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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. Honestly, I won't be super surprised if even Moana misses a nomination. We could get a situation like last year where there's one blockbuster and four smaller films. Zootopia and Kubo are shoe-ins. The other three slots have Moana, Dory, Turtle, Zucchini, and Your Name to fight it out. In any other year I'd say that April and Little Prince would also have a shot, but they probably lost their push a while ago.
  2. They have to travel back in time to 2015 in order to O'Connor to join them for one last one last ride. Eh. I can believe 215 for OW, but it's Easter. OD is definitely higher. What do you think DOM is going to end up at?
  3. You might be asking a lot of Funimation, there. I'm going to maintain that the biggest hurdle for YN getting a nomination besides the already packed year is that it's not being distributed by GKIDS.
  4. On the thought of good, recent sitcoms, Brooklyn 99 is pretty fantastic, at least as far as I got into last season.
  5. MASH is one of the all-timers, yeah. This is one of the greatest scenes in TV history:
  6. Yeah, probably. I feel kinda bad for Pratt. He's probably going to go through his entire career and never get a role that's as good a character or as well written as Andy Dwyer in Parks & Rec. All his starring roles in movies so far? They pale in comparison.
  7. Parks and Rec is definitely one of the greatest of all time. We'll have to wait and see if it's one of the ones that really holds up, though.
  8. I don't think sitcoms suck, but very, very few of them stand the test of time. And even when they do, it's usually a few scattered episodes or scenes, and not the show as a whole.
  9. Sing may have a Lego-esque performance. Great DOM and pretty terrible OS except for a few markets.
  10. It's already screening. It probably won't have a wide release, but it should go on the indie circuit through most major cities.
  11. There would need to be some hardcore championing from prominent people in the industry in order for an effort from a smaller studio to win, I think. But it seems like the animation branch has collectively taken the view that so long as they're nominating these smaller films, that's good enough. And, really, it might just be. We may want to adjust our view that the more important thing for a film is getting a nomination, not the win, just because the apparent criteria for each are so different. Nomination: needs extremely high technical achievement and (probably) critical praise. Win: needs to be something the voter has heard of.
  12. Here's something kinda neat, box office-wise. The Boy and Dirty Grampa opened on the same day and had opening weekends within $400k of each other. Their final totals were also within $400k of each other. If you add in The 5th Wave, you have three films that opened on the same date with less than a million separating their opening weekends and final totals. It's likely that's never happened before in box office history.
  13. MI might be Docter's weakest film, but it's still upper tier Pixar.
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