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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. If I've seen it, I don't remember it. No, besides Unforgiven, I've seen A Perfect World and Space Cowboys.
  2. I've been busy with family and friend stuff all day, but I saw a bit of conversation about Eastwood earlier. I checked and realized I've only seen three films he's directed. Anyone care to guess which ones?
  3. The Transformers series will probably always gross a billion. Tran5formers: 200m DOM, 400m China, 400m Elsewhere Tr6nsformers: 150m DOM, 500m China, 350m Elsewhere 7ransformers: 100m DOM, 700m China, 200m Elsewhere Transform8rs: 50m DOM, 850m China, 150m Elsewhere Tra9sformers: 25m DOM, 900m China, 75m Elsewhere Trans10rmers: 0 DOM, 1b China, 0 Elsewhere
  4. I like the designs. They all have good silhouette difference. Even the two girls, which is a common problem for WDAS. I will say I have no knowledge of the original comic or characters, other than the fact they exist.
  5. Number of releases matters, too. WB has a ton of films out. And while Lego and Godzilla are pretty stellar, they've also got Blended, Transcendence, and Winter's Tale.
  6. The perception that Fox does things poorly is almost entirely because they don't have any huge films. But like Universal, they tend to be really solid all around. HTTYD2 is a disappointment, but it's going to be at least okay in the end.You want a studio with a disappointing year, look at WB. Very feast (Lego and Godzilla) or famine over there.
  7. Depends on when you define this generation, but for years I've thought that the PotC trilogy was the new Star Wars.
  8. I'm kinda surprised it isn't common practice, now that I think about it. So... pretty much on par with TF2, then? I remember reading a rumor a while back that while Disney has done really well in their acquisitions of late, they aren't done yet, and may have a mind to try and buy Hasbro. I cannot imagine what the discussion at Paramount would be like if that happened. He's defining the new avant garde, one explosion at a time.
  9. And that in turn makes Tuesday look good, so then they can indicate it's got positive WOM! So more people will go see it. Win-win!
  10. Whoa. I think I'll have to see it because it sounds like it's gone off the rails even for a Transformers film.
  11. Dunno about you, but I read a ton. The library is my friend. It's neat because Lee is such a technically proficient filmmaker, even when he's not really hitting it on all cylinders, there's some really interesting things to see. I'm glad I watched it, but I don't think I could say I particularly enjoyed it. Lessee... ranking the Lee films I have seen: 1. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2. Brokeback Mountain 3. Life of Pi 4. Lust, Caution 5. Hulk (Although I might see a reason to switch the last two.)
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