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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. Because I don't want to deal with a tie right now, I'll just delete my vote. The winners of this round are Ellen Ripley T-800 Tris The Man With No Name
  2. Godzilla is a much better movie than the Expendables and has a much better script. The Expendables is only entertaining because old action stars blow stuff up.
  3. I like both, and they both ring a similar effect and are warnings against the bomb. Goujira is the better movie.
  4. Watching Godzilla, King of Monsters, it's very entertaining.
  5. TFiOS I'm still predicting 74m OW, simply adjust Twilight upDOFP is a tough one, still going 87m / 105mBlended 24m / 31mMillion Days to Die 29mMaleficient 63mEdge of Tomorrow 26mHttyd2 98m 22 Jump Street 52m
  6. I feel so omniscient now, I predicted 93m for Godzilla.
  7. If it's early enough exchanging your ticket for a new one is better than asking for a refund since you payed your entry, but that can easily be abused where you walk out of a movie 75% done and get a ticket for a new one.
  8. I saw this brought up recently and it actually provoked my thoughts a bit, there are a lot of people who talk about walking out of movies in theaters like they are high and mighty individuals who deserve to be praised. It's one thing if a movie is to much for you to handle and you leave the room, I am talking about people who walk out as if it's their moral obligation and ask for refunds for the movie they payed to see. The reason I am wondering if it's really ethical to not only leave like a self-righteous bastard, but then have the audacity to ask for a refund, why? 1.You have all the materials in the world, through online sources, word of mouth, and the little MPAA rating on the movie to know the material that's going to be in the film. If you go into Neighbors and you are shocked that there is profane content then it's partially your fault for not taking a minute to check its rating and why it's rated that. 2.Walking out during a movie and asking for a refund is pretty much saying you think you deserve a free preview of the movie and if you don't like what you see you deserve to rob the theater of their service. Sure you weren't satisfied with the film, but unless something happened in the theater that would have been a distraction from the movie (lights going up randomly, an obnoxious person not being asked to leave or quiet down, etc.) it's not the theaters fault, so they shouldn't have to pay you back. With reviews and all of the parent guides that are out there, there is enough sources to make sure you aren't going into a movie that will repulse you, if choose not to access them and want to leave the movie that's fine I guess, but it isn't ethical to ask for a refund. The entire idea of refunds for the sole reason of a person walking out of a movie because they didn't like the movie is an extremely self-entitled idea. Not only is it annoying to the audience if you make a big bold exit to show off that you didn't like the movie instead of simply leaving the theater quietly and avoiding being an obstruction of view, it's also bad for the theater you went to to have to give up money because you didn't like the quality of something they had no control over. If you don't like it, suck it up and learn from it, but don't cause pain to the audience or the theater managers, it's not their fault.
  9. I went and saw Neighbors, the theater was absolutely packed and I am certain it was mostly for Godzilla. I liked it, it was a good length, just not everything hit exactly right and it could sometimes go for a bit without a laugh but when it was funny it was really funny. Not going to go overly in depth, probably a solid 7.5/10.
  10. I wonder if the Godzilla franchise could become the new Transformers Box office speaking. (Not quality speaking)
  11. 38.53 means 100m OW is a possibility and I'd say it's a near lock to open above TASM2.
  12. Yeah opening weekend for BSG purposes is opening day through Sunday.
  13. I heard they're making an RPG video game spin-off based in the far past. Ten Dollar Arm: Players of the Old League
  14. Oh I remember participating once in a beauty pageant parody, it was quite an interesting experience.
  15. Hmmm, she might be a bit of a fixer upper. (Not intentionally a frozen reference)
  16. I agree wholeheartedly, you need confidence in yourself for what you are.
  17. I agree with this, somewhat stuttery isn't to bad, nervous is good also (it means you care what the answer is), to nervous can hurt in your chances though unless she already liked you to begin with.I'm a typically awkward person, I just learned that the less awkward I was when I asked the girl out the more they said yes.
  18. That's how you know she likes you, or at least finds stutters awkwardness cute (there aren't many girls who do, I learned the hard way)If she was on the fence/indifferent making a fool of yourself to hard would be a death sentence, in most cases.You are really lucky there.
  19. Not as bad as my first date with this one girl I asked to a dance back in 10th grade I believe.We say at a table and didn't dancing once.
  20. Good choice, eating after gives you both something to talk about, and just going to see the movie would leave little interaction time for a first date.For any first date always choose something where you get time to talk to the person, casual dinner should help a lot.
  21. Are you taking her to a movie or dinner or bowling or what? You can't just tease us like this.
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