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Everything posted by ACSlater

  1. Yea it's what I am doing. Really diging the punisher so far.
  2. I don't know if it's normal but I am scared shitless of the mrs. I am skipping all my meeting's and taking on a date before the JL.
  3. @Squadron Leader Tele I think we found a place. I guess we don't be your neighbors at all
  4. I will try it. Always a good time to kill nazis.
  5. Anyone get the new CoD? I need a stress reliever
  6. Tele is starting the race wars I see. I think a tv show where the roles are reversed (whites asking for equality) would be awesome. Amazon wouldn't let me anywhere near their movie department but maybe I can pitch that and be all Hollywood.
  7. All those are good recommendations and we are gonna look around a few places today. Luckily my new job with Amazon allows me to live where I want as long as I show up for executive meetings in Seattle once a month. I will say nothing matches Boston. But she loves this blasted place. Plus I think she wants to be closer to NZ which is a hop from LAX now.
  8. So mrs been waiting to tell me but I guess we are pregnant. Thinking bel air may be nice as corporate shill
  9. And she's pregnant. I am gonna be a dad. I can't do this. I am a baby. I can't do this.
  10. @Squadron Leader Tele My wife said she wants to buy a place in bel air I am fucked
  11. Haha...I told him my story and he was still suspicious but liked that I was a brahmin (the priest class). And he told my wife she's one because she choose's to be. (Ouch) What's that?
  12. I have never seen one so big. My wife dragged me to one in Malibu. Jeez. It was massive. It was hilarious when she said she's mrs. Xyz. I look pretty white and she's blonde and the priest was like WTF is going on.
  13. I decided that all this girly shop time is enough and I really want to go to the hammock district. And was told to shut up and wait.
  14. Gawd this is so boooring waiting for her to finish shopping. At least if there was some celebrity I could go and bug them. RDJ or Leo or Chris Evans if you are reading this, come down to Rodeo and entertain me. Actually not Leo. He likes models way too much and my wife vice versa.
  15. JLaw isnt even that good. Brie Larson >>>>>> JLaw Plus JLaw is fucking that weirdo. Who knows what kind of stuff she is into.
  16. Well technically we are tourists unless my wife has her way.
  17. Well we have been on Rodeo Dr for an hour. And this sucks. No f*cking movie stars. Only my wallet getting lighter with her shopping.
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