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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. Wow. This was a great movie, and although I can understand a lot of the criticisms I've heard (especially since, I went into the movie already understanding much of what it was going to tell me, so it was easy to grasp all of the business jargon because I'm used to it) I respectfully disagree in my case. I loved Adam McKay's style, it was tight, claustrophobic, and the editing was very tight. My favorite film, from an editing stand point, of the year. The ensemble is fantastic, and it's material that any other director (who didn't know what they were doing) could have easily made it all become disjointed and confusing (even to those who understand the jargon). He always kept the film moving, which for some might be a problem with how much information is packed into it, however that worked great for me. There were hilarious moments, there were insightful moments, and there were moments where your stomach shrunk in horror of the fact that this actually happened (like the film continually reminds you). I really liked the breaking the fourth wall, there were a few moments where it didn't work as well as it should have, but I thought it was very needed, and it made the film feel very fresh and different. The style felt innovative, and I thought the close-up, documentary-cinematic hybrid worked brilliantly. More specifically on the ensemble, I loved Carell and Bale, both of them are standouts and some of the best performances of the year. Both deserve nominations, and I honestly think Bale deserves to win the thing. The performances feel like real people (aside from Gosling, which is on purpose), it feels as if Ryan Gosling is actually giving you the inside scoop on everything that happened. It doesn't feel like you're watching a piece of cinema that McKay has put together, it feels like your watching real events. It's done so well that it makes the impact of the end hit even harder. I went in this film with high expectations, it looked right up my ally, and in many ways this film exceeded all of them. Really, really loved this movie. A+
  2. Itll play well over the rest of the holidays. It'll drop off hard post-New Years weekend though.
  3. Ummm a 47m second weekend off a 247.9m OW WOULD be really killer. Luckily it made 49.3m today so we don't have to worry about that.
  4. 150m looks to be the floor for the weekend which is still a sub-40% drop with previews and a 22% drop without previews. That's a great a hold from a massive weekend, especially with 70m+ this weekend in new competition. We just built our expectations up too much. And still puts 100m for its third weekend in play Personally, I see Fri: 49.3m Sat: 59.7m (+21%) Sun: 50.7m (-15%) Weekend: 159.7m (-35.6% with previews) (-16.9% without previews)
  5. I wonder how Saturday will go, and just below 50m is really killer. Just like just below 250m
  6. To bad nothing seems realistic with this movies run in any way.
  7. Yeah, Big Short looks about where I expected it, but everything else is doing better than I thought
  8. I wonder if Daddy's home is hurting Star Wars some? A few million? Due to lost screens?
  9. Nice! Hopefully we see it rise a bit more tomorrow morning.
  10. Seeing this tomorrow, I'm working on my economics degree and the find the subject in general (especially the causes for the crashes) extremely interesting, so it could be a straight up doc and Id likely find it entertaining. Excited, it looks like a fun movie. Plus, I always appreciate movies trying to educate the public on important subjects (and actually trying to make it appealing to the GA)
  11. I trust your eggnog judgement, any updates, oh great one?
  12. Yeah, I'd like to, but 15 a month is a bit out of my price range of what I should be spending right now. Depending on how these next few months go I'll be able to determine if I have more spending money available or not.
  13. Gosh dang it, I'm out of likes. 100 goes by too fast.
  14. Not exactly. A 12m range is ridiculous and shows you have no clue. Plus THR has proven to be unreliable in the past. If RTH said 35-40m, we'd cry and believe him. If RTH said 35-47m (something I doubt he'd do) we'd be like, "Lol, you're drunk but it's somewhere in there we guess." Plus, their reasoning just seemed questionable. Waiting to see any afternoon surge? So they're basing their numbers off of morning showings, when everyone's waking up and opening presents? Fairly unreasonable. Not saying they're absolutely wrong, but their article does seem screwy on those numbers. Especially since it's still early. Ill wait for RTH to give us late night numbers before I truly meltdown.
  15. Even with a 47m Christmas Day, that'd put it on track for a 145-160m weekend. Which would be solid. Im hoping for more though.
  16. I'm crossing my fingers that estimates will go up from here later tonight. Plus, rth didnt say "looking like 45-50" he said, "Maybe they meant 45-50?" His thoughts on where it might be landing might not be that range exactly
  17. Slightly better, I still want 50m+ Im a sad panda right now
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