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Posts posted by Yandereprime101189

  1. 7 minutes ago, Nova said:

    Just because we had outrageous predictions for a movie, doesn’t mean said movie that’s opening to $190M+ isn’t an event film. Like what kind of logic is that :winomg: 


    I think all this over predicting and getting obsessed with numbers are rotting some people's brains here.

    • Like 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, Thrylos 7 said:

    People have been going crazy for this lion king thing for years in this forum writing essay after essay about why it would break every record imaginable. So yeah it is not going to “flop” but everything is compared to expectations esp. expectations from 2018. Bragging about how it will do “over a billion” is silly.


    Could be worse though, this could have been Detective Pikachu all over again.


    Or you know Godzilla: King of the Monsters

  3. 5 minutes ago, That One Guy said:

    Yeah this isn't a bad number sadly.  I was definitely hoping for it to come in a lot lower before the weekend.  Oh well, at least it had a pretty weak Thursday to Friday increase.


    It's going to make so much money, just like Aladdin.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Nova said:

    Some of the hot takes in this thread…..yikes. 


    I'll be honest I haven't been following box office lately because of my busy schedule but also because Ive found it absolutely boring. Every big movie this year has been a Disney one and there haven't really been any surprises (except for Aladdin…which is a Disney movie so yea again with Disney owning the box office this year). So I just haven't found the box office all that interesting. But the reality is that Disney has found a way to make a boat load of money by just releasing live action remakes of their Disney classics. Nothing disappointing about The Lion King's numbers. Our expectations on this forum lead people (myself included in this) to call an opening weekend of $190M as "disappointing." I'm sorry but I have to laugh. 


    I believe this forum has no idea what they're talking about half the time these days. Some need meds for all the doom and gloom they spew.


    Like in what goddamn universe is 180-190 million bad. That's huge money. But but, tracking suggested. . .just stop.


    The Lion King is not going to flop, it's going to do well over a billion worldwide, and be one of the biggest films of the year. And, as nature always intended, Disney will be top dog of the year.

    • Like 2
  5. 2 minutes ago, Porthos said:

    So much over-reacting in this thread.


    IT MIGHT NOT HIT 200m OW!!!!!




    As someone who pegged this hitting in the low to mid 500s DOM all along, I certainly don't see this as a bad opening.  


    I mean, really folks.  I know some of you were really looking forward to a mega huge opener. And so I get felling a little disappointed in that. But this is still plenty big and a sign of a very successful movie.


    Hell, 186-195 million is still mega big. 

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Apollo2xx said:

    I really hope the movie is good, because that Hakuna matata clip got me worried about its quality and box office.


    The reaction of the Hakuna Matata clip is shockingly similar to the reactions people had at the Prince Ali clip for Aladdin that was released.

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