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Phil in the Blank

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Posts posted by Phil in the Blank

  1. I'm on the love Honest Trailers but don't really care for CinemaSins bandwagon. I'm also on the, it's not a problem with those videos but with people taking those videos as actual valid criticism bandwagon. And finally I'm on the if you don't find either channel funny then good for you but no need to critisize what other people enjoy bandwagon. 

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    dashrendar44, on 17 Aug 2014 - 5:40 PM, said:Posted Image


    I could tear down TDKR, XMFC, GOTG, IM3, MOS, CA and Pacific Rim but fanboys will simply go "U mad bro?" and be chuffed with their ignorance. Not gonna waste my time, so unless you've found a decent group of people who will engage in intelligent discussion, when dealing with most of the Internet, saying shit like "Superman IV is better than The Third Man" is the way to go.



    Tearing down TDKR.......


    You mad bro?

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  3. Human Beings have always had a problem with objective vs subjective. If we side-step into the realm of morality for a second who is to say that helping an old lady across the street is more moral than punching her in the stomach and stealing her handbag? Why is one action considered 'good' and one action considered 'bad'? And I must say that at age 30 I really don't care anymore. If someone wants to argue that punching an old lady in the stomach is perfectly fine then let them have that opinion, I'm just glad I live in a society that will punish that action.


    Likewise if I filmed 200 people taking a shit and cut that into a 2 hour movie, and someone wants to call that movie better than Casablanca or even Transformers 4, and tell anyone who says their taste is rubbish that all taste is subjective, then let them. I really don't care anymore. I'll just keep on thinking that their taste is simply rubbish and to never listen to any opinion they ever have on film.

  4. 8. Why is Beauty and the Beast so ridiculously hard to find on DVD? Seriously, it's one of my favourites and one of the best known, but even in the most packed DVD stores, like HMV, you're lucky if you can find one and it's always about £13. Heck, Disney have recently done a new DVD release of most of their films with villain covers and I've yet to find a single one with Gaston's marvelous mug. And yeah, I know DVDs are becoming outdated nowadays, but I collect them. Speaking of, I just found out my favourite DVD store shut while I was at Uni, which is a major disappointment. I swear I bought half my DVD collection from them.



    Blame Disney's 'Vault' System.

  5. You know what I completely agree with you when you said 


    "That's what I like about Star Wars casting approach, they didn't close their potential thinking "Well, it's the lead, we got to choose only whites to test and cast among Hollywood top agencies". For exemple, Billy Dee Williams tested for the Han Solo role because nothing on paper screamed Han Solo got to be white only. Just like I'd like to think there were white, latino, asian, black people that tested for the role John Boyega, Daisy Ridley and Lupita Nyong'o landed. Talent comes in any shape and color if you're primarily looking for it. That would be ideal if most castings were resuming that way."


    I'm the one championing the need for a colour blind society after-all.


    I just think your post that I originally quoted was poorly worded and still do.

  6. I'm implying that the cesspool in which they chose the players is not as narrow as Hollywood just like the articles I just posted reflect. Simple.


    So because Larry King got a game the 'cesspool' is not as Narrow as it is in Hollywood? You may as well say the same about Will Smith in Hollywood vs the NBA


    I really think you should have thought through that post a bit more buddy. 

  7. I didn't say that. I said "NBA isn't black reserved only". Once again, you want to read what you want to read and assume things that simply aren't.



    You said, and I quote "he was still allowed to play in NBA being white so comparing NBA and Hollywood don't bode well because NBA is not "Blacks reserved only""


    Now when you say you can't compare NBA with Hollywood because NBA 'isn't black reserved only', what do you think Dash you are implying about Hollywood???


    Those were your words. If you phrased them poorly then you only have yourself to blame.

  8. Yeah, that's my point and he was still allowed to play in NBA being white so comparing NBA and Hollywood don't bode well because NBA is not "Blacks reserved only" because of their skin color, it's open. That would be like me complaining about the lack of black people in swimming, equestrian, archery, rowing, sailing, ski, BMX, waterpolo and countless other sports. That's not the point.


    Hollywood isn't 'Whites reserved only'.


    Say hi to Will Smith. 

  9. Everyone looks at this through their own prism.


    I think another thing is that unless you happen to be a neo-nazi "white" people don't have any context of thinking about "white heritage".  The idea of celebrating whiteness, being proud to be white or white power is a bizarre and alien concept.  "White" people would think of them selves as American, Irish American, a New Yorker, English Australian, Tasmanian etc.  The vast majority will obviously notice skin colour but would see other people in the same context whether that be a Samoan Australian, a Mexican American, a Peruvian etc.


    Seriously man, I will kick your ass.

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  10. I didn't say that and you know it. But please enlighten me how skin-based casting when it's not necessary fits your color blind society. 


    No you didn't say that. You said that its the fault of casting directors as to why more minorities are not given roles in Hollywood. Personally speaking I feel that is a rather large percentage of the blame to hand out on this issue and gave an exaggerated reply to show how ridiculous in my eyes is, that your supposition that casting directors are to blame for this situation. You could at least throw some of the blame towards the writers, the directors, and the general public who pay the $$$ to see this stuff if this truly is that big of an issue for you.


    I never said we live in a color blind society, only that it is desirable that we move towards one. Of course, even in a color-blind society there will be occasions where colour will actually matter when it comes to casting decisions as our past most definitely was not colour blind. Wouldn't want a white guy in blackface playing MLK would we?

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