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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. I don’t think the actors really are cursed but I do know when I see any GOT actor now I just see their character.
  2. 2012 was the last year they won domestically. They have been third every year since then, with the exception of 2017
  3. I mean people will go see prequels, Rogue One for example. But that one got a TFA bump, it was led by new characters (so there were stakes, as besides getting the Death Star plans, you wouldn’t know what would happen to them) and it was released in a rather open Christmas market when people want to see movies anyways. I think if Solo had released this Christmas, it could have pulled respectable numbers simply due to being a name brand during a time people are seeing movies anyways. Probably not close to RO, but better than this at least. I also think we could be in a point where there’s not franchise fatigue, but franchise indifference. People aren’t tired of franchises (obviously look at most the hits we have), but they’re indifferent about watching every installment in theaters, especially if they don’t sell themselves. There’s so many blockbusters and universes, that it doesn’t seem as necessary to go see each one. People saw Wonder Woman, but are fine skipping JL. People saw TLJ, but are fine skipping Solo. I could easily see people being fine seeing Avengers and BP but willing to skip Ant-Man 2. As for AM2, I don’t think that ones in trouble, especially with a smaller budget. But I could easily see it grossing more on par with the phase 1 or 2 movies than the phase 3 ones. It’s also a prequel.
  4. Yeah the only DC movie that did poorly was JL. BvS probably should have raised some flags, as I’m sure they expected better, but it wasn’t like the movie lost the studio money. Solo losing money is pretty dang bad. In both cases we know people are willing to go see DC and SW in droves and so neither franchise is close dead or anything. I think what it shows is that people won’t go see a movie based off franchise name alone, you still have to make something interesting and that sells. In JL’s case it was marketed poorly, the movie wasn’t good and there was already skepticism about that film. In Solo’s case, the movie looked uninspired, right after two rather inspired blockbusters had just come out. I loved the Last Jedi but I was in no rush to go out and see Solo, in fact if I wasn’t free when it came out I might have missed OW and been fine (this is somebody who set my schedule around the last three SW openings). I could easily see people who are even more casual SW fans being willing to simply skip it entirely until Netflix. Im also sure somebody will come and say “But MCU can sell on name alone!” Which id also debunk. Marvel’s just been run well enough that they’ve picked interesting properties to make or they’ve marketed those properties well. Ant-Man’s their most niche thing and it so far has sold the worst of their characters. Im curious if Bumblebee will even be able to pass 100m come December. Franchises are abundant enough now that people are fine giving them a pass. Anyways, I think franchises should start avoiding these easy spin-offs and prequels unless they’re a legitimately good idea. If people didn’t care about Solo, why would they go see Boba Fett or Jabba the Hutt movies?
  5. I see it’s a day after I mention T-Swift and people are still going on about her, oops.
  6. I follow Rian Johnson on twitter just so I can see the insanity in his mentions. I don’t know if I feel bad for the guy at this point or am jealous he gets so much comedy every day. (Not making any of these up) *Rian Johnson tweets about a board game called murdered she wrote* Loony: Murder HE Wrote! *picture of Star Wars* *Rian Johnson tweets a joke about Netflix auto playing music* Loony: “It’s funny you moaning about something you don’t like, yet you fail to listen to the millions of Star Wars fans who hate what you did to THEIR franchise. So I guess you can suck it up baby. Also I’m gonna laugh when you get the boot off the new trilogy.” *Rian Johnson asking followers to say yes to Frank Oz’s question if he should do movie commentary* Loony: “If you had checked with Star Wars fans before Last Jedi and said “will this ruin Star Wars?” You would have gotten the same answer.” No matter what the dude tweets, he has the same dudes ranting about TLJ on his feed. It’s almost like those people who manage to rant about politics on every Facebook comment section, no matter the article or video.
  7. Hopefully there’s no new Bond song and they just use Writings on the Wall again
  8. Seasons 3, 4 and 6 of GOT are GOAT discussion worthy. Seasons 1, 2 are top-tier and nearly there too. Seasons 5 and 7 have their flaws but are still really great. It also has a great chance of breaking SNL’s record for most Emmy wins (50) with only 8 seasons compared to SNL’s 42. It blows any other TV Drama out of the water when it comes to awards wins though.
  9. Her music hasn’t been all that great since Red, yet some reason I’ll still listen to it anyways
  10. Taylor Swift is underrated. Everyone was all team Kanye and such, but where’d that get them? Now they were just fans of the most obnoxious trump supporter, who doesn’t show up to his concerts and doesn’t know how to name children
  11. She did well, it was just the Littlefinger stuff that was shoddy. Really looking back, while that season was one of the weaker thrones seasons (still better than season 5, maybe on par with 2), it was still solid overall. Lots of really great moments, there were just a couple of dumb ones as well (the time jumping isn’t as bad in hindsight. It was more jarring getting used to going from the slower moving previous seasons)
  12. I just looked up the controversy. This controversy makes sense though. WTF at why they thought it was okay to include that, or even think it up.
  13. Critics are finally giving 13 Reasons Why the trash reviews it deserves “Is an evenmore problematic dumpster fire.” “Nearly unwatchable” “Ridiculously gratuitous and irresponsible” “13 Reasons Whyis not fundamentally interested in starting a conversation. It's interested in shocking, and it does not care how cheaply it might go about creating that shock.” I usually don’t actively cheer for something to fail, but I will for that show.
  14. I’m still silently hoping Disney does a Knights of the Old Republic trilogy/series. Maybe it’s fanservice, but I want wide shot of an army of Jedi duking it out with an army of Sith with a rainbow of lightsabers clashing against each other. I’ve wanted to see an equivalent of a medieval wartime lightsaber battle my whole life. Maybe Solo not doing as well as they hoped will nudge Disney in that direction. Also, D&D are the perfect team to spearhead a KOTR series, just saying.
  15. Anyways, the movie’s fun and it being skipped on isn’t going to spell doom to Star Wars. I will agree though, LF will need to get 9 right in a way that it can please multiple factions, and figure out some hook to market it with.
  16. Or Solo just didn’t seem to be that interesting with its marketing campaign, and its coming a week after a few other event films that got more marketing attention. Star Wars will be fine, lol.
  17. I think if you are one of those people who didn’t like TLJ (or TFA) and RO was your favorite of the new ones, then you’ll probably like this movie the best of he Disney films. If you are big on TLJ like me, you’ll probably be in the “decent to meh” camp.
  18. I enjoyed it quite a bit, it was a fun time and I enjoyed some of the universe expansion that was done with the Crimson Dawn, droid revolutionaries, and such. Darth Maul was a neat hook, but it didn’t really elevate the movie any at the end. The entire thing was pretty much a traditional blockbuster. It was fun escapism, I don’t think it did for Han what RO did for a New Hope though (in that it ended up being a good companion piece that made the original a better movie) in that I’m not going to watch Han Solo and get any new insight in the character. That being said it’s entertaining, and I may end up figuring out a spot to squeeze it in whenever I do my Star Wars marathons. I don’t really have major complaints about it other than it’s not too exciteable because the nature of a prequel is creating stakes is much harder when you know Qi’ra is not a keeper, that he gets the Falcon, and that Han and Chewie are going to pull the whole thing off. Anyways, it’s a fun movie, it’s not the phenomenal films that TLJ or TFA were but few movies are. I’d say it’s much better than all of the bad Star Wars films (TPM and AOTC), not quite as good as the two really good ones (ROTS and RO), and definitely not on the top-tier Star Wars level (the rest of them). B/B+
  19. I enjoyed it quite a bit, it was a fun time and I enjoyed some of the universe expansion that was done with the Crimson Dawn, droid revolutionaries, and such. Darth Maul was a neat hook, but it didn’t really elevate the movie any at the end. The entire thing was pretty much a traditional blockbuster. It was fun escapism, I don’t think it did for Han what RO did for a New Hope though (in that it ended up being a good companion piece that made the original a better movie) in that I’m not going to watch Han Solo and get any new insight in the character. That being said it’s entertaining, and I may end up figuring out a spot to squeeze it in whenever I do my Star Wars marathons. I don’t really have major complaints about it other than it’s not too exciteable because the nature of a prequel is creating stakes is much harder when you know Qi’ra is not a keeper, that he gets the Falcon, and that Han and Chewie are going to pull the whole thing off. Anyways, it’s a fun movie, it’s not the phenomenal films that TLJ or TFA were but few movies are. I’d say it’s much better than all of the bad Star Wars films (TPM and AOTC), not quite as good as the two really good ones (ROTS and RO), and definitely not on the top-tier Star Wars level (the rest of them). B/B+
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