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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. Just imagine... Star Wars 7 2nd weekend over AoU opening weekend
  2. The Star Wars 7 score is really growing on me, I only really liked it at first. I've listened to the final track a few times now, it's pretty great.
  3. Eh, if one of the others in the trilogy has a chance at getting close to matching SW7, it'll be SW9 Return of the Jedi style. Even if Episode 8 is great, it's going to have the Empire Strikes Back kind of dip.
  4. This could be great for ratings. It would be the most populist Oscars in years if that happened. Especially if Big Short and Revenant get over 100m, and/or if The Hateful Eight pulls a surprise unlikely nom.
  5. So... Is my SW7 over SW original run adjusted club absolute insanity anymore?
  6. And if you think about it, it'd be above SW first run gross. GWTW also just never left theaters and was a completely different era. #3 in that case would in all practicality be #1.
  7. I'm proud to say, the movie documenting my life will be the first to take the #1 spot from Star Wars.
  8. Excel was disappointing as well, I peaked over at world of KJ, and he just over dramatically ate crow with a thread he made and then didn't post again.
  9. If it was you know who still running it we'd be looking at a TFA vs Clone Wars showdown.
  10. Imagine some of those Guardians 2 + Star Wars 8 double features. Sci-Fantasy overload.
  11. So, if it gets above 31.13m tomorrow and New Years Eve, every day it spent in December was above the record... That might be too much of a stretch though
  12. Sniper was very impressive, but if you think it's more impressive than a movie making 1 billion domestic a possibility than you're crazy. Also, fun fact: The Force Awakens will be the first franchise film to ever be #1 DOM
  13. Remember when this movie was going to be #frontloaded with #weaklegs because it's a "fanboy movie only geeks like" and "just another franchise"?
  14. True... I don't know if we've had a movie have the monthly record from a weekend that wasn't its opening before. Then again, we didn't count Avatar when it technically had the record in January.
  15. So, here's the real question. If The Force Awakens has a 90m+ weekend on Jan 1, does American Sniper keep its record?
  16. I'm hoping it goes over 30m, but there was no condition for me, so why not?
  17. Deadpool and Kung Fu Panda 3 should do fine. Im not positive about anything else pre-March though.
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