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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. I had that thought when watching the movie actually. But then, JJ might also just go with the typical and it be Darth Sidious even more scarred.
  2. I'd kind of like the trilogies to not have to be about the Skywalkers, but it makes sense. I kind of think Rey is Kylo's twin, but then again just because I don't think there should always be a Skywalker doesn't mean Abrams doesnt. Also, I'm pretty certain Finn has the Force. It'd make sense why he's so peculiar and managed the lightsaber decently.
  3. Finally saw the movie... WOW! Im going to need to see it again, but a fantastic movie. Emotional, thrilling, and extremely fun. Easily the most entertaining movie of the year. My full reaction later, still recouping from that epic experience. A+ is my initial grade impression. I can't really rank the Star Wars movies fairly until I see this a few more times, but I'm going to do it (with not permanency) anyways 1.Empire Strikes Back 2.The Force Awakens 3.A New Hope 4.Return of the Jedi 5.Revenge of the Sith 6.Those other two
  4. Abrams should just retire. Star Wars is the ultimate goal, once you've done it there's nothing else left to do. It's why Spielberg said he'd never direct a Star Wars movie despite how much of a fan he is, because he knows that if he did it, his career would be complete and there'd be no reason to keep on directing.
  5. Yeah, I hate giving someone an Oscar because they're "overdue". Even if they are, vote for the best of the year, period. All the Oscar politics is annoying. If you feel Hitchcock did the best job directing a film 2 years in a row, so what? Vote for him both years, if he's good enough for two years in a row in your view, then he deserves the vote. If an unconventional sci-fi film like Ex Machina deserves a nomination in your eyes, vote to give it a nomination. If you think the latest Pixar film was the best of year, say so and vote for it, don't give it a lesser recognition just because it's an animated film. If you think Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is garbage Oscar Bait, don't vote to nominate just because it's an "Oscar genre film" Oscar noms and wins shouldn't be a genre. Neither should tentpoles either, honestly. I shouldn't watch a film and go, "That's an Oscar film," I should watch the film and think, "That was a great movie, it deserves recognition for how good it was." This is coming from a guy who's favorites from the last few years range from Boyhood, to Guardians of the Galaxy, to Inside Out, to Snowpiercer, to The Immigrant, to Life of Pi, to Gravity, to 12 Years a Slave, to Inside Llewyn Davis, to The Social Network, to Her, to the Wolf of Wall Street, to Spotlight, to Ex Machina, to Birdman, to the Avengers, to Before Midnight, etc. Im not saying the Oscars are always guilty of this. They've been getting better at inspired nominations. It's just tiring to see the academy nominate things for reasons other than it actually being nomination worthy.
  6. Yeah, plus it'll have stronger legs as a December release WW compared to JW. Plus nearly beating it without all of its markets, including China, (JW had them all) is impressive.
  7. I really liked Jurassic World, I gave it an A- (and I'm fairly strict on what I give As too), but I still want TFA to crush it.
  8. I was talking about Saturday. I know Disney is being conservative for Sunday, they've been super conservative all weekend. That 60m freak out proved so. I think actuals will be around 245m or so.
  9. I hope Actuals are fudged up, it's just so close to JW's record to not take it. And I'm interested to see if they're being conservative for Sunday or not. I could see actuals going up quite a bit if they are.
  10. With Christmas time coming up, I think it's about time we think positively for a change, especially for a movie that deserves it. Let's discuss this!
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