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Everything posted by ACSlater

  1. Man all the amazon stickers at the whole foods. Jeff Bezos will rule the world. Part of me want's to be like yo, let me be your CFO.
  2. I think that's a double entendre in my case.
  3. I am hoping for same. Walking in whole Foods now with the Mrs now. I think I will miss ramen the most.
  4. My doctor went to Harvard and Mayo Clinic for residency. No one better. And as you know me, I am very egotistical about schools.
  5. Sorry partial info. They want me to be on a vegan plus low carb diet to kick things off. I can incorporate some carbs in a few months if things go well. Looks like I am going tele diet for a while.
  6. I am supposed to go low carb. I don't even get it. I am thin, extremly handsome, etc. How the f*ck am I even diabetic?
  7. @Squadron Leader Tele Man I think I am finally a LA guy. Just met my new nutritionist and she basically said to turn vegan to the delight of my wife. I didnt even know you can make pasta out of Cauliflower.
  8. Yea went to the doc and the way I described it they had me at Mass General for most of yesterday. It's nothing too horrible but seems like I will need a personal nutritionist going forward to monitor my diet and what not. I guess having good insurance does pay.
  9. @Squadron Leader Tele sorry for the loss. I missed the entire thing. My flu or God knows what it is at this point has returned with a vengenance. Even the Mrs is kinda worried. Either way you always have next year.
  10. Watching the new Legends of Tomorrow episode. It's a fun little episode for Halloween.
  11. We live downtown so our building is doing a lobby party and everyone is giving kids candy, etc from there. We are doing Toblerone's. The funniest one is the neurosurgeon from upstairs who is giving out kind bars. It hilarious seeing the kids face.
  12. Good luck. Everything we go I swear the bill is $100+ easily. And only thing I want to get is a snickers bar and a bottle of coke.
  13. Haha I always love running into fellow Andover folks. I was telling my wife how any of our future kids have to go here and she gave me the crazy look like screw this prep school crap.
  14. Yep. The best prep school there is in my opnion.
  15. Playing hooky from work due the "flu" and I am going full Bollywood on my wife. Taking her to Andover to show her where I went to high school. And got bullied for most of it for being poor.
  16. @aabattery The misses booked the tickets for a return to the mystical land. I miss the roads and countryside so much. The rental car has locked me on a Camry I think so I can't crash an Aston this time around.
  17. Oh f*ck yea. I would love it more than pho on a cold day. I miss the classic QB vs QB match ups. Hell I think that's the main reason NFL ratings are down. I mean Brady vs. Manning used to be a ratings bonanza. There is no one of that caliber in recent era.
  18. Dont you dare. Mrs. Bundchen is carrying our team on his back this season.
  19. That's only cause your pretty boy went down like a bitch in the real game I will say I am pulling for you all in the series.
  20. Meh it's baseball. Football is where it's at. Each play about to bust your balls.
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