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Everything posted by Elessar

  1. I think everybody understands that. You cannot compete with a family movie in terms of legs. Let us have the little victories at least.
  2. I'm loving it how Frozenites are clinging to that hope...
  3. Child rapists don't have a specific look as far as i know. Btw, if it wasn't obvious, i was joking.
  4. It was more internet hype than hype among the general audience. Average Joe does not follow the director around. Just because PJ came off LOTR doesn't mean people would automatically watch his followup movie. I dunno why some people believe it should have opened big, it's a remake of a movie from the 30s about an ape that is into blondes. Having said that, it did open better than the initial knee-jerk reactions suggested after its $9m debut, kinda like Shrek 2. It just didn't have the fanbase that would rush out to see it as soon as possible.
  5. That's what i was saying. But the question still remains how come DOS fell behind AUJ so much between monday and wednesday (or thursday).
  6. Can somebody explain that to me? It still doesn't make sense.
  7. I'm surprised how much it lost ground in the last 7 days, especially during the midweek (from -$10m i think it was by last sunday to -$40m this sunday). The weekend itself is only $8m behind. I don't get it.
  8. Who wrote that? That's just not true. And a weekend drop? As far as i know, it increased very slightly compared to last weekend.
  9. What the... By thursday it was neck and neck and after sunday it's supposed to be $40m behind? How's that possible? EDIT: I guess AUJ's numbers were as of Wednesday, not Thursday. Well, so long, billion...
  10. Thought those are numbers for DOS, didn't you? I hope they will be in the same ballpark...
  11. Well, what would you call movies that in your opinion have gotten too high a praise? I'm sure you can list me many right now...
  12. You Frozen-ites clinged to the hope of it winning this weekend but it didn't. Deal with it! But in all honesty, i'm happy for Frozen's success. In the last decade it was all Pixar this, Pixar that (overrated studio), i'm glad Disney proper seems to have gotten their shit together again.
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