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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. Get hyped! Just rewatched the whole soundtrack in anticipation of the summer event for 2018!
  2. Also I know some people put meme quotes as a joke, but you should actually consider those. If we’re talking about movie lines that are ingrained in pop-culture beyond the film, becoming a meme is a definition of it. ”One does not simply walk into Mordor” Or ”Oh, hai Mark!” for example are both memes but are iconic quotes now because of it (even if they may not be the most significant quotes in their movie)
  3. I’d prefer to revisit 2013, much better movies that year. I can actually think of 25 movies worth mentioning 1. Gravity 2. Before Midnight 3. Fruitvale Station 4. Her 5. Inside Llewyn Davis 6. Short Term 12 7. 12 Years a Slave 8. The Wolf of Wall Street 9. The Spectacular Now 10. This is the End 11. Prisoners 12. Saving Mr Banks 13. The Way Way Back 14. All is Lost 15. Blue is the Warmest Color 16. Nebraska 17. Iron Man 3 18. Rush 19. Philomena 20. Dallas Buyers Club 21. The World’s End 22. Captain Phillips 23. Spring Breakers 24. The Kings of Summer 25. About Time
  4. I prefer to see the movie as a racist old man who dies
  5. For fairness sake I never rate movies that I had a role in. It’d be like grading your own paper!
  6. My ranking of 2008 movies, wow that really wasn’t a fantastic year of movies. Wall-E kind of won by default there. 1. Wall-E 2. Slumdog Millionaire 3. Tropic Thunder 4. The Fall 5. Iron Man 6. Gran Torino 7. The Dark Knight 8. Burn After Reading 9. In Bruges 10. Frozen River
  7. Latest starting at 9:30pm? Even our smaller town theaters have 11 or 12 late shows
  8. This is my working list "Baby, you're going to miss that plane!" - Before Sunset "There's no place like home!" - The Wizard of Oz ""In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant." - Harvey "Louie, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship" - Casablanca "Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!" - The Wizard of Oz "May the Force be with you!" - Star Wars "You shall not pass!" - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring "Blast that piece of junk, out of the sky!" - Star Wars: The Last Jedi "Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!" - The Wizard of Oz "Here's to looking at you kid." - Casablanca "Rosebud." - Citizen Kane "It's just a flesh wound!" - Monty Python and the Holy Grail "He's not the messiah! He's a very naughty boy! Now piss off!" - Life of Brian "I don't know, I'm making this up as I go!" - Raiders of the Lost Ark "It's over Anakin, I have the higher ground!" - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith "Are you not entertained?" - Gladiator "I love the smell of napalm in the morning!" - Apocalypse Now "One does not simply walk into Mordor" - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring "He chose... Poorly." - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade "Whoever saves one life saves the world entire" - Schindler's List "You're tearing me apart Lisa!" - The Room "Get out of my way son, you're usin' my oxygen." - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest "Take her to the moon for me!" - Inside Out "I've got a bad feeling about this!" - Star Wars "Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't they?" - The Wizard of Oz "It's not years honey, it's the mileage!" - Raiders of the Lost Ark "Deserve's got nothing to do with it!" - Unforgiven "I am the Senate!" - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith "Here's Johnny!" - The Shining "That's just like, your opinion man!" - The Big Lebowski "Never tell me the odds!" - The Empire Strikes Back "Just Keep Swimming!" - Finding Nemo "What a day, what a lovely day!" - Mad Max: Fury Road "Get Busy Livin' or Get Busy Dyin'!" - The Shawshank Redemption "My precious" - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!" - The Wizard of Oz "I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse!" - The Godfather "Which one of you nuts has got any guts!" - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest "Do or do not, there is no try" - The Empire Strikes Back "I'm fed up with this world!" - The Room "My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!" - The Princess Bride "Wait til the Big Dickus hears of this!" - Life of Brian "Blessed are the cheesemakers" - Life of Brian "Frankly dear, I don't give a damn" - Gone with the Wind "Forget it Jake, It's Chinatown!" - Chinatown "Oh hai mark!" - The Room "I am serious and don't call me Shirley!" - Airplane! "Keep your friends close but your enemies closer!" - The Godfather, Part 2 "Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew!" - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers "That'll be the day" - The Searchers "I like the way you die, boy" - Django Unchained "Chewie, we're home!" - Star Wars: The Force Awakens "My Friends, you bow to no one!" - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King "Amazing! Everything you just said in that sentence was wrong!" - Star Wars: The Last Jedi "Andy Dufresne - who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side." - The Shawshank Redemption "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!" - Monty Python and the Holy Grail "Open the Pod Bay doors, HAL!" - 2001: A Space Odyssey "That's not how the Force works!" - Star Wars: The Force Awakens "These go to eleven!" - This is Spinal Tap "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Star Wars "We all go a little mad sometimes" - Psycho "That is why you fail" - The Empire Strikes Back "The Power of Christ compels you!" - The Exorcist "E.T. phone home!" - E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial "They're taking the hobbits to Isengaad!" - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti." - The Silence of the Lambs "It was beauty who killed the beast." - King Kong "I could've been a contender" - On the Waterfront "Witness me!" - Mad Max: Fury Road "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room." - Dr. Strangelove "Soylent green is people!" - Soylent Green "Do It." - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith "Oh my God, Karen, you can't just ask people why they're white." - Mean Girls "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King "Houston, we have a problem!" - Apollo 13 "I'll be back!" - The Terminator "This is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause!" - Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith "That'll do pig, that'll do" - Babe "We're gonna need a bigger boat!" - Jaws "You build it, he will come." - Field of Dreams "It's a trap!" - Return of the Jedi "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads!" - Back to the Future "How can you trust a man that wears both a belt and suspenders? Man can't even trust his own pants." - Once Upon a Time in the West "Take your stinkin paws off me you damned dirty ape!" - Planet of the Apes "Ah, mediocre!" - Mad Max: Fury Road "No, I am your father!" - Empire Strikes Back "Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get" - Forrest Gump "There's no crying in baseball!" - A League of Their Own "Hasta la vista, baby!" - Terminator 2 "Come with me if you want to live!" - Terminator 2 "You're darn tootin'!" - Fargo "I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog too!" - The Wizard of Oz "The dude abides" - The Big Lebowski "You maniacs! You blew it up!" - Planet of the Apes "Run, Forrest, Run!" - Forrest Gump "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, You're my only hope!" - Star Wars "You Talkin' to Me?" - Taxi Driver "Draw me like one of your french girls" - Titanic "Hold onto your butts" - Jurassic Park "You is kind. You is smart. You is important." - The Help
  9. Justice for Before Sunset @aabattery @WrathOfHan @Jake Gittes @Arlborn We must assemble a team and vote in ”Baby, you’re gonna miss that plane.” But not you @Ethan Hunt, you’re banned from the Linklater fanclub
  10. I’ve turned off my computer, I can post it in the morning. Im a little hesitant to reveal everything below 250 simply because I only formally vote counted and sorted up to it. Everything else is just clumped in point sets and I have no intention of making an exact rank for 1600+ movies. Thus I don’t want to give an impression that one movie ranked higher than another below the 250 mark simply because it’s name appeared higher on the list. Also, technically the movies that came in dead last were the ones that got 0 votes. Like Magic Mike
  11. I know Oscars use a preferential ballot for Picture, but it’s not points based (which I prefer). Top 5 vote counts get in, then movies with 5% number 1 votes get in. Every scoring system will have some flaws. The Oscars biggest imo is it doesn’t seem to consider where people are ranking the film unless they placed it first. However, an awards ceremony is different than a list, so I’m not sure if the scoring systems are super comparable. For example on this list there were plenty of movies that get lots of top 5 support but lacked number 1 support or tons of top 25 support but lacked top 5 support. I wanted to be able to account for if people were placing a movie in their upper quartile of 100 and not just their number 1. I also didn’t want to do the messy points system where every rank gets a different score (1 -100, 2 -99, 3 -98, etc) that’s just messy and doesn’t really reflect how people think imo. I probably don’t have a real distinct preference between my 76 and 77 movies, but I probably do between 11 and 10, or 1 and 2. I’ll probably stick to this scoring system whenever I do a list again in the system. It was simple for me and seemed match how people think (as it was more focused on grouping a set of movies together rather than a definitive rank for every single one.)
  12. Knowing tricks with excel definitely helped a lot. Id also recommend a scoring system similar to the one I did for anyone wanting to do a countdown in the future. It made a lot of things a lot easier than a few other systems would’ve made it (I also felt like it managed to properly balance quantity of votes vs passion of the votes. It prevented trolls from truly being able to push a movie with no real support onto the list, yet still gave room for people to impact their top favorites)
  13. Wow, this list got me so close yet so far from 30,000 total likes. Looks like I'm going to have to start shitposting like @That One Guy
  14. Here is the final list! Thank you guys for being so excited and interactive with this countdown, it's made the experience great! I've helmed my own personal lists before, BOT theory countdowns (including the 2016 edition of this one), and co-hosted the BOFFIES and I have to say this list was definitely the most time consuming and taxing of any of them, but I had a blast doing it! I am honored to get the opportunity to have presented this and have everyone be so involved and enthusiastic, it was our biggest turnout yet (And the biggest Top 100 list yet)! I'm exhausted now, and you won't see me helming another list until I present my best of 2018 at the end of the year!
  15. Number 1 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Warner Brothers, Directed by Peter Jackson (213 Points, 36 Votes) "The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udun! Go back to the shadow. You shall not pass!" Number 1 Placements: 4 Top 5 Placements: 8 Top 10 Placements: 13 Top 25 Placements: 24 Previous Rankings: 2016 (3, +2), 2014 (7, +6), 2013 (5, +4), 2012 (2, +1) Awards Count: Won 4 Oscars, Nominated for Best Picture Tomatometer: 91% (8.2 Avg Rating) Box Office: 313.4m (498.9m Adjusted) Synopsis: A meek Hobbit from the Shire and eight companions set out on a journey to destroy the powerful One Ring and save Middle-earth from the Dark Lord Sauron. Critic Opinion: "Masterfully paced, the movie builds slowly, introducing the mythology, habitats and lifestyles of Tolkien's creatures. It may be a bit of information overload for moviegoers who have not read Tolkien, but once the second exhilarating half of the film kicks in, few viewers will stop to ponder the difference between an orc and an uruk. The cast is superb, especially McKellen with his kindly imperiousness as Gandalf and Mortensen with his brooding, noble savage take on Aragorn. Jackson nails the fraternity that develops among Tolkien's fellowship. These curious misfits, skeptical of one another's worthiness, come to trust and love each other, grieving like brothers if one should fall. Two of the company share a grand death scene worthy of the heroes of ancient Greece.The size differential (hobbits average 3 1/2 feet, dwarves a foot or so more) is deftly handled through visual effects, diminutive doubles for the actors and some old-fashioned, forced-perspective camera work. Interaction early on between the child-sized Bilbo and the towering Gandalf is so utterly real, size never matters from then on: The audience simply accepts it as another flourish in this exotic world. The only drawback: Part two is 12 months away, part three, 24 months." - David Germain "J.R.R. Tolkien's masterpiece, the three books that make up "The Lord of the Rings," is about two profound things: the horror of power without spiritual understanding, and the nature of courage. In the figure of Frodo, the humble, small-town hobbit who never expected to be called upon for acts of bravery or sacrifice, several generations of readers have found their everyman, their hairy-footed inspiration, their call to day-by-day fortitude. To even begin to conceive of a cinematic version of the series is daunting. But "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" gets it right. Director Peter Jackson has created a film refreshingly free of ego, giving this technically advanced picture an old-fashioned rhythm and gravity. "Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring" would be an exceptional film in any year or season. Yet there's no escaping that part of what makes this film especially powerful is what happened on Sept. 11. The themes feel sad and close. We see visions of a fallen planet, of men unable to control their lust for power, of wizards of unimaginable knowledge who have sold their souls for profit. Most of all, we see a world in fear, and a shadow from another land that threatens the end of everything." - Mark LaSelle User Opinions: "The best of the LOTR films. To get a lump in my throat, the only scene in the series better than when Boromir tells Aragorn that he was his captain and his king, is in ROTK when Aragorn tells the hobbits that they bow to no one." - @baumer "Everything about this movie is just so iconic and memorable. Hobbit I cannot even remember any character's name or one musical note or magnificent shot. This movie is just so full of them, and that's only the first one! The music is one of the best scores in modern history. Everything about something like the Moria scene feels so practical and visceral. Just spectacular. I think PJ was starting to get in his own ass with the multiple endings and multiple deus ex machinas in ROTK, but the first two are absolutely blockbuster perfection." - @Cmasterclay "I'm so struck with how perfect this movie is. The acting, the storytelling, the world that after all this time is just as stunningly beautiful. Also, the greatest soundtrack ever made for a movie. Howard Shore is pure genius. The Lothlorien scenes were my favourite part of the movie. I love Tolkien's Elves. And the ending scenes... so many memories. Now it's time for the 4 hour epicness of the Two Towers EE." - @James "Mmm-mmm-mmmh." - @Jack Nevada Commentary: The Fellowship of the Ring tops our list, being a first time winner, and marks the best the Lord of the Rings trilogy has ever done, getting all of its movies within the top 10 and then topping out the list, we truly have been converted into a bunch of Kiwis. The Fellowship of the Ring is an absorbing masterpiece, a true adventure film that wraps you in its quest and blasts off. No other film has accomplished the world building that this film, and the rest of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, managed to show. Howard Shore's score soars, it's grand and epic when it needs to, and utterly moving at other sections. Peter Jackson truly captured lightning in a bottle with this trilogy, and pulled off the impossible creating the magnum opus of cinema, with a little bit of help from Tolkien's poetic, epic masterwork.
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