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Everything posted by Elessar

  1. Have to admit, i don't like that one bit. I mean, he was a good villain but that sounds so gimmicky and unneeded.
  2. Avatar WAS engaging, that's the reason why it grossed almost 3 billion and why Cameron's movies in general are as successful as they are.
  3. It's an audio-visual feast but i wouldn't call it an event movie. Dunno how to put it, it's too small. I don't expect monster legs.
  4. The topic of the movie is the major factor here, not the actors.
  5. Just because they needed another space station thus fast forwarded time for a few years doesn't make it sci-fi.
  6. Guess i missed Clooney's back hairs. Or maybe i'm surpressing the memory.
  7. No i'm saying i thought it would be R-rated because there's one particular nasty scene in the movie.
  8. Realistic space movies (not calling it sci-fi ) are not as popular overseas. It won't touch Life of Pi numbers.
  9. Digged the movie. I liked the sentimental touches. Here they worked, unlike in Elysium. And when the music soars you go "oh, yeah, that's pretty awesome". Unfortunately, i couldn't enjoy the 3D because the 3D sucks in our theaters lately, crosstalk galore. Incompetent fuckers! And they wonder why 3D is losing steam in some corners...
  10. I haven't either. But in my case it's easy, i'm not eager to see the movie. Which is good, hype is a double edged sword.
  11. The thing is, once Ahnuld opens his mouth, hilarity ensues. Dat accent! And his acting hasn't gotten better. I don't want Avatar to be unintentionally funny. I'm saying that as a big Ahnuld fan. Plus we already had Quaritch, i don't need Quaritch 2.
  12. And he was awesome in it. But he played a machine, with barely speaking any words.
  13. Good to hear that there's more to it. Not that i can't appreciate a slow movie if the character work is strong but the 1 minute screaming of Bullock in the trailers have been like "whatever" to me.
  14. It's probably overrated. Will i like it? Sure. Will i come out of the theater screaming THAT WAS BLOODY AMAZING!!! Probably not. I dunno, the trailers are interesting but they didn't make me jump on the hype train.
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