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Everything posted by antovolk

  1. Need to process this a bit but safe to say I very much enjoyed it. It definitely isn't the best MCU film, that firmly still remains TWS but this is top tier. Will say this - it seems to be flipflopping quite a bit between Avengers 3 and Cap 3. And if can't seem to quite fully and deeply commit to whichever of the two main thematic through lines it presents, with some aspects moved over far too quickly, but the down to earth relatable human element and the fun of it all (almost too fun, but third act redeems this thankfully) makes these issues slide for better or worse. Once thing's for sure though - best. MCU. third act. That was brilliantly done, even if our investment to the characters over so many films is a big part of what made this work. Performances - holy wow Chadwick and Holland!!!!!!!!!! Everyone else was great but these really stood out to me. Also - in love with Wanda & Bettany is smoooooooooth as hell. More once I sleep on it (including constructive comparisons with BvS because I have quite a bit to say about it) but 8/10 for now.
  2. CITIZENFOUR is so great, yup yup. The guy who runs Cannes said he saw this (they were planning to have it premiere at the festival before pushing it back to Sept for that awards hype) and it works really well as a companion piece.
  3. That....how....Snowden actually sounds? Albeit more lower pitched. Idk, I liked that.
  4. RT @BilgeEbiri: Bucky with the good hair. https://t.co/edoKW8gu4G

  5. An HD Sony Pics sizzle from their Chinese Expo dropped. Sounds like that's indeed a 'leak'. New footage there was this and Inferno.
  6. @NickiDupre 3 hours

  7. RT @thereeljames: PLEASE do not lump all #BatmanvSuperman fans with the (very vocal) sociopaths sending death threats. We’re not all like t…

  8. Not the full one for sure, as that's 3-4 minutes long. This will be at most 2 minutes I think.
  9. Gonna have to fire up FCPX for the first time in years for this one I think…. https://t.co/pluRNi5Vn0

  10. Uni have been taking them all down after IMDb released it early. here's an official upload:
  11. IMDB posted it ahead of official release today but removed it. There may be a red band coming later today too.
  12. There was what seems to be a red band classified on Alberta so I wonder if that's coming later today.
  13. Trailer is here http://imdb.com/title/tt3631112/?ref_=ext_shr_tw_vi#lb-vi1136505881
  14. RT @ZodzSnappedNeck: This just became my most anticipated movie of all-time https://t.co/1wF8JteTJP

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