy into something like that beyond the internet/comic-con crowd???

    I don't know the fact that it trended on twitter was on youtube's frontpage had more trialer views than any marvel movie not named avengers and was all over facebook for the past week. i mean those are the most fanboy sites on the internet right..... did antman even trend once I mean really on any site

  3. 5 is better than a couple of the others. another pass at the script and it could of been really something.

    It's not as iconic as any of the others all the others are iconic whether it be eye of the tiger Rocky winning drago and ROckys last fight you can skip 5 and lose nothing if anything you need those movies to understand creed as they show Apollo and rockeys friendship the evolution of rocky and where he is today

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  4. In America, the season finale set a new series high with 8.12 million first-run viewers despite going against one of the highest rated NBA games in a long time, so I guess that whole "all deez changes Ding and Dumbby are making from the books are driving people away in drovvveeess" posts were for naught, huh?

    Viewers is never a good indication of quality and quite a few people myself included are going to step away after this season and if you look around there are quite a few articles saying how bad this season was now that isn't to say critics are negative about the show now just that it is a lot more mixed than it was a decade ago. And you know that the quality simple doesn't match the books and the changes d&d made are for the most part not good. For example defend dorne. The show has become a parody of itself and even managed to remove all drama from ftw

  5. Oh, I know that for sure. I've made that same exact argument to Sun's Son and other pessimists like 20 times in the past two weeks. But Jon's death is significant because to casual viewers he was THE protagonist of this series and it symbolizes something so bleak that if something good doesn't come soon people will turn away. Maybe I'm overreacting a bit, but the Unsullied on my Twitter and Facebook feed have gone cuckoo for motherfuckin Cocoa Puffs. They're swearing the show off unless he comes back.

    Also a possibility that I'm up past my bedtime and my mind is failing me. The night is dark and full of terrors etc.

    If only they do the show has become a parody of itself

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