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Phil in the Blank

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Posts posted by Phil in the Blank

  1. I wouldn't mind if they recast Indiana Jones, it worked for Bond after all. And there are probably plenty more stories that can be told about an archaeologist with a knack for finding trouble.


    But most of me thinks that Indiana Jones belongs as a relic of the past. A time where action scenes meant real stunts and not needing hyper quick cutting and explosions every 3rd frame to keep the viewer engaged.

  2. I am fucking shocked. I actually enjoyed this film. Don't get me wrong, its not a good film, but its certainly quite enjoyable.


    I have set a challenge to myself to watch as many movies in the cinemas as I can this year and with this being Vampire Academy's last showing here I resolved to battle my way through my cold, and be prepared for an experience as bad as twilight.


    This is not Twilight. This is so far above Twilight its not even funny. And sure, half the plot in this film comes from 'gossip', but you know what fuck it. I'll give it a pass for that. On one level this is essentially a coming of age/finding your place in the world type story and its decent for what it is. But ultimately, while these lead girls have crushes and like boys, and wanna look pretty and shit they actually have depth to their characters. Neither is a Bella Swan. They have hopes and dreams that extend beyond getting cock . And I liked that. I appreciate that. I actually enjoyed watching a film with 2 strong female leads which is quite rare in the world of film.


    Unfortunately the direction and technical aspects of this film were a let down. I get the feeling this movie was made as quickly as possible for as little money as possible to cash in on the YA fiction fad going on at this moment which is a shame because I suspect the underlying material deserved a lot better treatment. The CGI is laughable, the direction is anaemic, the sound design woeful.....Its just not a well put together film.


    Yet, channeling my inner teenage girl I still enjoyed it. I was engaged with the characters. I was engaged with the lore. I laughed at the one liners. I was thinking, Mia you are a total bitch! I laughed through the badly choreograph in the fight scenes. Fuck the 10% RT meter, this is not a movie made for 40 year old male critics. I enjoyed it.



    • Like 3
  3. The Dark Knight Rises v Pirates Of The Caribbean 2The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring v Skyfall

    Titanic v The Avengers

    Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King  v Inception

    Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2  v The Hunger Games: Catching Fire


    Jurassic Park v Toy Story 3

    Shrek 2 v Finding Nemo

    Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince v The Dark Knight

    Despicable Me 2 v Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers

    Frozen v The Lion King

  4. Recently rewatched this and yeah, stand by my opinion. T3 I think would actually be considered a great Arnold movie if T2 didn't exist. But watching it you can't help but think 'I could be watching T2 instead of this', and its simply never going to compare well too one of the greatest movies of all time.


    They needed to differentiate it from T2, not basically retell the story.

  5. Well I watched Dirty Dozen.


    My initial thoughts...Obviously their are spoilers contained within so you probably shouldn't read until you have seen the film yourself.


    Firstly, the premise I would like to describe kindly as interesting yet retarded. At its core its a very interesting premise. Give 12 people who are either serving hard labor or are on death row and give them a chance of freedom if they complete what is on the surface a suicide mission. It's really not that far away from The Expendables really when you think about it! On the other hand its also a retarded premise. Expecting these guys to not only take the word of someone that they don't know that they will be granted freedom if they achieve success in a mission that seems suicidal while handing them guns and minimal supervision and expecting at least one of them not to make a brake for it just seems dumb. If the mission is that important to the Allies surely they would send in a highly trained commando force rather than a ragtag bunch of borderline mentally unstable people who don't deal with authority well and have nothing really to lose from attempting to escape. I mean the mission almost falls apart because the guy most clearly insane among them Maggott goes all crazy at the least convenient time. It's a hard pill to swallow that someone in command thought that this was a good idea.


    The movie also struggles from a problem that plagues a movie like the Hobbit. You have too many characters hanging around to really get to know all but the main few. Its hard to identify with individual characters when we may get a 10 second intro of who they are and what they have done before moving onto the next guy. I mean this is not a math test that i'm jamming for and I really couldn't keep up with who was who. 


    Now onto the positives, because I actually did really enjoy this movie. While I may not had been able to identify with the individual characters I was able to identify with the Dirty Dozen as a whole. To see them slowly come together as a group and have them have each others backs and begin to respect Major Reisman is done really well despite the unlikely scenario as discussed above. Speaking of Major Reisman he is clearly what holds the movie together. To see how he interacts with the dozen, how he interacts with those above him in rank you get a real sense that this is a guy who sees the rules as necessary only until they get in the way of results. In many ways he probably has more in common with these criminals than he does with his colleagues. Perhaps if things were just ever so slightly different he would had been one of the prisoners given a second chance. 


    The final act is spectacular in my opinion and was done really really well. Storming a chateau in France where many high ranking officers go for a bit of rest and relaxation made for an exciting and indeed thought provoking action set piece. While the violence perhaps lacks the 'punch' that we expect from a modern day blockbuster (I find it fascinating that this movie was condemned for its violence when released in 1967), by that time I was engaged with the Dozen and the Major well and truly that I was rooting for their success, and felt a pang of regret for everyone of them who died (barring Maggot cause his a fuckwit). 


    But the most interesting part of this scene is seeing the reactions by these people who the U.S Judicial system have deemed a danger to society and must be locked up or executed. To see Major Reisman bark orders such as pouring grenades and gasoline down the vets into the sealed off bunker with the offices and their womenfolk trapped beneath, or to kill unarmed surrendering Germans, and to see the looks of horror on the dozen doing these acts.....I mean if these criminals can see just how disgusting these actions are I feel it makes a very poignant point about the horrors of war and the fine line it draws between criminals and soldiers in terms of morality. 


    Overall I greatly enjoyed this flick and feel it is a fantastic start to the Classic Movie Club. Cheers Dar.

    • Like 2
  6. If I may make a suggestion as to how to run this.


    When this was done back in the BOM days, from memory it started off well but then for whatever reason some people just didn't put up a movie for consideration when it was this turn. This kind of killed momentum for the thread since there was no movie to talk about before someone stepped up and went they have had enough here is this movie. Organisation broke down and so did the thread.My suggestion is that we are required to PM you at least 2 days before our 'week' begins with the title of the movie we wish to put up. If you haven't received the PM by then efforts should be made to contact the next person in line and ask if they can be ready to go in their place. Hopefully that will ensure a more smoothly running schedule.


    Just a thought

    • Like 1
  7. January 


    The Hobbit - Desolation of Smaug : 3.5/5

    Wolf of Wall Street : 4.5/5




    Mandela - Long Walk to Freed : 2.5/5

    Robocop : 3/5

    The Railway Man : 3/5

    Lone Survivor : 4.5/5

    Last Vegas : 2.5/5




    Non Stop : 3/5

    Wolf Creek 2 : 1.5/5

    3 Days to Kill : 2/5

    300 Rise of an Empire : 4/5

    Need for Speed : 1.5/5

    Monuments Men : 2/5

    12 Years a Slave : 4.5/5


    Total : 14

  8. Avatar v Inception
    Titanic v Twilight breaking dawn part 2
    The Avengers v Transformers 2
    Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2 v Star Wars: revenge of the sith
    Iron man 3 v Catching Fire
    Transformers 3 V Lord of the rings: fellowship of the ring
    Lord of the rings: return of the king v Ice Age 4
    Skyfall v Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets
    The dark knight rises v Ice Age 3
    Pirates of the Caribbean 2 v Spider-Man 3

    Toy story 3 v harry potter and the goblet of fire
    Pirates of the Caribbean 4 v shrek 2
    Jurassic park v the hobbit 2
    Star Wars: the phantom menace v lord of the rings: the two towers
    Alice in wonderland v harry potter and the half blood prince
    The hobbit v finding nemo
    The dark knight v harry potter and the order of the Phoenix
    Frozen v harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1
    The lion king v pirates if the Caribbean 3
    Harry potter and the sorcerers stone v despicable me 2 

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