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POTUS 2020

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POTUS 2020 last won the day on May 9 2018

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  2. it aint over til..... If you follow the vote tally like you follow BO you would see the anomalies many anomalies We will win in court
  3. Trump wins with 320 electoral votes Broward county FL will fore tell the win If Biden gets less than 65% of the Dem vote- Trump wins Florida and the rest falls into place Broward live count https://www.local10.com/vote-2020/2020/10/25/broward-county-election-results-2020/
  4. It looks like China will win. An asterisk year.
  5. Those numbers are way low. Italy will show the true numbers and the severity. And then the second wave hits. Dont mean to be a bummer but, There's always a second wave And usually bigger because the first seamed like a false alarm and a less or longer delayed precautipn occurs. History just cant help repeating itself. Sheeple baa baa
  6. I stopped after missing a few. Not to critcise andy, im sure he is busy, but with being published late in the last few months, it has dropped the players incuding myself. We were at 30-40 for a long time Maybe ill start up again
  7. Derby page: Weekly Scores: Current week: click xcel logo:. Open. copy first 3 columns of picks. Not inc title 1. Click on a prior link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ab3hsLbx8w6977GEJw7Z_RaiJuNCk50Weirj-gao-Yc/edit?usp=drivesdk 2. Menu: Share-copy: Make a copy: Retitle for current date. Paste in the first cell under title of the first column Delete old picks at the bottom if there were more players in the prior week. The prediction % column auto populates. The other 4 columns. DHD Prob Studio and actual are manual. Delete data. Add daily by copying name and prediction%. Pasting data only and sorting Or copying the auto sort columns on on the second page. Tab at bottom. "Ordered automatically". Then pasting under the DHD
  8. Just saw this https://www.thestar.com.my/news/world/2020/02/23/south-korea-to-raise-disease-alert-level-to-highest-as-coronavirus-cases-climb Highest alert implemented. I assume they close theaters with that statement South Korea's Yonhap News Agency said the alert level also enables the government to forcibly prevent public activities and order the temporary closure of schools. I bought 1 month's supply of food. Going to the store to buy another month. I suggest you do the same I heard about shelf clearing in Taiwan, Hong Kong and now SK. In the 10 towns in Italy they closed all shops including supermarkets and they aren't allowed to drive out of the towns. Not sure what people that keep little food in the house are supposed to do. Stock up now
  9. 602 now 20% of infected end up in ICU struggling to breathe as if they are drowning. no such thing as an overreaction to that. this thing is for real and may be mutating to be deadly like sars with reports out of iran. At this rate SK theaters will closed within a week. Italy locking down 10 town with 50k people total. All businesses including theaters shut down there. Cases in Milan and Turan as well. Hard to contain. I think spring BO in SK, Japan, Europe and elsewhere is likely to be gone
  10. Like BO, you are low end and I am high end. I say $300m, you say $200m on some movies. I said 3 months and you now say 2 for theaters to open. 😃 Just announced, Hubei factory restart delayed until March 10th. They say its subsiding but extended shut down by 17 days. SARS came in 3 waves. 2nd and 3rd wave came after loosening restrictions and and didnt die off until the summer heat. I dont think theaters open until after factories open and a second wave is not seen coming for a couple of months. We may have to wait for summer heat for all things clear. South Korea is rapidly increasing. They are asking people to stay home in some cities. Japan is right behind SK. BO may be gone for several months in both countries as well. We'll know within 10 days.
  11. HLWD gets just 25% of CBO rev. FF9 will take the biggest (delayed) hit, $100m. Other big films will miss out or get later just $25-50m. True. Its a BO forum. People keep saying its about the tragedy. Mods keep saying stay on topic.
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