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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. The action overall was fairly disappointing for a Spider-Man film. I don't think it took advantage of showing off Spider-Man, with exception to the Monument scene. It also wasted the potential of an aerial battle between him and the Vulture.
  2. I really enjoyed the movie for what it was. It doesn't do anything to try and disprove what I've said about modern Marvelized tentpoles before, that they're empty spectacle that's enjoyed in the moment and forgotten afterwards, but it's a really entertaining film. It's a little long, and also really cluttered, trying to be a quirky high school drama, a superhero film, and tie-in to the MCU that it never fully gets to thrive at any of those three, but it's not a huge deal because you enjoy it all. I will say, it does play off like an episode in a TV show (which is annoying), but we should expect that from Marvel at this point. I thought Holland was great as Spider-Man, he gets the character more right than the last two. The supporting cast is fun and lively, you just don't really get much time with them, they feel inconsequential to the movie as a whole. Zendaya was a fun MJ, I would have liked to see more of her character. Keaton was the best part of the movie, he hammed it up and reminded me of the early Raimi villains. Definitely one of the better MCU villains. The movie feels bogged down though, it kind of jumps from plot point to plot point to quickly. It felt like it was trying to be a TV show style plotline, but cramming it into a 2 hour movie. I also thought the Liz plot line could have been killed, however it did get some of the best scenes of the movie with Holland and Keaton. It's a solid and fun effort. Much better than TASM movies, although not up to par with the first two Raimi ones. But still, it's a great time and entertains you. B+
  3. I'm in theaters to see Spidey, and there was a pre-trailer for Ojka. However it starts out looking like a hot dog commercial, I lost my shit for about 20 seconds because I thought it was an actual Mirando cooperation that sold hot dogs (and then Tilda Swinston popped on screen and I started breathing).
  4. Maybe, but the hype isn't really there. It has great reviews going for it, but I'm personally seeing it decline from Dawn for sure and possibly go under Rise.
  5. Even if you hate SM3, it's more memorable and packed with more hilarity than 90% of the other comic book movies out there (certainly better than TASM movies).
  6. Theyre insecure because they know deep down all popular things cycle, since Marvel's on the top the only place it'll have to go in a few years is down.
  7. I think like 6 months ago I mentioned superhero fatigue could eventually be a thing (I don't think I was even implying 2017), and that seemed to be the sentiment most had (I also stand by it. Eventually, maybe post-Infinity War you'll see some effects). Still, the people shouting that "Ha superhero is not a thing!" seem to be bragging to the wind.
  8. Depending on how Spidey opens, it could be a tight spot for 1st next weekend. Apes could open as low as 50m.
  9. Yeah and it kind irks me the wrong way for people to already be making fun of the outlets numbers when for all we know they're right. If anything, they at least have data and a better idea on how it's playing in theaters currently than anyone on here. Saying they're way off is making a silly assumption.
  10. 112m would make sense, I'm just mentioning why an IM under Civil War isn't unreasonable if it happens. Its also right in the middle of the range y'all kept shitting on me about.
  11. Civil War came out in May, and SM:H is coming out in the middle of the summer where previews are much larger percentages of the OW.
  12. Spider-Man is an MCU movie first, it's accessible to families but it's not a family film by nature.
  13. That sounds about right, people are really overlooking that this is a Spider-Man movie. It's bound to have a more frontloaded IM, especially when it has a large preview number. If it can hit near 50m then I think that puts 120m+ on the table.
  14. It's not a confidence issue. For my degree I'm trained to deliver relative accuracy, a range is much more accurate (and speaks more of the scenario) than a precise number. Think of polling, they give a precise number, but then they also all have margins of error (which when all is said and done is just a fancier term for a likely range). I'll give a precise number when I make a prediction, but when it comes to seeing a the preview number and trying to determine where the OW might fall, it's more realistic to give a range. I prefer accuracy to having bragging rights.
  15. It's reasonable low end outcome when we don't have any OD numbers. Projecting a weekend off previews is talking out of your butt so you better give a large range if you want to be accurate.
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