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The Panda

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Everything posted by The Panda

  1. TDKR was so two years ago and people still talk about it here, your point? Let Godzilla have his time in the sun.
  2. EXACTLY! People are just so used to all of this non-stop action so when it doesn't happen it seem weird, I loved that it built up to the action, it gave the movie an actual climax. I really liked Winter Soldier, but because of how much action was in it, it eventually just got boring and made the climax slightly dull (especially with how over the top it was). I think Edwards may have teased a little bit to much, but it was a breath of fresh air.
  3. As much as I loved the new Godzilla, BKB's attitude about it makes me a bit upset I do, but then I realize I shouldn't change my opinion on a movie because somebody else does/doesn't like it.
  4. Everyone's turning on Godzilla and it makes me sad, it was a fantastic movie.
  5. Yeah, please no 60% drop.I might cry if Godzilla drops that hard. I might even go buy 10000 tickets myself to stop it from doing so.
  6. My local theater is 7 for evening and 5 for matinee, it's good quality and decent seating as well.
  7. Godzilla will be over 40 for three day.
  8. One of the Fort Worth sub urbs, there aren't any AMC's or Cinemarks near me so I go to sub-chains typically.
  9. None of the theaters near me do that, they get 1 preview screening typically. Catching Fire was the only one I saw that did that.
  10. Every theater I checked just had Godzilla at 7 and only 7, it's been like that for every preview movie except catching fire.
  11. There weren't 10 and 7 shows, just 7. X-Men just had 10. Obviously Godzilla had an advantage of being earlier but it didn't have more shows.
  12. Depends, Wolverine had good midnight numbers and people were expecting a big weekend, it was instead very front loaded. X Men has been skewing more and more front loaded
  13. There's no way Joker could actually beat the Doctor. He could possibly drive the Doctor to near insanity, but in the end the Doctor would still win.
  14. I think they will start adding more serious adult flicks to October after the success of Gravity, Captain Phillips, and Argo. Certain months and times I think will stay similar to how they are. The Summer will always be a blockbuster prime spot because so many people are on vacations, kids are out of school, etc. It's the same for Winter holidays, when people are out of school and work they are more likely to go see a movie. That doesn't mean they won't, but not in the rush factor numbers that happen for a lot of summer movies. If you want to release a tentpole in a non-summer/holiday month you need the right movie during the right period of time. October isn't a great time for young adult/kids movies because of school being so fresh off the bat and all of the friday night football games, unless it's a horror movie near Halloween, but it's a prime spot for adult entertainment, you just need a good movie that can garner some legs. (So many examples of adult movies working with leggy runs in September/October. It's a great place to put some Oscar contenders) January is typically a bad month because people are trying to get back into the schedule of work and school post break, but with Oscar nominations it works for that, plus MLK weekend has proven to be a good time to release movies. Early February has also proven to be a good spot because of Valentine's day weekend, movie's are a popular date choice. March and April are good for Spring Break and Easter Holidays, because of the staggered nature of these though it allows for a good number of early tentpoles, but they aren't strong enough to sustain a lot. When it comes down to it though, even if you can get some hits in April or October it doesn't mean those months can sustain lots of tentpoles like June or July. Studios need to be careful when placing movies in these months, they can support a couple big hits, but that doesn't mean they are prime months to release your tentpoles (especially risky ones).
  15. 1.Boyhood 2.The Fault in Our Stars 3.Guardians of the Galaxy 4.Interstellar 5.How to Train Your Dragon 2 6.Gone Girl 7.Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 8.The Avengers: Age of Ultron 9.22 Jump Street 10.Tomorrowland
  16. Ooooh oops! And wow, somebody actually voted for Gru over Kratos...Just how? When I saw the RNG pick that matchup I literally thought about just giving Kratos an autopass to the next round because Gru was never going to stand a chance. I'm worried for the Doctor tbh, The Joker is a much more popular character, but the Doctor would win that match up fairly easily, plus he is a lot more bad ass.
  17. Main character from Despicable Me, just read the fight descriptions if you want to know who the characters are.
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