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Posts posted by Yandereprime101189

  1. I ended up being underwhelmed. There was so much buzz and hype towards this movie that I felt I was in for something special. And those first twenty-five minutes worked well. There's a sequence very early on between Cooper and Gaga that is electrifying. But after that scene, I just felt that the movie didn't live up to the hype.


    Vastly, vastly underwhelmed, and it's weird because the reviews are so damn good. Personally, I blame, without going into spoilers, Rafi Gavron's character.


  2. 27 minutes ago, dudalb said:

    I don't get people who are fans of the Disney Studio. It likes being a fan of Standard Oil, or Citibank,or any other gigantic corporation.


    Every studio is a giant Corporation. Universal/Illumination, Disney/Fox/Marvel/Pixar/Lucasfilm, Warner, Sony, Paramount all of them. They're just different shades. But the fact is, not everyone cares about this fact.

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  3. 4 hours ago, dudalb said:

    I could give you long list of remakes of very successful films that flopped at the box office. Anything can flop if not made right. A name is not a magic seal guaranteeing success. We just had a sure fire, can't miss film called "Solo" bomb badly.


    Yeah, but Disney's also done well with Beauty and the Beast, The Jungle Book, and Cinderella. It's quite possible Aladdin will perform similarly to one of those three. Plus, I remember seeing on here and over the net that Beauty and the Beast was a bad remake, but that still made 500 million domestic and over a billion worldwide. You're right in that it may fail, but it has a higher chance of being a success.


    Not to mention Lion King.

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