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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. It’ll really depend on if it’s as preview heavy as the other Star Wars films. It could potentially not be (especially with a soft Sunday drop) but I wouldn’t bank on it
  2. There’s a difference between over exaggerating your dislike, and then spewing that hate for 5 months straight in every thread you can while also attempting to troll audience scores and comments sections on anything related to the movie.
  3. Do you really need to say why you disliked TLJ for the nth time in Solo’s weekend thread though? This is another one of the type comments that I was talking about that’s exhausting. On topic: As for Solo’s numbers, I’m not sure what there is to say. It’s not good, and this thread shows why we really need that 2 year Star Wars break.
  4. Exactly, plus given how varied the SW movies are, it’s kind of inevitable you’ll eventually run across one you don’t like. Same with Marvel or anything else. I also have opinions on things LF could do that’d help BO results, but they’re just my opinions and honestly pretty useless. LF won’t actually read them or take them seriously, and they’re going to do what they’re planning regardless. Going full troll mode because they aren’t going in a direction I’d personally prefer won’t stop them and it’ll just be toxic for me and everyone I spew the vitrol to (plus if you’re open minded, you can end up really liking something you weren’t sold on at first. Rogue One was an example for me, I thought it was kind of a “What?” Idea but it was executed well imo).
  5. And on a campus, I was having a conversation with three friends about Star Wars. We had disagreements but weren’t spouting drivel then some dude not apart of it walks by and shouts “DISNEY IS RUINING STAR WARS!” So apparently I can’t even have a public IRL discussion about the new Star Wars movies without somebody trying to troll it. I’m done with it. I like these new movies, and so I’ll keep going to see them. I feel bad for the current SW team though because they’re going to have to deal with this on a daily basis.
  6. And these are some of the other comments I’m done with. Is the GA responding well to the latest string of SW offerings? Maybe not, especially not with Solo obviously. But do I need to be reminded every day condescendingly about how apparently everyone is in denial that there’s something wrong with SW that Disney should fix. No.
  7. Yeah, I have SW burnout and it’s not the fault of Disney. It’s that whenever I go to anything Star Wars related or try to talk about it there’s always somebody who goes off and starts ranting about nonsense. Im honestly sick of it. Like, okay you didn’t like the movie, it’s childish though to go out and try to ruin everyone else’s experience for the franchise that did though. I wasn’t so huge on Infinity War but you don’t see me trashing everything Marvel related because I had a meh reaction to a movie. I stated my opinion, discussed some, and moved on lol. I love Star Wars but I’m looking forward to nearly 2 years without it so maybe some of these people can finally burn out and shut up.
  8. I understand Solo isn’t all that interesting of a concept so I can see why it’s performing poorly. I also get TLJ is a slower-paced movie compared to most modern blockbusters. My disbelief is at the toxic hate a portion of the SW fanbase has for Kennedy. Especially since most of the hate is over plot points not going how they want them to. I don’t blame JJ for dismissing it, those aren’t the kind of fans you want as a base.
  9. While I’m not really sure that the GA hates these movies or anything. I think a loud toxic minority has become a deterrent to some people, but you know maybe that’s what they want. The trolls who spam down ratings to keep trashing Kennedy or Johnson (and have been doing so non-stop since TLJ) are another level of sad. It’s not wanting to save their franchise or anything, it’s being pathetic because a movie didn’t follow your fan theory. I understand there’ve been movies that people don’t like but none have been anywhere near a level where they could be considered that offensively bad.
  10. I hope he actually goes to trial and no plea bargain. He should be behind bars for the rest of his life.
  11. Nolan teaming up for one of D&D’s Old Republic films would be your typical internet/reddit dweller’s wet dream.
  12. I still don’t get why studios stigmatize certain dates and idolize others. Disney hurts itself by cramming all of its big blockbusters into a May - Early July timeframe and a November - December timeframe when there’s plenty of dates to give blockbusters time to breathe. Theres only a few dates where I actually see some benefit in putting prized movies or avoiding placing them (that’s Christmas timeframe plus a few other non-busy holiday weekends like MLK, Easter or Presidents Day for placing movies and avoiding Super Bowl Sunday and the Labor Day area) The Summer weekdays are nice and all, but they aren’t nice if you’ve choked out one of your tentpoles with a few of your others. It should be obvious by now that taking advantage of barren months like September, October and April could actually lead to a massive success as there’s no other big movies competing for your movie’s attention. I believe the OW record would theoretically be obtainable in any month if you released a movie like TFA or IW in them.
  13. If it wasn’t for Poppins, Christmas would have been a much better spot for Solo. TLJ is still in recent memory, so people aren’t clamoring to line up for another Star Wars movie. On a positive note, I think the breathing room should help episode 9. I think Christmas is a much better spot for Star Wars. Not only does it benefit legs, but I’m sure you get a much larger merchandise spike because of the holidays.
  14. The actual fourth though isn’t a good movie day for BO because most people are out partying and fireworks and such for the night. It’s the days around it that end up being inflated. So I’d say it’s better to release a film the weekend before and benefit from the legs (think of your big budget movies being placed the weekend before thanksgiving typically)
  15. That’s fair, but also think marketing wise. Disney is trying to release 3 of their major tent poles of the year within a month and a half’s timeframe of each other. The same thing happened with their Holiday schedule the last few years. They end up effectively marketing two or so and end up overlooking the others in a way. I’d say films like TGD, Moana, Coco, Solo, Pirates, Alice, Tomorrowland all suffered some from being sandwiched marketing wise by their main studio. During those times Disney focused on marketing their two others releases that came right before and right after. It’d be okay if some of these movies were lower budgeted and didn’t need to make as much to profit. But when they’re three 150-250m budget films, there’s going to be a bit of a struggle there. You have to have the proper amount of time and energy devoted to marketing your big films, I feel like Solo’s marketing push was rather rushed due to IW and I2.
  16. I think it’s fair to say it isn’t a great weekend to release films. As AndyLL said, people are busy, and it’s not the summer kick off anymore. If anything it’s a good weekend for holdovers. Also, I think Disney’s Memorial Day release gets overshadowed marketing wise as it’s usually trapped between Marvel and Pixar.
  17. Yeah, it was a horrible spot scheduling wise as well. The market’s pretty well saturated with Deadpool 2 and IW, people aren’t aching for another blockbuster. Plus they’re trying to ramp up I2 marketing (and had just finished IW marketing). I understand they wanted Christmas for Poppins, but Memorial Day was a poor choice for Solo. Especially since it probably rushed Howard who was already salvaging what sounds like a train wreck. I also think with Star Wars they have so many cool and inspired stories they could go with, that Solo just feels pretty boring and inconsequential. Especially hot off the tail of one of the more consequential blockbusters marketed in some time
  18. This is still going to end up being the biggest Memorial Day since 2013 or something. But that isn’t saying much.
  19. Let’s go 600m DOM! This is going to approach Shrek 2 and TLK adjusted numbers
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