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Everything posted by antovolk

  1. Whatever you do don't watch this (quite cut down) clip. Simply something else on the big screen
  2. That's some odd news from IMDb as he's not playing Kranz but Bob Gilruth. Don't think Kranz is a character in this, oddly enough, although I believe we get Chuck Yaeger briefly in the opening
  3. This, that's why I'm not sold on Sandberg's denial yet. Warner's already sent a shorter theatrical version of the SDCC trailer for MI: Fallout, they really rarely do another recut for domestic, especially months after the trailer actually dropped. Also, Smallfoot? Nah...I feel people are being a bit weird trying to gauge the more family friendly vibe of this, like with Bumblebee - claiming it'll be PG rated as opposed to PG13 and so on. The existing shortened version should be okay to play with that film too.
  4. tracking is at $20 million https://variety.com/2018/film/news/first-man-box-office-tracking-ryan-gosling-1202950304/ Well, looks like the biopic element and the awards bait feel is gonna trump all the IMAX/experience/action stuff. Could have been this year's Dunkirk. Not even talking about Venom but, Gaga aside, how is ASIB gonna do better than this?
  5. Said Taghmaoui (Sameer in Wonder Woman) will be the villain if the producers and new director go Middle Eastern for the character. Boyle originally cast him: https://www.thenational.ae/arts-culture/film/exclusive-la-haine-and-kite-runner-actor-said-taghmaoui-in-line-to-play-bond-25-s-lead-villain-1.768217
  6. Yes yes, I know petitions do fuck all but just trying to get word out - https://www.change.org/p/universal-pictures-release-first-man-in-70mm-imax-film
  7. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/neil-armstrongs-sons-fire-back-first-man-isnt-anti-american-1139081?utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=referral https://variety.com/2018/film/news/neil-armstrong-sons-defend-first-man-1202923910/
  8. Again, would have taken away from the big emotional beat of that whole scene. Political stuff aside (that I agree with - great move IMO and it does sound like what Armstrong himself would have preferred too) there is a storytelling reason.... Spoilers obviously but for those curious
  9. Yeah, the flag is there they just didn't have a shot of him planting it. Partly because it'd take away from the main emotional arc beat in that sequence. (For the record I didn't notice the flag at all when I saw it). There's already plenty of space race contextualising in other places.
  10. The initial trailer drop used audio from the Challenger space shuttle mission right before the explosion, which the studio was rightly criticised for. Hence the re edit and re release. Ironic that the very clip with the Challenger audio played at the opening ceremony of the fest before the film began.
  11. Chazelle went and bloody did it. Really quite brilliant, manages to nail the balance of focusing on Armstrong the man and Gemini/Apollo. Those space sequences though give Howard, Nolan et al run for their money. This may be the best Gosling performance I've seen, exuding so much in the internalised role that is Armstrong, great fit. Foy, Clarke and Chandler also great to watch. Major props to Damien though - it would have been easy to go more traditional with the directing but this was a lot more down to earth, while not skimping (and I loved this about the space sequences) the majesty of it all. While Nolan/Interstellar influences are visible in the space sequences, Damien and Hurwitz pays even more overt homage to 2001/Kubrick and it's GLORIOUS. Amongst the Chazelle filmography it's overall quite a bit more low key and less showy than even Whiplash and La La Land, sort of back to what he had in Guy and Madeline, but this was really the best way to tackle this story, bravo to all. Now, dear cinema gods, please get me to an IMAX 70mm screening stat 🙏 Additional notes - there are a couple deleted sequences from the trailers that aren't in the film. And the score from Hurwitz. It's a lot more low key but in moments really shines. It's very reminiscent of Gravity in that mix between electronics and orchestra although there are a few fully orchestral cues that are highlights including *that* homage. Also - a bit of theremin - you think it's a solo choir voice but listen closely. What stuck out at me right away was that there is an element of the final score in the marketing - go back and watch the very first part (before the Universal logos) of the first trailer from June.... And lastly, that opening shot is iconic as hell. That is all. All in all, this film lived up to my massive hype and then some.
  12. The fallout (heh) was apparently over the casting of Tomasz Kot as the villain - his agents confirmed earlier this AM he was indeed in talks with Boyle https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/08/22/danny-boyle-quits-bond-dispute-films-russian-villain/
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